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Key To Problem Set 3R

3R-1.     A-1. The transmembrane sequence that anchors AP in the lysosomal membrane is probably (a separate stop transfer sequence), AND 
A-2. The enzyme that releases AP from the lysosomal membrane is probably found (on the lumen side of the lysosomal membrane) AND
                A-3. The enzyme probably cuts (on the amino side of a stop transfer sequence) .
Explanation: The protein enters the ER using its SP on the amino end. If the SP were the only transmembrane segment, the entire protein would be inside the lumen (except for the SP) and the protein would not be a transmembrane protein with a cytoplasmic domain. So the protein must end up anchored in the membrane by a separate stop transfer sequence that is followed by a cytoplasmic section. Then the SP can be removed, as usual, leaving the protein with its amino terminal end inside the lumen, its transmembrane segment in the middle anchoring it in the membrane, and its carboxyl end in the cytoplasm. When the protein reaches the lysosome, an enzyme inside the lumen cuts next to the lumen side (which must be the amino side) of the transmembrane segment, releasing the AP into the lumen of the organelle. If enzyme cut on the cytoplasmic side of the transmembrane segment, the AP left would still be anchored in the membrane, not loose in the lumen.
                If SP were left on in ER, and protein had a separate transmembrane segment too, one cut wouldn't release the AP lumen of the lysosome. The protein would be anchored at two spots. The enzyme in the lysosome would have to recognize and cut twice, once next to the stop transfer sequence and once next to the SP. (And signal peptidase would have to NOT recognize either sequence.) This is possible, but seems less likely.    

B-1. The sequence that targets AP to the lysosome should be (in cytoplasmic domain of AP), AND
                B-2. It should be (some other sequence), AND
                B-3. If the transmembrane segment of AP were deleted, then AP should end up in (extracellular space outside the plasma membrane). Explanation: The targeting sequence must be in the cytoplasmic domain, because a mutation there causes AP to end up in the wrong place. The cytoplasmic protein tail must bind to some protein in the cytoplasm or on the cytoplasmic side of the Golgi membrane that "collects" and targets membrane proteins to the lysosomes.
                The targeting sequence can't be the usual one for adding M6P because in I cell disease (when M6P is not added) the protein still ends up in the proper place. The SP targets the protein to the ER, not the lysosome. The term "transit peptide" is usually reserved for sequences that target proteins to mitochondria and chloroplasts and the term "NLS" refers to sequences that target proteins to the nucleus.
If the transmembrane sequence is missing, the AP will enter the lumen of the ER, and there will be nothing sticking into the cytoplasm. The targeting sequence will be present, but it will be inside the ER instead of in the cytoplasm. So the sequence will not be able to bind to the cytoplasmic protein(s) that are its normal target, and the protein will follow the default pathway to the outside of the cell. (Since the SP is removed, the protein will end up outside the cell, not in the plasma membrane. If the SP is not normally removed, until the protein reaches the lysosome, then the protein would end up in the plasma membrane, anchored by the SP.)

C-1 & C-2. Probably in the Golgi (but see below); endosomes. M6P receptors in the Golgi normally bind to M6P that is attached to acid hydrolases destined for lysosomes. In the endosomes or sorting vesicles, the receptors and hydrolases separate (because of the acid pH of the endosomes) and the receptors are recycled back to the Golgi while the hydrolases are delivered to lysosomes. (Only a small fraction of the hydrolases and/or receptors are accidentally delivered to the cell surface.) If drug C interferes with the separation of hydrolases and receptors, it probably interferes with the acidification of the endosomes. (Lysosomes are acid too, but separation occurs before the hydrolases reach lysosomes.) If the hydrolases remain stuck to their receptors, the hydrolases  will probably be dragged back to the Golgi with their receptors. So the hydrolases will never reach their intended target organelle, the lysosomes -- they will be carried back to the Golgi. If all the existing receptors become stuck to hydrolases, any new hydrolases will enter default vesicles and the new hydrolases will be secreted outside the cell. However receptor-hydrolase complexes already formed should not be diverted to the default pathway.
                The pathway being followed here is not RME. It is synthesis of lysosomal enzymes. (Two different kinds of materials end up in endosomes. Some extracellular materials taken in by RME, end up in endosomes, and some materials made inside the cell and released from the Golgi also end up in endosomes. Both types of materials are normally separated from their receptors inside the endosomes.)  In a normal cell, a few hydrolase receptors may reach the cell surface by the salvage pathway, but most of the hydrolase receptors are cycling between the Golgi and the endosomes; they are not cycling between the plasma membrane and the endosomes by endo/exo-cytosis.  (Answer cont. on next p.)
Answer to 3R-1, cont.
Why should you expect the receptors to drag the hydrolases back to the Golgi? Why don't you expect the hydrolases to drag their receptors to the lysosomes? The receptors are transmembrane proteins and so are at least partially on the outside of the vesicles.  The hydrolases are inside the vesicles. It is the receptors that normally target the vesicles carrying them to the Golgi. This makes sense, since the receptors, being transmembrane proteins, should have cytoplasmic tails that stick out of the vesicles. The cytoplasmic tails could stick to a protein on the surface of the Golgi and that could determine the final destination of the vesicles and receptors. Since the hydrolases destined for the lysosome should be completely inside the vesicles, they should not affect where the vesicle goes or what it sticks to. It is possible that the tails of "full" receptors bound to hydrolases are folded slightly differently (have a different conformation) than the tails of  "empty" receptors that have released their hydrolases. In that case, you can argue that the conformation of the tail determines where the receptor will go. Empty receptors may normally go back to the Golgi, but full receptors may be targeted to the lysosomes.

