Pathological reactions, pathological process, pathological condition
Pathological response - short-term, an unusual reaction to any impact. For example, a transient
increase in blood pressure under the influence of negative emotions, allergies,
inadequate psycho-emotional and behavioral reactions, abnormal reflexes
(reflexes Rossolimo, Babinski et al.).
The pathological
process - a combination of (complex) pathological and protective-adaptive
reactions in the affected tissues, organs or body, manifested in the form of
morphological, metabolic and functional disorders.
Formed and fixed in the process of evolution
permanent combination or combinations of various pathological processes and
pathological reactions of individual cells and tissues are called typical
pathological processes. These include inflammation, fever, hypoxia, edema, and
other tumor growth.
Pathologic process underlies the disease, but it
is not.
Differences between the pathological process of
the disease:
1. The disease is always one main reason
(producing a specific etiological factor), the disease process is always
polyetiological. For example, inflammation (disease process) may be caused by
the action of a variety of mechanical, chemical, physical and biological
factors, and malaria can not occur without the action of Plasmodium falciparum.
2. One and the same pathological process might
result in different patterns of disease, depending on the location, in other
words, a place of localization of the pathological process determines clinic
disease (pneumonia - pneumonia, inflammation of the meninges - meningitis, an
inflammation of the heart muscle - myocarditis, etc.).
3. The disease usually - a combination of several
pathological processes. For example, when there is a lobar pneumonia
combination (in relation) of pathological processes such as inflammation,
fever, hypoxia, acidosis, and others.
4. The pathological process is not accompanied by
a decrease in the body's adaptability and ability to work limitation (warts,
lipoma, atheroma, etc.).
Pathological state -
slowly (sluggish) current pathological process. It may be as a result of past
illnesses (eg, narrowing of the esophagus scar after burn injury, false joints,
condition after kidney resection, amputation, etc.) or as a result of
violations of fetal development (clubfoot, flat feet, a defect of the upper lip
and palate and etc.). It's kind of ended up the process, which resulted in
persistently changed body structure having atypical replacement in certain
tissues or parts of the body. In some cases, a pathological condition may go
again in the pathological process (illness). For example, pigmented skin
(birthmark) when exposed to a number of mechanical, chemical and physical
(radiation) factors can be transformed into a malignant tumor melanosarkoma.
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