Why do idiot-savants belong disproportionately to the male sex ?
We saw in chapter 3 that
there are more male geniuses than female geniuses. Is it a coincidence that we see this
phenomenon in isolated form more frequently among males, and even disproportionately so, in pervasive developmental disorders such as
autism and psychosis (particularly manic-depressive psychosis) ? First of all, what does the term "idiot-savant"
mean ? It is a generic term
referring to isolated extreme cognitive talent or ability in people otherwise
extremely intellectually handicapped.
The most typical forms of its expression are calendar counting, drawing of photographic quality, musical ability, extraordinary addition or subtraction
ability, hyperlexia. One example of the idiot savant phenomenon was portrayed in the film Rain Man in which Dustin Hoffman played the role of an
autist who was an extraordinary gambler.
Now, one study, carried out by one of the great early
specialists of autism, Rimland, investigated the incredibly large number of
5,400 autistic children. Among these
children, the ratio of boys to girls was
3.16:1. However, the ratio of boys to girls in the
idiot-savant sample (531 cases altogether)
was 3.54:1. The statistics
are similar in reports of manic-depressive children. Unlike the situation in the conduct disorder,
hyperactivity, and unipolar depression disorders, outstanding special ability is quite common in
juvenile manic depressives (as high as 40% according to one study) and in
pervasive developmental disorders like autism (as high as 35% according to one
study). The proportion of boys among idiot-savant children is always very high.
I am tempted to advance a speculative interpretation
of the male-prevalence of special abilities in the "pervasive"
developmental disorders (autism, psychosis,
mental retardation). Solitary
play of a visuospatial nature may be a more tempting activity for boys, normal or deficient. Isn't it true that normal boys will more
often take apart toys, get heavily into
drawing, like to play with puzzles such as
Rubic's cube ? It seems to me that most
special abilities noted in the pervasive disorders involve some sort of visuospatial
processing. Calendar games involve
spatial mnemonics (memory aides). Does
not musical genius involve a special ability to "see" melodies in
one's mind's eye ? Idiot-savant drawing is a
sort of exercise in photocopying. In
short, the point I want to make is that
the male prevalence of special talent may be the result of preferred activities
which become over-practiced, and there
may not truly exist a localized and distinct brain superiority underlying
them, but rather a general sex difference
which gets blown out of proportion in socially isolated children.
A vignette on a case of prodigeal musical ability in a pervasively
impaired child
In a book entitled The
exceptional brain Lola Bogyo and
Ronald Ellis describe the case of musical prodigy JL. This “mono-savant” case was born
prematurely with brain damage rendering him blind, mentally deficient and
epileptic, and requiring
institutionalization. He was paralyzed
on the right side of his body. His
speech was severely impaired. Even in
adulthood, he still had no concept of time, of size, form, and could not wash, feed or relieve himself
autonomously. He had the overall
developmental level of a two year old,
and was intellectually untestable (profoundly deficient). He started playing the piano at home around
3 years of age. Several family members
were musically active. He spontaneously
spent whole days and nights on the piano,
and this pursuit was not discouraged by the family. He then mastered the organ, melodica, harmonica and guitar. He also sings quite well. He
has absolute pitch, and can
replicate just about any melody. He has
a repertoire of hundreds of musical pieces including jazz, opera and classical
music. He can join into a group
improvising jazz. He plays with his
left (unparalyzed body side) and invents effective solutions to compensate the
unavailability of his right body side.
Bogyo and Ellis propose that this case simply manifested an area of
mental preservation, a normal learning
rate within that particular domain, and
exceptional motivation bolstered by a supportive family environment.
Why are male and female alcoholism so different ? A few researchers specialized in alcoholism have
been so impressed by gender differences in the alcoholic career that some have
gone out on a limb and actually argued that the heredity of the two forms is
not the same. Women alcoholics typically drink at home and are depressed and
have tendencies toward somatization.
Onset is typically in adulthood. Alcoholic men typically drink anywhere
but home and have a conduct disorder.
Onset is often pubertal or adolescent.
I propose that alcohol researchers who have argued for hereditary sex
segregation of alcoholism have simply gotten mixed up in a chicken and egg
problem. My explanation of the
phenomenon is simply this: Alcoholism in
women is going to be more likely to occur when the woman is in the grips of a
female-typical mental disturbance. This
disturbance is likely to be depression.
Likewise, alcoholism is more
likely to develop in a man with a male-typical mental disturbance, like character disorder. The depression and character disorder are
primary and the alcoholism is secondary in a sufficient proportion of men and
women for the alcoholic trajectory to simply piggyback the primary
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