C-3. No.  Acid phosphatase reaches lysosomes by a different mechanism than most hydrolases -- it does not use M6P receptors. You know this, as explained above, because people with I disease have AP in the right place.

3R-2.      A. Both batches should have receptors; only batch B, made from plasma membrane ( should bind fluorescent protein X.
Explanation: Vesicles made from plasma membrane (batch B)  = fragments of plasma membrane resealed into spheres. These vesicles should have receptors on their outside surface, just like the plasma membrane, and bind fluorescent protein X. If you took this question to mean plasma membrane vesicles were the ones naturally formed from the plasma membrane during RME, then those vesicles should not bind tagged protein X, because the receptors would be on the inside, not the outside, of the vesicles. Patial credit was given for this answer & explanation.
                Vesicles made from ER (batch A) should have newly made receptors (not yet shipped to the plasma membrane) but these receptors should be on the inside of the vesicle, so they should not bind protein X. Proteins do not pass membranes unless there is RME or some other special process involved, so fluorescent protein X could not get inside the sealed vesicles and bind to receptors on the inside.    B. You supply some cells with radioactive amino acids, etc.
                B-1. You are likely to find radioactivity first in  (exocytotic vesicles -- vesicles going to the plasma membrane on their way out) AND you are likely to find fluorescence first in coated endocytic vesicles.
                B-2. You can conclude that in the case of protein X, (receptor) is recycled to the cell surface.
Explanation: Radioactive amino acids are used to make new proteins. The newest protein X receptors will be in exocytotic vesicles carrying the new receptors to the plasma membrane. Protein X receptors on the cell surface can bind fluorescent protein X and enter the cell by RME --> coated endocytic vesicles --> endosomes --> lysosomes (for degredation) or exocytotic vesicles (for recycling to cell surface). So the first fluorescence to enter the cell will be in coated vesicles. The labeling results indicate protein X (fluorescent) goes to lysosomes and the receptors (radioactive) go to exoctyotic vesicles.

3R-3.      A-1. Extracellular domains will be B, & D; cytoplasmic domains will be A, C & E. Extracellular domains in the plasma membrane correspond to intra-lumenal domains in the vesicle.
                A-2. No carbohydrates should be on A or 1. Domains A and 1 are cytoplasmic and transmembrane respectively; glycosylation enzymes are all in the lumen of the ER &/or Golgi and act only on domains in the lumen.
                A-3. In the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic domains remain in the cytoplasm no matter what organelle membrane the protein is in. Every time a vesicle buds off one organelle and fuses with another, the topology remains the same. Cytoplasmic domains remain outside the organelle and intra-lumenal domains remain inside.
                B. The SRP should bind to domain 1. The SRP = the signal recognition particle. The SRP binds to the signal peptide, which is the first hydrophobic stretch in the peptide chain and the one that is inserted into the membrane channel to start passage of the growing chain into the lumen of the ER. Since the amino end of the peptide is in the cytoplasm, the SP cannot be on the amino end. The SP must correspond to the first transmembrane domain.
C. The bumps correspond to domain B, which is the extracellular domain. See answer to 1-14 part C for more details on connexin; answer to 1-18 for more on freeze fracture.

3R-4. A. SRP receptor is best answer ; M6P or SRP receptor is second best  (part credit). The LDL receptor is a transmembrane protein of the plasma membrane with an extracellular domain, so it is ruled out.  SRP receptor is located permanently in the ER membrane, so it is always entirely within the cell.  M6P receptors are located primarily in the Golgi, where the receptors traps hydrolases (with M6P) destined for the lysosome.  Some  M6P receptors would be found in endosomes and in vesicles recycling back to the Golgi as well. All of these M6P receptors would be entirely intracellular. However some of the M6P receptors are found on the plasma membrane, where they participate in the salvage pathway -- their extracellular receptor domains can bind escaped hydrolases and return them to the lysosomes by RME.
                B. For SRP: (i) found in some part of the ER (inserted in plasma membrane of rough ER); (ii) receptor domain in the cytoplasm.
For M6P: (i) found in some part of Golg (inserted in membrane of trans Golgi sac); (ii) receptor domain inside the Golgi lumen.
For LDL: (i) found inserted in the plasma membrane; (ii) receptor domain protruding out of cell.
Picture should show presidin A as a transmembrane protein in the chosen organelle with its domain B on the right side of the membrane .

