Complications of diabetes - pathological processes
and conditions are not binding for him, but due to any cause diabetes or
disorders occur with diabetes.
Complications of diabetes is divided into acute and
1. Acute
- Diabetic ketoacidosis, coma acidotic
- Hypoglycemic coma
- Hyperosmolar coma
2. Chronic
- angiopathy
- Reduction factors IBN activity
- Neuropathy
- Encephalopathy
- Retinopathy
- nephropathy
Acutely occurring ("acute complications of
diabetes"): diabetic ketoacidosis, fraught with the development of
acidotic coma; hyperosmolar (non ketoacidotic) and hypoglycemic coma.
Duration (chronic) proceeding ("late
complications of diabetes"): angiopathy, neuropathy, encephalopathy,
nephropathy, reduced activity IBN factors other complications (osteo -
arthropathy and cataracts).
Acutely occurring
These complications usually occur under the
influence of any provoke factors. The most frequent reasons - improper insulin
(violation of calculating the required amount of insulin), stress reaction, the
development of other diseases.
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic ketoacidosis is characteristic of IDDM.
Ketoacidosis ketoacidotic and coma are among the main causes of death in
patients with diabetes. Not less than 16% of patients with these complications
are killed in a coma.
- Insufficient blood levels of insulin and / or its effects.
- Increase the concentration and / or severity of effects contrinsular
hormones (glucagon, catecholamines, growth hormone, cortisol, thyroid).
Risk factors
Most often diabetic ketoacidosis seen in patients
with the administration of therapeutic impossibility (replacement) of the dose
of insulin or insufficient dose of stress reactions, surgery, trauma, substance
abuse, pregnancy, the occurrence of other diseases.
Development Mechanism consists of several units: a significant
activation of gluconeogenesis, which runs on the background of stimulation of
glycogenolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis; violation of glucose transport into
the cells, leading to an increase of hyperglycemia; ketogenesis stimulation to
the development of acidosis.
of gluconeogenesis is the result:
1. The lack of effects of insulin;
2. Effects of glucagon excess. The latter leads to:
- Reduction of fructose-2,6-diphosphate and as a consequence - the
inhibition of glycolysis reactions and activation of gluconeogenesis;
- An increase in glucose level.
glucose transport into the cells as a result hypoinsulinism.
The result of the activation and inhibition of
gluconeogenesis assimilation of glucose into cells is increasing hyperglycemia.
of ketogenesis.
Stimulation ketogenesis due to:
- Activation of lipolysis (especially in adipose tissue). As a result,
increases in the blood level of IVH and liver.
- Activation karnitinatsiltransferazy I hepatocytes (increases when excess
glucagon) significantly accelerates ketogenesis. This process contributes to an
increase of liver carnitine content (especially in the context of activation of
glucagon effects). Carnitine stimulates transport of fatty acids into the
mitochondria of hepatic cells, where they undergo β-oxidation with the
formation of CT: acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate.
- Increasing acidosis due to excess CT. This leads to a characteristic
pronounced ketoacidosis and acidotic coma smell of acetone in the breath of a
- Polyuria caused ketonemia, hyperglycemia, and azotemia.
- Withdrawal from the body in the urine Na +, K +, C1, with the development
of bicarbonate ion imbalance blood.
- Hydropenia cells.
- Hypovolaemia (resulting polyuria) hyperosmolarity combined with plasma.
- Reduction of renal blood flow, which leads to an increase of azotemia,
urinary disturbance Ca2 +, Mg2 +, phosphates, bicarbonate formation inhibition
in the kidney, inhibition acido- ammoniogenesis and kidney epithelial cells.
- Violation of circulation with the development of hypoxia.
- Development of a rapidly progressing ketoacidotic coma.
Hyperosmolar coma
Hyperosmolar non ketoacidotic (hyperglycemic) coma
is most common in elderly patients with NIDDM. Hyperosmolar coma develops much
more slowly than ketoacidotic. However, mortality in it above.
Hypoglycemic coma
Causes of hypoglycemic coma
- Overdose of insulin.
- Delay the next meal or fasting (involuntary or deliberate, in the latter
case there is an attempt at suicide).
- Excessive and / or prolonged physical activity.
- Contrainsular hormone deficiency and / or their effects. This is one of
the common causes of hypoglycemic coma because of glucagon and catecholamine
synthesis in these patients is usually reduced.
- All of the above causes (especially if they are combined) cause
significant hypoglycemia.
Mechanisms development
1. The causative factor of pathogenesis - hypoglycaemia. It causes:
- Reduced oxygen consumption of brain neurons. Therefore Substrate
"starvation" of nerve cells compounded oxygen.
