A deterministic oscillatory model of microtubule growth and shrinkage for differential actions of short chain fatty acids
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common
cancer and second leading cause of cancer-related death in the UK.1 Short
chain fatty acids (SCFA) are closely associated with colon epithelia as
by-products of anabolic fermentation by gut bacteria.2 The
principle SCFAs in the human gut are acetate, propionate, butyrate and
valerate. These differ in carbon chain lengths (2, 3, 4 & 5 carbons,
respectively). Butyrate is the most researched to date for colon health. It is
the preferred energy source for the colonocyte, a potent regulator of cell
particularly apoptosis,4,5 and is thought to
be chemopreventive. SCFAs have been shown to induce acetylation of target
proteins, either via histone deacetylation6,7 or by shifting the
balance of acetyl-CoA reactions towards acetylation;6,7 however, the
mechanistic details of their functions in colonocytes are unclear. Our previous
empirical work and others6,8 suggested
that carbon chain length may impact on their actions, with odd and even
carbon-length SCFAs possessing distinct functions by virtue of different pathways in â-oxidation and entry into the TCA cycle.
Microtubules (MT) are cytoskeletal proteins that
perform many critical cellular functions. In addition to maintaining cell
structure, motility, intra- and intercellular transport, they are central to
accurate formation and control of the mitotic spindle during cell division. MT fibres are composed of typically 13 protofilaments arranged
longitudinally, each of which is constructed from αβ-tubulin heterodimers
arranged in a head-to-tail manner. This confers the MT fibre with polarity so
that polymerisation primarily occurs at the plus end. During assembly, the
α-tubulin subunits are bound within the fibre and inaccessible to external
proteins; conversely, the β-tubulin subunits are exposed on the surface
enabling them to undergo post-translational modifications (PTM) and interact
with microtubule associated proteins (MAP), including dynein and kinesin motor
proteins. The arrangement of β-tubulin isotypes along the fibre combined with
their PTMs has been hypothesised to generate a tubulin code that may direct MT
functions and regulate MT behaviour.9,10 In order
to perform their molecular functions MTs require the ability to rapidly grow,
shrink and change direction in response to cellular cues. These transitions are
an essential characteristic of MTs and are termed dynamic instability. The accepted view of MT dynamic instability is the MT capping model.13 Briefly, phosphorylated αβ-tubulin dimers bind to the
plus end of the MT fibre to form a protective tubulin-GTP cap. Immediately
following polymerisation, the β-tubulin-GTP subunits undergo irreversible
hydrolysis to their GDP form. Although this
provides the necessary energy to drive MT growth,14 β-tubulin-GDP is unstable and the fibre will rapidly dissociate if the
protective GTP cap is not sustained. This is termed catastrophe and occurs when
the pool of αβ-tubulin-GTP subunits in the vicinity of the fibre tip falls
below a critical concentration.15 Once released into the cytosol, β-tubulin-GDP subunits are free to
rephosphorylate, restoring the critical concentration and enabling MT growth to
resume, termed rescue. These actions are illustrated
in Figure 1A. Experimental evidence on MT
dynamics has primarily been derived from fluorescent tracking microscopy of
growing and shrinking MTs in vitro.12,16-19 The
life history of an MT within a cell can range from several minutes to hours and
involves extended periods of slow growth, short periods of rapid shrinkage and
time spent pausing. Each period of elongation and shortening can consist of
multiple catastrophes and rescues (Fig. 1B).12,19
Despite appearing random, MT dynamic instability is a tightly regulated and
orchestrated process.
Polymerisation of a β-tubulin GTP subunit
to an MT fibre and its subsequent hydrolysis is a cooperative procedure.
