General Intracellular Immunofluorescence Staining Protocol
1. Test principle
This is used for the simultaneous analysis of surface molecules and
intracellular antigens at the single-cell level. In this protocol, cells are
stained for surface antigens as in the surface antigen protocol, then fixed
with paraformaldehyde to stabilize the cell membrane and permeabilized with the
detergent saponin to allow antibodies to stain intracellularly.
2. Specimen
Cells in suspension,
from whole blood, bone marrow or cell culture
3. Materials and reagents
5ml Polypropylene
test tubes (12x75 mm, round bottom)
cooling centrifuge
1 X PBS (without sodium azide and serum)
sterile -Stain
buffer (PBS, 2% Fetal Calf Serum, 0.1 % azide) : The
sodium azide assists in preventing capping and shedding or internalization of
the antibody-antigen complex after the antibodies bind to the receptors.
1 - 2 %
parafomaldehyde in PBS (or fixation buffer made by company)
Perm Buffer (Staining buffer + 0.5 % saponin) (or permeabilization buffer made by company)
monoclonal antibody (intracellular antibody)
antibody conjugated with fluorochrome I
antibody conjugated with fluorochrome II
Fc Blocker (serum or isotype)
flow cytometer
4. Controls
color stained controls
5. Procedure
1. Prepare single cell
suspension and wash in Stain buffer (PBS, 2% FCS, 0.1% azide).
2. Centrifuge (300 x g, 5
min, 4°C),
discard supernatant and resuspend to 1 x 107
cells/ml with Stain buffer.
3. Aliquot 100 μl of cells (1 x 106
cells) into a 12 x 75 mm polypropylene 5ml tube.
4. Blocking: Add 5ul / tube of blocking antibody or serum
(e.g. Fc Block).
5. Vortex and incubate for 2 min at room temp.
6. Extracellular staining: Add the optimally titrated
amount of fluorochrome–conjugated extracellular antibody, vortex gently and
incubate for 30min at 4°C
(on ice) in the dark.
7. Washing: Add 2 ml of stain buffer, vortex gently and
centrifuge (300 x g, 5 min, 4°C).
8. Discard supernatant, and repeat 2 times for a total of 3 washes.
9. Fixing: Fix cells in 200 μl 1% PFA by vortexing at
room temperature and incubate for 30 mins in the dark. It is important to
vortex well when adding this fixative so that cells do not clump.
10. Washing: Resuspend cells in 500 μl Perm
buffer and centrifuge (300 xg, 5 min, 4°C).
11. Discard supernatant.
12. Intracellular
1° staining: Resuspend cells in 100 μl Perm buffer and add the optimally titrated amount
of primary antibody and 5 μl serum
( blocking - optional).
13. Incubate for 30 min on ice in the dark. If your
antibody is already conjugated with fluorochrome, you can go to step 17.
14. Washing: Resuspend in 500 μl Perm
buffer, centrifuge and discard supernatant.
15. Intracellular
2° staining: Resuspend cells in 100 μl Perm
buffer and add fluorochrome-conjugated secondary antibody.
16. Incubate for 30 min. on ice in the dark.
17. Washing
2x : Resuspend in 500 μl Stain buffer, centrifuge and discard supernatant. Repeat.
18. Resuspend cells in 500 μl Stain buffer or 1X PBS and analyze by flow
I and II should have different emission wavelength.
You might need to adjust cell numbers, amount of
antibody for your experiment.
Use buffers without Phenol Red
The blocking antibody step is optional but should be
included if cells express high levels of Fc receptors which will contribute to
non-specific binding and background fluorescence.
If you purchased Fix and Perm buffer from company, you can follow the
procedure (amount of buffer and incubation time) provided by the company.
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