- Acute violation of ATP re-synthesis in neurons of the central nervous
- Activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system. Catecholamines in this
situation hamper the development of severe hypoglycemia by stimulating
glycogenolysis and causing tachycardia, arrhythmias, tremors, muscle weakness,
discomfort in the heart, sweating, forcing the patient to take immediate
2. Insufficient supply of brain neurons causes a change in GNI and mental
disorders: the increasing drowsiness, confusion and loss, headache, speech
disorder, convulsion.
3. Violation function of the heart (arrhythmia, heart failure).
4. Respiratory disorders, hypoventilation of the lungs, frequently - the
cessation of breathing.
5. Circulatory failure manifested disorders of the central, organ-tissue
and microcirculation. In patients developing severe hypotension (collapse).
Late complications
Symptoms of late complications of diabetes most
often appear 15-20 years after the detection of hyperglycemia. However, in some
patients, or they may occur before, or not at all occur. The basis late
complications of diabetes are mainly metabolic disorders in the tissues.
There are microangiopathy and macroangiopathy.
Microangiopathy - pathological changes in the blood
vessels of the microvasculature.
Mechanisms of: non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins of
the basal membrane of the capillaries under conditions of hyperglycemia and
activation of the conversion of glucose into sorbitol by aldose reductase
influence (normally in transformed sorbitol 1-2% less than the intracellular
glucose, and diabetic hyperglycemia level conversion is increased by 8-10
times). Excess sorbitol in the vascular wall leading to its thickening and
compaction. This violates:
- The flow of blood in the vessels of the microvasculature with the
development of tissue ischemia;
- Transcapillary exchange metabolic substrates, metabolites and oxygen.
The effects of glycosylation of proteins of the basal
membrane and the accumulation of sorbitol in the walls of microvessels:
- Violation of the structure of vascular wall cells (swelling, thickening,
development dystrophies).
- Changing the structure of the proteins of the intercellular substance of
the vascular walls and the acquisition of antigenic properties. AT education to
them leads to the formation of immune complexes, together with AT potentiating
damage microvessel walls.
- Tissue ischemia. To a large extent ischemia is the result of reducing the
formation of N0, causing dilation of arterioles.
These changes lead to disruption of the
permeability of vascular wall, the formation of microaneurysms, microtrombi
formation, expansion and venules postcapillaries, neoplastic microvascular
microbleeds, education, seals and scarring in the perivascular tissue.
are characterized by an early and intensive development of sclerotic changes in
the walls of arteries of medium and large caliber in patients with diabetes,
one of the main risk factors (fast!) atherosclerosis.
- Glycosylation of proteins of the basal membrane and interstitial vessel
walls. Modification of protein molecules promotes atherogenesis.
- Sorbitol accumulation in the arterial wall.
- Increasing the level of atherogenic LDL and decrease HDL antiatherogenic.
- Activation of the synthesis of thromboxane A2 by platelets and other
formed elements of blood. It potentiates the vasoconstriction and platelet
adhesion to vessel walls.
- Stimulation of the proliferation of arterial vessels of smooth muscle cells.
These (and certain other) changes lead to earlier
and accelerated atherosclerosis, including:
- Calcification and ulceration of atherosclerotic plaques,
- Blood clots,
- Occlusion of the arteries,
- Circulatory disorders of the myocardial tissue with the development
(including infarction), stroke, gangrene (most soft tissues of the foot).
The symptoms of diabetic neuropathy can occur in
the early stages of the disease in any part of the nervous system. They are one
of the most common causes of disability in patients. Neuropathies are most
pronounced in older patients with chronic diabetes and hyperglycemia
Development Mechanisms. At the heart of the development of
neuropathies are metabolic disorders and intraneural blood supply.
Key links in the pathogenesis of diabetic
- Excessive glycosylation of proteins of the peripheral nerves.
- antibody formation to modified proteins of immune reactions with the development
towards autoaggression antigen nervous tissue.
- Activation of neurons and Schwann cells of the transformation of glucose
into sorbitol, catalyzed by aldose reductase.
- Reduction of intraneural blood supply with the development of chronic
ischemia and hypoxia neural structures. The main factor ishemizirovaniya
nervous tissue believe N0 deficit. Last normally causes relaxation and
vasodilation of arterioles MMC. In turn, causes neuronal deficit N0 are:
reduction of protein kinase C activity caused by hyperglycemia; NADFN2 deficit.
- Competitive inhibition of myo-inositol transport in nerve cells with
excess GIC. This leads to the development of three effects: impaired synthesis
of myelin and demyelination of nerve fibers; activity decrease Na +, K +
-ATPase activity of neurons that potentiates decrease Na-dependent transport in
nerve tissue myoinositol; the speed of nerve impulses slowdown.