Suggested mechanisms include chemical and protein-protein interactions between
β-tubulin GTP and GDP subunits;20 conformational changes arising from GTP hydrolysis;21 and facilitated diffusion. The latter mechanism
postulated that αβ-tubulin dimers are transported towards the plus end of an MT
fibre by virtue of fibre’s polarity; as such, the probability that a dimer
encounters an MT will increase as the MT lengthens.22
The β-tubulin
superfamily comprises of six principle classes thought to have functional
Most β-tubulin isotypes are species, tissue or cell type specific. Their
relative proportions within an MT fibre can be regulated by upstream signalling
events, suggesting they may influence MT functional activity.11 Consequently, disrupting the fine balance of
β-tubulin isotypes can lead to aberrant tubulin behaviour and may have
implications in the progression of colonic diseases, including CRC.11,12
Our proteomic analyses investigated proteins
differentially regulated in colon cancer cells by treatment with butyrate,
propionate and valerate. The results identified
several cytoskeletal proteins that were significantly dysregulated:25 all three SCFAs targeted keratin 19; butyrate and
propionate targeted actin; and propionate primarily targeted keratins 8 and 18;
however, only propionate and valerate significantly targeted β-tubulin isotypes
β2c-, β3- and β1-tubulin. These findings were consistent with our high content
analyses (HCA) that had revealed valerate and propionate were the most
effective in inducing MT breakdown and G2/M cell cycle arrest, despite being
weaker effectors in apoptotic functions.5,26 Whereas butyrate induces cytoskeletal breakdown via apoptosis,4,5 these
observations suggested that propionate and valerate may act through different
mechanisms. Based on this evidence, it was hypothesised that odd- and
even-chain SCFAs possessed distinct and unique metabolic functions.
SCFAs act by promoting post-translational acetylation
of target proteins. Bioinformatic searches of Reactome and SABiosciences11,27,28 indicated that the activities of several transcriptional regulators
(TR) associated with β2c-, β3- and β1-tubulin genes (RFX, PPAR, NSFR and
NF-κB) could be altered by acetylation. Histone acetylation also induces
chromatin remodelling to promote transcription of target genes and can itself
be influenced by upstream acetylation events.29,30 These
results suggested that treatment of colonocytes with SCFAs altered the
regulation of specific genes, including overexpression of β2c- and β3-tubulin
and suppression of β1-tubulin transcription via acetylation of NF-κB.31,32 Both β2c- and β3-tubulin have been implicated in MT
although less is known about the role of β1-tubulin in MT
Computational modelling has contributed to a better understanding of MT
functions21,33-36 and the biophysical details of MT dynamic instability.
Various approaches have been adopted, including Monte Carlo simulations;21,33 simplified coarse-grained stochastic models;35 one- and three-dimensional modeling;37 and models focusing on different
types of lattices and MT fibre-fibre interactions.33,36 The term “structural plasticity” invokes mechanisms more dependent on the structural
conformations of bound subunits than their chemical states.20 Simulated systems of dynamic MTs have also advanced understanding of
their associations with MAPs, the collective behaviour of MTs and motors, and have been used to replicate mitotic events.38,39 The model of Bayley et al. (1990) was pivotal
in demonstrating the validity of the lateral-cap model, in which â-tubulin-GTP
assembly is a cooperative stochastic event that is fully coupled with â-tubulin
hydrolysis.40 Their hypothesis was supported by Pedigo and Williams (2002) who showed
that conformational changes arising from â-tubulin-GTP hydrolysis directly
after association was best described using kinetic principles of lattice
interactions.21 Computational models have been proposed as a basis for predicting the actions of
antimicrotubule drugs (AMDs).40,41 This had particular relevance for our investigation which aimed to
explore the links between SCFAs, transcriptional regulation of â-tubulin
isotypes, MT integrity and performance, and the potential use of SCFAs in
adjuvant therapies in CRC.
A common approach to modelling systems of this
nature is to use ordinary differential equations (ODEs). These present
biological systems as continuous and deterministic and assume that randomness
is not an important factor in the system of interest. An alternative approach
is to use stochastic models if there is deemed to be inherent variability
within the biological system; a stochastic approach will be used in scenarios
whereby a small number of molecules are suggested to be involved in discrete
random collisions, such as during the expression of a single gene. The main
limitation of stochastic models is that they have a tendency to be computationally
intensive, as reviewed in McAuley et al.
(2013).42-44 In
this study, we sought to develop a minimal deterministic model based on experimental evidence that might explain or validate our hypothesis:25 that different SCFAs imposed differential
effects on the balance of β-tubulin isotypes and their impact on MT integrity.
A comparison between the stochastic behaviour of MTs in vivo and in
vitro and a deterministic representation in silico is presented in
Figure 1B and C.
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