Effects of the menstrual cycle on emotions and abilities
There is a phase of her menstrual cycle (ovulatory) when a woman is
fertile and a phase (menstrual) when she is not. Consequently, if anything in mental life and
behavior could be predicted to vary as a function of the menstrual cycle, it ought to be sexual desire. Some species of mammals have zero sexual
desire when they are not fertile. Of course, everybody knows that humans are not that
way. However, there is a subtle
variation in humans, in the expected
direction: women's libido is maximal at
ovulation when they are most fertile,
and minimal at menstruation when they are not fertile. One team of investigators examined
prospective data from 1,066 women (aged 19-44 years) for evidence of
covariation between the timing of sexual desire and menstrual cycle
characteristics. In any given menstrual cycle, sexual desire was usually first
experienced a few days before the basal body temperature (BBT) shift, around
the expected ovulation date. Positive correlations were found (1) between the
day of the BBT shift and the day of sexual desire onset and (2) between the
length of the menstrual cycle and the temporal lag between the onset of sexual
desire and the BBT shift. These results
are obviously consistent with a model in which sexual desire is affected by the
same process that regulates the menstrual cycle, suggesting that hormonal
factors may contribute to sexual desire in a biologically meaningful
manner: sexual desire increases with
reproductive fitness thus economizing on expenditure of time, energy and risk
of infection.
Another outstanding psychological correlate of
menstrual cycling variations is mood.
Dozens of studies have demonstrated that mood is at its best around
ovulation and at its worst around menstruation (especially just before they
start) and this effect is often found to be statistically significant. This particular psychological effect of the
menstrual cycle is one of the most robust.
It is also the most likely to be mediated by the neurotransmitter
serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter
most affected by menstrual variations in estrogen. Simple as this account may seem, one study has managed to impose a constraint
on it. One research team tested mood in
two cohorts of normal-cycling women. One
group was tested before being asked about their menstrual status and had not
been informed of the purpose of the study.
The other group had been informed of the purpose of the study, and was asked about menstrual status before
completing the mood test. The authors
found that the effect of the menstrual cycle was not significant in the
uninformed group. They interpreted their
findings in the following manner: women
attribute a negative mood to themselves as a manner of accounting for the more
specific displeasures of menstruation.
In other words, the classical
finding of menstrual cycling of mood scores on mood tests seems to consist, in large part, of a cognitive construal (an overextended
interpretation) more than of a truly specific variation of mood. My own belief is that there is a very minor
cycling of mood, but that this
particular study was not methodologically sound enough to pick it up. However,
I do agree that much of the effect consistently reported to date has consisted
of cognitive construal.
Student’s tribune: Mood and the menstrual cycle, is the variation objective or subjective ?
In a recent experiment carried out by my student Loïc
Villeneuve, we found that mood was very
significantly lower in women tested at menstruation than in the same women
tested at ovulation. However, the women knew that the investigation was
designed to study the menstrual cycle.
And in fact, salivary estrogen
and testosterone levels and body
temperature did not correlate with mood at all.
Another finding
commonly reported is that whenever a significant cycling of cognitive
performance is observed (which is not always the case), it is at ovulation that the performance is at
its best, and just before menstruation
that it is at its worst. This has been
reported for basic perceptual and motor functions, but also for higher order functions in the
cognitive domain -including
such things as abstract reasoning,
planning, mental
calculation, and several performances on
neuropsychological tests. In fact, it
seems that of the two basic levels of cognitive functioning, the simple and complex, it is the complex which is more often found
to be modulated by the menstrual cycle.
Simple reaction time has most often been found not to relate to the
menstrual cycle, whereas complex
reaction time effects do seem to follow the menstrual cycle on occasion. Likewise,
in evoked potential experiments,
the same general trend is observed.
Evoked potentials are a special form of electroencephalography. Brain electrical activity is collected from
the scalp in normal people in response to repeated stimulation, involving simple processing such as detection
or complex processing such as discrimination, classification, etc. One complex evoked potential is the third
(late) positive wave (P3). This wave is
one of the few which has been found to follow the menstrual cycle. It’s latency is shorter at ovulation, indicating that the brain is functioning a
bit better at this moment of the cycle.
How substantial are these variations ?
Not very. Most women cannot even
notice it in themselves. The vast
majority of these tasks are performed just as well by women as by men. Gouchie and Kimura (1991) presented findings
to the effect that women do better in
female-typical tasks at mid-luteal (high- estrogen) phase, and better at
male-typical tasks at the menstrual (low estrogen) phase.