3R-5.A & B. Presidin with ubiquitin attached will end up being degraded in a proteasome.

3R-6.      A. (i) Newly made molecules containing the complete amino acid sequence will first be detected inserted in the membrane of the ER; (ii) The protein will go in vesicles from the ER to the cis Golgi and from the trans Golgi to the membrane. Therefore the last vesicles to get newly made molecules will be vesicles that bud from the trans Golgi; (iii) Domain X will be inside the lumen of the vesicle.  For full credit you needed a picture, properly labeled , and some indication of how domain X gets from the inside of the vesicle to the outside of the plasma membrane.
                B.(i) Neither; (ii) SP included in the 425 AA & nowhere; SP'ase doesn't cut presiding B. (iii) Entirely in the cytoplasm.  Explanation should show how protein enters the ER membrane using an internal SP that is also a stop transfer sequence  --  this leaves the part of the peptide before the SP (on the amino side of the SP) in the cytoplasm. The resulting protein should be anchored in the ER membrane by amino acids 201-226 = internal SP that is not removed.  Recombinant protein is missing the SP, so it can't bind to SRP and ribosome making it can't attach to the ER. Ribosome will remain free in the cytoplasm, and release completed protein in the cytoplasm.

                A-1. Ribosomes making enzyme X should be attached to the ER.
                A-2. Newest enzyme X should be in membrane of cis Golgi.
                A-3. The tail (on the amino end) should always be in the cytoplasm.

    The enzyme is still called "enzyme X" whether it is completely modified or in its final position or not. Therefore the 'newest' enzyme molecules should be the ones whose amino acid chains were made the most recently -- these are in the cis Golgi, on their way to the trans side. This is the way the term 'newest enzyme X' is usually used. (If you take 'newest' molecules of enzyme X to mean the newest completely modified ones that have already reached their final destination, then the newest enzyme molecules are in the trans Golgi.)

Answer to 3R-7, cont.
                B-1. Best answer is stationary cisternal model; vesicle is moving toward the trans side, and enzyme will never enter a vesicle again. In the stationary model, new protein is transported from sac to sac in a cis to trans direction using the vesicles. You are looking at a vesicle carrying new enzyme X from a medial sac to a trans sac, and the enzyme X is on the way to its final destination. This answer assumes "newly made enzyme" means enzyme en route to its final destination, as explained above.

    Many students took "newly made enzyme" to mean completely modified, finished enzyme X that is working in the trans Golgi to modify other proteins. The answers that fit this scenario are: cisternal progression model; the vesicle is moving towards the cis side, and enzyme is in a retrograde vesicle. In this scenario, the "new" enzyme X must have previously reached its final destination (and be indistinguishable from "old" enzyme X); the vesicle you are looking at is moving back (retrograde) toward the cis side, carrying the "old" enzyme X. According to this model, each maturing trans Golgi sac is moving up, cis to trans, carrying newly made protein, while the "old" enzyme X (and other "old" modifying enzymes) are being recovered from an "old" sac and are being moved back to join a "new" sac as it moves up from medial to trans. (The vesicles do not carry enzyme X all the way back to the cis side -- they move the enzyme back from one sac to the next sac in line.)
                C-1. Mis-localized protein should be degraded in proteasomes.
                C-2. Protein you inhibited is probably part of the SRP.  SRP is required to bind to SP and ferry ribosome making new protein to the ER. If ribosome reaches the ER, the new protein chain can pass through the translocon into the ER lumen. (Enzyme X will remain lodged in the ER membrane; proteins without an internal hydrophobic region will pass all the way into the lumen.) If the SRP is not binding as effectively as usual, it will bind to and carry some ribosomes to the ER, but the remaining ribosomes will remain unattached to the ER, and release their proteins into the cytoplasm.
    Inhibiting the signal peptidase should not affect transport through the translocon -- the peptidase acts on the inside of the lumen. However note that the signal peptidase has no role in location of this particular protein anyway -- enzyme X has an internal signal peptide that is not split by the peptidase, so inhibiting the peptidase would have no effect on localization of enzyme X. Inhibiting the coat protein would inhibit transport from one part of the endomembrane system to another, but would not affect distribution between endomembrane system and cytoplasm. Inhibiting the IF would reduce the amount of enzyme X, and problem states that you have the normal amount of enzyme X.
                D. Location of acid hydrolase (but not catalase) should be affected. Acid hydrolase is found in lysosomes; catalase is found in peroxisomes.   Proteins need to use the SRP (to enter the endomembrane system) to reach the lysosomes, but the SRP is not needed to reach peroxisomes.
    Details: When inhibitor is added, and the SRP is not working properly, some of the ribosomes making acid hydrolase molecules will become attached to the ER, but some will remain unattached in the cytoplasm. The acid hydrolase molecules made by the attached ribosomes will enter the ER and reach the lysosomes, but the acid hydrolase molecules made on unattached ribosomes will remain in the cytoplasm. Therefore only some of the acid hydrolase molecules will reach their proper destination. However all the catalase molecules will end up in peroxisomes as usual. Proteins destined for peroxisomes are made on free ribosomes -- the proteins do not interact with the SRP and do not enter the endomembrane system. Therefore inhibition of the SRP will have no effect on location of catalase.

