Cancer is a major public health problem in the United States and other
developed countries. Approximately 23% of deaths in the United States were from cancer
in 2004, which ranks cancer as second only to heart disease as the most common cause
of death 1. Based on an annual report
from the American Cancer Society (ACS), 1.44 million new cancer cases and 560,000
deaths from cancer are expected to occur in the United States in
2007 1. While the absolute number of
cancer deaths decreased for the second consecutive year in the United States
and much progress has been made in reducing mortality rates and improving
survival, cancer has still surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of
death in the United States in people under the age of 85 since 1999 2.
Cancer is considered a collection of complex genetic and
epigenetic diseases characterized by deregulations in molecular signaling that
regulate cell growth, survival, proliferation and differentiation. In the past
half century, the analysis of human tumor specimens has allowed the
identification of many molecules and pathways important for the malignant
phenotype. However, we still lack a complete understanding of the events that
contribute to the formation of any specific type of cancer. Experimental models
of human cancer have shed light on the pathways involved in cell
transformation. The in vivo and in vitro studies suggest that
combinations of many signaling pathways confer tumorigenicity on human cells
and that both tumor-immune systems and tumor-stromal interactions play critical
roles in tumor formation and progression.
The adult human body is composed of approximately 1014
cells, many of which divide and differentiate in order to repopulate organs and
tissues. Through a network of molecular signaling mechanisms, the human body
maintains the balance between cell proliferation and cell death, thus keeping a
constant weight over many decades. Any organ or tissue, so that a detectable
neoplasia arises after many cell generations 3. Factor that disrupts this
balance potentially alters the total number of cells in particular mutations in
the genes which control proliferation, differentiation or apoptosis are
responsible for cancer. The majorities of mutations that give rise to cancer
are not inherited, but arise spontaneously as a consequence of damages to DNA
resulting in altered function of crucial genes.
During the course of tumor progression, cancer cells acquire a
number of phenotypic alterations. These include the capacities to proliferate
independently of exogenous growth-promoting or growth-inhibitory signals, to
invade surrounding tissues and metastasize to distant sites, to elicit an
angiogenic response, and to evade mechanisms that limit cell proliferation,
such as apoptosis and replicative senescence 4. These properties reflect
alterations in the cellular signaling pathways that in normal cells control
cell proliferation, survival and motility. Many components of these pathways
are possible targets for cancer therapy. Pathological analyses of a number of
organ sites reveal lesions that appear to represent the intermediate steps in a
process through which cells evolve progressively from normalcy via a series of
premalignant states into invasive cancers 4. Morphological characteristics
of premalignant states reflect the genetic changes which occur gradually during
the tumorigenesis process.
One of the distinguishing features of cancer is that it grows
independently from the restrictions present in normal tissues 5. Benign tumors also expand
and compress, but do not attack or invade adjacent tissues. Cancer cells ignore
the anatomic barriers of adjacent basement membranes and invade through the vascular
wall. Upon reaching a circulatory conduit, cancer cells often travel with
lymphatic or venous circulation to remote sites where they leave the
circulation and colonize in the distant organs, establishing metastases. In the
absence of an intervening event, and given enough time, with few exceptions,
the cancer process eventually disrupts normal anatomy or function of organs,
leading to death.
Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are the three major
treatment options for most cancer patients. Surgery operates by zero-order
kinetics, in which 100% of excised cells are killed and the tumor burden is
reduced. In contrast, chemotherapy and radiation therapy operate by first-order
kinetics, and only a fraction of tumor cells are killed by each treatment; the
successfulness is largely dependent on the sensitivity of the residual disease.
As the oldest modality of cancer therapy, surgery still is the mainstay of
treatment in solid tumors. Surgery is most effective in the treatment of a localized
primary tumor and associated regional lymphatics. Prolonged survival is
possible when surgical resection is applied to some metastases in the lung,
liver, or brain. For example, a 5-year survival rate between 40% and 70% can be
anticipated after surgical resection of solitary colorectal metastasis in the lung
and liver 6,7. With the advent of radiation
therapy in the 1910s 8 and chemotherapy after the
1940s 9, cancer treatment has become
more effective with the use of combined modality therapy. With further
improvements in operative technique, combined modality therapy has significantly
reduced the morbidity and mortality associated with the surgical treatment of
solid neoplasm.