Now here is the most interesting finding from a
neuropsychological perspective. As I explained
in chapter 3, experimental psychologists have devised ingenious techniques to
understand how one hemisphere of the brain can be more efficient than the
other. The two main such techniques
are tachistoscopy for vision and dichotic listening for audition. I am aware of eight studies that have
investigated the relative efficiency of the two hemispheres by comparing
perceptual or cognitive processing of stimulation of the two sides of the body
(i.e., by inference, of the two hemispheres) with these techniques. The results have always been basically the
same. The left-sided stimulations
gain a significant relative advantage at menstruation, whether the material to be processed is of a
verbal nature or not ! (see Bibawi et
al, 1995 and Hesiter et al, 1980). This
is a remarkably consistent finding in several senses. First, it is remarkable because the
techniques used are notoriously capricious (the effects of laterality depend on
many technical details). Second, it is
remarkable because it fits well with the rest of what is known about sex
differences in cognitive abilities and brain function. Indeed,
women's cognitive advantages over men are in the verbal domain and the
verbal domain is left hemisphere-dependent.
It seems that increased hemispheric specialization, in women,
results from a drop in steroid hormones rather than from an increase.
This actually fits logically with the literature I reviewed in chapter 3
in one sense. Overall, men manifest
more hemispheric specialization on tasks such as these (tachistoscopy or
dichotic listening) than do women (see Halpern, 1992; Kimura, Levy & Heller, 1992; 1993;
McGlone, 1980, for reviews of the
relevant literature). Women present a
more male-like pattern (with regard to hemispheric specialization) when their
hormonal status is more male-like.
This account is incomplete however.
The specialization of the women,
occurring at menstruation, is
always in the direction of a relative right hemisphere advantage. Recall that men manifest more left
hemisphere specialization for verbal material and right hemisphere
specialization for spatial processing
(see chapter 11 for more reflections on this theme).
Finally, the
cutting edge in the field of neuropsychology of the menstrual cycle comes from
two research teams who have both very recently reported data compatible with an
effect of the menstrual cycle on interhemispheric relay (Nicole Weekes and her
colleagues, and Elisabeth Hampson and
her colleagues). They proposed that
based on their results, interhemispheric
relay is less efficient (less accurate) around ovulation than at
menstruation. There is also evidence
that the same effect is observed in rats.
Student’s tribune: Does interhemispheric physiology vary as a
function of the menstrual cycle ?
To follow up on these exciting research findings, my student, Loïc Villeneuve, tested 28 normal
regularly cycling women at mid-menstruation and as close as he could to
ovulation. To estimate interhemispheric
relay time, he used simple visual reaction time, arranged in a paradigm called the
“Poffenberger paradigm”. The right visual field projects to the left hemisphere, and the left to the right. The left hemisphere produces a right hand
response and the right a left. When a
subject responds to a lateral stimulus with the contralateral hand (the hand
opposite to the stimulated visual field),
it is assumed that the neural relay must cross the brain commissures. However,
when the subject responds with the hand ipsilateral to the stimulus (on
the same side), interhemispheric relay
is not required. The difference in
reaction time between these two conditions is believed to be an estimate of
interhemispheric relay time. Loïc found
that interhemispheric relay time was not different in the two menstrual
stages, but he did find that accuracy
(smaller prevalence of omission errors) of interhemispheric relay was indeed
significantly lower at ovulation than at menstruation. Now the neurotransmitter used by most
interhemispheric neurons is glutamate.
Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter. An intriguing in vitro study of slabs of rat
brain recently found that serotonin has a selective inhibitory influence on
interhemispheric neurons of the corpus callosum
-which is the main interhemispheric commissure. Central nervous system serotonin reaches its
peak around ovulation in normal cycling women. So one speculation could be that
the menstrual cycle influences interhemispheric relay by a hormonal influence
on serotonin. However, it should be noted that the variation we
observed of so-called interhemispheric relay accuracy (which cannot plausibly
be construed to consist of an attitudinal artifact) did not correlate with our salivary measures
of estradiol or of testosterone -a
finding which is typical of reports of menstrual cycling of mentation or
I conclude that the evidence suggests that sex
differences in cognitive performance depend, among other things, on the
activating on-line effect of circulating hormones -in a complex manner that
remains to be clarified. Now nobody
would suggest that cognitive performance is directly produced by steroid
hormones. Hormones are stupid. To explain
these putative correlations between cognitive performances and hormone levels, one has to imagine some sort of interaction
between at least one (probably several) of these hormones and selective
neuronal processes which alone are directly responsible for the cognitive
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