                 A-1. M-N-Q-serine.
                 A-2. Only one sugar. Explanation:
    Normal situation: the proteins to be modified pass through the Golgi regions in order, cis to trans. In the cis Golgi, enzyme Z adds sugar Q to the side chain of serine. In the medial Golgi, enzyme Y adds sugar N to the sugar Q.  In the trans Golgi, enzyme X adds sugar M to the sugar N. The normal chain grows as shown on next page:

Answer to 3R-8, cont.

enzyme Z

enzyme Y

enzyme X

cis Golgi

medial Golgi

trans Golgi

Q added

N added

M added

The serine is part of a protein chain, and the sugars are added to the OH of the side chain of serine.
    Hybrid situation: In the hybrid, no sugars will be added in the cis or medial Golgi. When the protein gets to the trans Golgi, sugar Q will be added. Why is this? In the cis Golgi, there is no enzyme to add sugar Q to serine. When the protein gets to the medial Golgi, enzyme Y is present, but it can't add sugar N directly to serine. (It will only add to the Q of Q-serine.) Therefore no sugars are added in the medial Golgi. When the protein gets to the trans Golgi, the hybrid enzyme Z (with the luminal/catalytic domain of enzyme Z) will add sugar Q to the side chains of serine. (Enzyme X won't do anything as there is no N-Q-serine for it to add sugar M to.) The chain in the hybrid grows as follows:

no enzyme Z

enzyme Y

hybrid enzyme & enzyme X

cis Golgi

medial Golgi

trans Golgi

nothing added

nothing added

Q added

   There are two things to realize here.
    (1) The protein to be modified moves through the Golgi in steps, and modifications occur in order -- if a reaction is skipped in an early step, the protein and modifying enzymes can't go back and make it up.
    (2) The  enzymes are specific, so each enzyme will only catalyze a particular reaction, using the proper substrates. Each enzyme will only add a particular sugar to a particular substance -- it can't catalyze addition of a different sugar, or catalyze addition of the normal sugar to a different substance. For example, enzyme Z can only add sugar Q to serine; it can not catalyze addition of other sugars (M or N) to serine or addition of sugar Q to a different amino acid or to a sugar.

                B. The hybrid protein will end up in the medial Golgi. From the data given in the chart, it is clear that the transmembrane domain of the protein determines the final localization of the protein.  (The luminal domain determines its catalytic activity, but not where it will be localized.) 
                C. The hybrid protein will end up outside the cell. The newly made hybrid protein will have the signal sequence of glycophorin. This will cause the ribosomes making the protein to attach to the ER, and start the newly made protein going through the translocon from the amino end. The signal sequence of glycophorin must be removed to produce a single pass protein with an extracellular amino end. So the signal sequence on the amino end of the hybrid protein will be removed. The hybrid protein will have no transmembrane section in the middle to anchor it in the membrane, so the entire protein will end up in the lumen of the ER. Proteins in the lumen with no additional localization signals go to the constitutive (default) pathway. The proteins are passed to vesicles that bud off the ER, and the vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane, releasing their contents to the outside of the cell.
Some students did not realize that the newly made hybrid protein would contain the signal sequence of glycophorin. Part credit was given for explaining that the protein will end up in the cytoplasm if it has no signal sequence.
Note: You can't assume that the protein will end up where glycophorin normally does because it has the localization signal of glycophorin. You have to consider all the parts of the protein that determine final location. (If the protein had a transmembrane section it would NOT end up outside the cell.) To figure this out correctly, and to get full credit, you had to consider the mechanism by which proteins reach their target -- which piece of the protein does (or does not) cause the ribosome to attach to the ER, which section causes the growing protein to enter the ER, which part causes the protein to lodge in the membrane or stay in the Golgi, etc.

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