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Adipose Tissue Distribution

Even the most casual observer will note that everyone does not carry their adipose tissue in the same anatomical locations.  Adipose tissue that is located predominantly on the upper body has been termed android, male, central, upper-body segment, or "apple" distribution. 

This distribution pattern is found more frequently in men; consequently the terms android and male.  When adipose tissue accumulates predominantly in the lower body, the terms gynoid, female, lower-body segment , or "pear" distribution are used .  As the terms gynoid and female imply, this fat pattern is found more frequently in women than in men.
What factors determine fat distribution?  A primary factor is genetic background, which can often be seen by looking at the similarity in fat distribution within same-sex family members.  As mentioned earlier, gender is also known to affect body fat location.  Women usually show greater lower body fat distribution and men show more upper body fat distribution.  As an individual ages body fat distribution may change.  For example, after the menopause a change towards upper body fat distribution is observed.  This change may be due to a relative decrease in LPL activity in the lower body region.  Finally, extreme weight gain and weight cycling ("yo-yo dieting") may increase upper body fat. 
Upper body fat distribution is correlated with the development of various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and non-insulin dependent diabetes.  Excess visceral fat rather than excess upper body subcutaneous fat is associated with increased risk.  A quick test to see if you are at risk for complications associated with upper body fat distribution is to calculate your waist-to-hip-ratio by measuring the circumference of your waist and dividing it by the circumference of your hips.  Women are at risk if the ratio exceeds 0.85; for men the ratio is 0.95.

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