Types and symptoms of diabetic
1. The peripheral polyneuropathy. They are characterized by a primary
lesion of a few peripheral nerve trunks and feet appear paresthesia, rarely -
hand; soreness of feet and legs; pain and loss of vibration sensation, often in
the distal lower extremities; decrease the severity of reflexes, especially
stretching; neuropathic ulcers, erosions, necrosis of the tissue stop (diabetic
foot syndrome).
2. Autonomic neuropathy. It affects mainly the structure of the autonomic
nervous system, often combined with peripheral neuropathy and shows:
- Disorders of GI function (difficulty swallowing, emptying of the stomach
and bowel, constipation, diarrhea), caused by a violation of its regulation,
mainly cholinergic.
- Dystrophy bladder (urinary retention) in connection with damage to the
neurons of the pelvic plexus.
- Impaired regulation of neurogenic vascular tone walls. This is manifested
positional (postural) hypotension or syncope (a sharp decrease in blood
pressure when rising from a lying or sitting position).
- Disorders of the nervous regulation of cardiac activity, often leading to
sudden death.
- Impaired regulation of sexual function (especially in men, which is
manifested impotence, decreased libido and other disorders).
3. Radiculopathy. Due to changes in the spinal cord and roots are
characterized by pain in the course of one or more spinal nerve (usually in the
chest and abdomen), and increased sensitivity in these areas.
4. Mononeuropathy. Hit the individual cranial and / or proximal motor
neurons, manifested transient flaccid paralysis hand or foot and reversible
paresis III, IV or VI pairs of cranial nerves.
- Dystrophic and degenerative changes in the brain neurons. Caused by
repeated hypoglycemic states, violation of the energy supply of neurons and
cerebral ischemia areas, developing as a result of micro - and angiopathy.
- Stroke (ischemic and / or hemorrhagic). Due to angiopathies.
- Violation of mental activity in the form of memory disorders,
irritability, tearfulness, apathy, sleep disorders, fatigue.
- Signs of an organic brain damage as a result of hemorrhage or ischemia of
its separate areas: sensitivity disorders, neurogenic movement disorders, neurodistrophy.
The defeat of the retina in diabetes is the main
cause of loss of visual acuity and blindness. Retinopathy found in
approximately 3% of patients at the onset of the disease in 40-45% after 10
years, 97% after 15 years of disease.
- Microangiopathy in the tissues of the eye.
- Hypoxia eye tissues, especially the retina.
Types and symptoms
1. Nonproliferative (background, simple) is more than 90% of diabetic
retinopathy. It manifests itself:
- An increase in microvascular permeability of the walls with the
development of exudates;
- The formation of microaneurysms arterioles and venules;
- Microbleeds in the retina and / or vitreous humor (it can cause
- Development mikrotrombi vascular occlusion.
2. Proliferative retinopathy is observed in 10% of patients. She characterized:
- Formation of new microvessels (stimulated by hypoxia), germinating in the
- The formation of scarring at the site of bleeding;
- Detachment of the retina in regions of major hemorrhage.
Impaired renal function - one of the common causes
of disability and death in diabetes. The latter is the outcome of renal
failure. Diabetic nephropathy is the second leading cause of death in patients
with diabetes. Nephropathy identified in approximately 40% of patients with
IDDM and NIDDM with 20%. Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by:
- Signs of micro - and macroangiopathy.
- Thickening of the walls and the seal of afferent and efferent glomerular
- Thickening of the basement membrane of the glomeruli and tubules with
filtering violations, reabsorption, secretion and excretion.
- The development of interstitial nephritis and glomerulosclerosis.
- Increase in blood pressure as a result of the activation of "renal
ischemic" and "renoprival" hypertension development mechanisms.
- The development of the syndrome Kimmelshtilya-Wilson, who appears
sclerosis renal tissue (diabetic glomerulosclerosis), severe proteinuria,
nephrogenic edema, hypertension and uremia.
Immunological defeat
For diabetes is characterized by decrease in NBI
system efficiency. This is evidenced by data on the development of more
frequent and severe course in patients with diabetes:
1. Infectious skin lesions (with the development of furunculosis, carbuncle),
urinary tract, lungs.
2. Infections typical for diabetes:
- External otitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Rhinocerebral mukorosis. The disease is caused by fungi such as Mucor, it
can be completed necrosis of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, and
underlying tissues, the internal jugular vein thrombosis and cerebral sinuses.
- Cholecystitis. The reason for it are clostridia and other microorganisms.
The reasons for reducing the activity of the
immune system and protect the body's non-specific factors are:
- Hypoxia caused by blood circulation, breathing, changes in the state of
hemoglobin (due to its glycosylation) enzymes and mitochondria.
- Metabolic disorders, characteristic of diabetes.
Other complications
In patients with diabetes there are many other
complications (cardiomyopathy, cataracts, triglyceridemia, violations of ion
exchange, osteo - and arthropathy). This is because the abnormalities in
diabetes developed in all tissues and organs
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