Chemotherapy alone or in combination with radiation therapy
improves disease-free survival and prolongs quality of life for most cancer patients
who have microscopic residual metastases after surgery. Randomized clinical
trials have demonstrated the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy in a variety of
tumors, including breast cancer, colon cancer, osteogenic sarcoma, testicular
cancer, ovarian cancer, and certain lung cancers. For a few disease entities,
such as some germ cell tumors and leukemia, chemotherapy for obvious metastatic
disease is curative. Adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery has been demonstrated
to be curative in several diseases, including Wilms tumors and osteosarcoma,
for which surgery alone or chemotherapy alone has low cure rates. In many other
neoplastic diseases, there is evidence of prolonged disease-free survival and
of longer survival, such as stage II and III breast cancer, stage III ovarian
cancer, and stage III colon cancer 10-12. Chemotherapy before surgery
or induction chemotherapy is beneficial under certain conditions and allows for
a reduction in amputations or enhances the effectiveness of radiotherapy. Tumor cells are heterogeneous and a fraction
of them are in G1 or G0, presumably because of tumor
hypoxia and a low growth fraction, providing a basis for combination
chemotherapy 13,14. Cell cycle-specific agents are
employed to kill mitotically active cells, and non-cell cycle-specific agents are
added to damage the noncycling tumor cells.
Radiation therapy was developed soon after the discovery of X-rays
in 1895. Radiation randomly interacts
with molecules within the cell. Although the critical target for cell killing
is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 15, damage to the cellular and
nuclear membranes and other organelles may also be important. Radiation
deposition results in DNA damage manifested by single- and double-strand breaks
(DSBs) in the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA molecule. Cross-links between
DNA strands and chromosomal proteins also occur. The mechanism of DNA damage
differs among the various radiation types. Radiation damage is primarily manifested by
the loss of cellular reproductive capacity, thus most cell types do not show
morphologic evidence of radiation damage until they attempt to divide.
Alternatively, some cell types are killed via the induction of apoptosis 16. Radiation also interacts
directly with lipid and protein signaling pathways and modulates gene
expression through a variety of mechanisms. Interaction with these signaling
pathways can affect critical processes such as cell cycle regulation, DNA
repair, apoptosis and tissue repopulation.
Other therapeutic approaches such as endocrine therapy and
biological therapy are also important for specific tumor types. With the recent
advancement in cancer genetics, agents have been developed in the last decade to
specifically target one or a few key molecules. These agents are the basis of
so-called targeted therapies 17. Small molecules inhibiting
the proliferative signaling of the cancer cells and monoclonal antibodies
against growth factor or vascular endothelial growth factor have been claimed
as the latest promise in cancer therapy. For example, Imatinib, the first
approved tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is effective to keep chronic myeloid
leukemia (CML) from progression in 90% patients 18. Imatinib functions by
blocking the ATP binding pocket on the BCR-ABL kinase, which is the major
oncogenic molecule in CML 18. Another example of targeted
therapy is herceptin. Herceptin is the FDA-approved therapeutic monoclonal
antibody against HER2 and has been used to treat over 150,000 women with breast
cancer 19. HER2 is amplified in roughly
18% to 20% of breast cancer patients and plays a key role in the pathogenesis
of breast cancer, thus it represents an attractive therapeutic target. Other targeted
therapeutics against HER receptors, such as Iressa and Tarceva that are small
molecules, have also been tested in breast cancer 19. Although targeted cancer
therapy has gained initial success against several malignant diseases, drug
resistance is not an unusual event and may be intrinsic or developed during the
treatment because of redundant signaling input from connected pathways. On the
other hand, tumors harbor multiple genetic alterations, which require targeting
several pathways to attack to achieve clinical effectiveness. Therefore,
multi-targeting and combination therapy is conceivably a more effective
strategy to suppress cancer.
Development of chemoresistance is a persistent problem during the
treatment of local and disseminated malignant disease 20. Cytotoxic drugs target
actively proliferating cells. Inherent and acquired resistance pathways account
for the high rate of failure in cancer chemotherapy 21. Principal mechanisms for
chemoresistance may include altered membrane transport involving the
P-glycoprotein product of the multidrug resistance (MDR) gene as well as other
associated proteins, altered target enzyme, decreased drug activation,
increased drug degradation due to altered expression of drug-metabolizing
enzymes, drug inactivation, subcellular redistribution, drug-drug interaction,
enhanced DNA repair and failure to apoptosis as a result of mutated cell cycle
proteins such as p53. The resistant phenotype is usually characterized by
alterations in multiple pathways.
Targeted tumor therapy is based on deregulated signaling in
cancer. However, a limited number of somatic mutations have been identified and
cancer cells may evade successful therapy due to mutation of the target protein
or to resistance mechanisms acting downstream of or parallel to the therapeutic
block. To improve therapy and molecular diagnostics, detailed information is
needed on the pathway components that lead to the malignant phenotype. Recently,
functional approaches based on RNA interference have been used to elucidate
critical nodes in oncogenic signaling and the targets essential for malignancy 22.
Attempts to overcome resistance mainly involve combination drug
therapy using different classes of drugs with minimally overlapping toxicities
to allow maximal dosages and with narrowest cycle intervals, which is necessary
for bone marrow recovery. Adjuvant therapy with P-glycoprotein inhibitors may
represent another approach to abrogate or delay resistance.
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