Steps in the Management of the Diabetic Patient
Any features of the clinical picture
that suggest end-organ insensitivity to insulin, such as visceral obesity, must
be identified. The family history should document not only the incidence of
diabetes in other members of the family but also the age at onset, whether it
was associated with obesity, and whether insulin was required. Other factors
that increase cardiac risk, such as smoking history, presence of hypertension
or hyperlipidemia, or oral contraceptive pill use, should be recorded.
Laboratory diagnosis should document
fasting plasma glucose levels above 126 mg/dL or postprandial values
consistently above 200 mg/dL and whether ketonuria accompanies the glycosuria.
A glycohemoglobin measurement is useful for assessing the effectiveness of
future therapy. Some flexibility of clinical judgment is appropriate when
diagnosing diabetes mellitus in the elderly patient with borderline hyperglycemia.
Baseline values include fasting
plasma triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol,
electrocardiography, renal function studies, peripheral pulses, and neurologic,
podiatric, and ophthalmologic examinations to help guide future assessments.
Since diabetes is a lifelong
disorder, education of the patient and the family is probably the most
important obligation of the clinician who provides initial care. The best
persons to manage a disease that is affected so markedly by daily fluctuations
in environmental stress, exercise, diet, and infections are the patients
themselves and their families. The "teaching curriculum" should
include explanations by the physician or nurse of the nature of diabetes and
its potential acute and chronic hazards and how they can be recognized early
and prevented or treated. Self-monitoring of blood glucose should be
emphasized, especially in insulin-requiring diabetic patients, and instructions
must be given on proper testing and recording of data. Patients should be
provided with algorithms they can use to adjust the timing and quantity of
their insulin dose, food, and exercise in response to measured blood glucose
values. The targets for blood glucose control should be elevated appropriately
in elderly patients since they have the greatest risk if subjected to
hypoglycemia and the least long-term benefit from more rigid glycemic control.
Advice on personal hygiene, including detailed instructions on foot care as
well as individual instruction on diet and specific hypoglycemic therapy,
should be provided. Patients should be told about community agencies, such as
Diabetes Association chapters, that can serve as a continuing source of
instruction. Finally, vigorous efforts should be made to persuade new diabetics
who smoke to give up the habit, since large vessel peripheral vascular disease
and debilitating retinopathy are less common in nonsmoking diabetic patients.
Treatment must be individualized on
the basis of the type of diabetes and specific needs of each patient. However,
certain general principles of management can be outlined for hyperglycemic
states of different types.
a. The obese type 2 patient
The most common type of diabetic
patient is obese, is non-insulin-dependent, and has hyperglycemia because of
insensitivity to normal or elevated circulating levels of insulin.
(1) Weight reduction
Treatment is directed toward
achieving weight reduction, and prescribing a diet is only one means to this
end. Behavior modification to achieve adherence to the diet-as well as
increased physical activity to expend energy-is also required. Cure can be
achieved by reducing adipose stores, with consequent restoration of tissue
sensitivity to insulin, but weight reduction is hard to achieve and even more
difficult to maintain with our current therapies. The presence of diabetes with
its added risk factors may motivate the obese diabetic to greater efforts to
lose weight.
(2) Hypoglycemic agents
Monotherapy with metformin (or
Α-glucosidase inhibitors) is the first-line therapy in the obese patient with
mild diabetes if pharmacotherapy is required since they are not associated with
weight gain or drug-induced hypoglycemia. If metformin therapy (combined with a
weight reduction regimen) is inadequate to control blood glucose levels, then a
thiazolidinedione or a sulfonylurea should be added. Some individuals may
require metformin, a thiazolidinedione, and a sulfonylurea to achieve
adequate glycemic control.
Insulin therapy should be instituted
if the combination of these three drugs fails to restore euglycemia.
Weight-reducing interventions should continue and may allow for simplification
of this regimen in the future.
b. The nonobese type 2 patient
In the nonobese diabetic, mild to
severe hyperglycemia is usually due to refractoriness of B cells to glucose
stimulation. Treatment depends on whether insulinopenia is mild (type 2 or mild
type 1 in partial remission) or severe, with ketoacidosis.
(1) Diet therapy-
If hyperglycemia is mild, normal
metabolic control can occasionally be restored by means of multiple feedings of
a diet limited in simple sugars and with a caloric content sufficient to
maintain ideal weight. Restriction of saturated fats and cholesterol is also
strongly advised.
(2) Oral hypoglycemic agents
When diet therapy in nonketotic type
2 patients is not sufficient to correct hyperglycemia, a trial of sulfonylureas
is often successful in reducing the glycohemoglobin concentration below 9.5%.
Once the dosage of one of the more potent sulfonylureas reaches the upper
recommended limit in a compliant patient without maintaining fasting blood
glucose below 140 mg/dL during the day, combination therapy with metformin (up
to 1000 mg twice daily) or a thiazolidinedione-or both-should be tried. When
the patient fails the combination of these three drugs, insulin therapy is
c. Treatment of type 2 diabetes with insulin
When the combination of metformin,
sulfonylurea, and a thiazolidinedione fails and patients with type 2 diabetes
require insulin, various insulin regimens may be effective. A single nighttime
injection of NPH or insulin glargine can be added and titrated to achieve
target fasting blood glucose values while continuing the oral antidiabetic
medications. If the patient does not achieve target glucose levels during the
day, daytime insulin treatment can be initiated. A convenient insulin regimen
under these circumstances is a split dose of 70/30 NPH/regular mixture (or
Humalog Mix 75/25 or NovoLogMix 70/30) before breakfast and before dinner. If
this regimen fails to achieve satisfactory glycemic goals or is associated with
unacceptable frequency of hypoglycemic episodes, then a more intensive regimen
of multiple insulin injections can be instituted. Metformin principally reduces
hepatic glucose output and the thiazolidinediones improve peripheral
resistance, and it is a reasonable option to continue these drugs when insulin
therapy is instituted. The sulfonylureas also have been shown to be of
continued benefit. Thus, the continued use of the oral drugs may permit the use
of lower doses of insulin and simpler regimens.
Traditional once- or twice-daily
insulin regimens are usually ineffective in type 1 patients without residual
endogenous insulin. In these patients, information and counseling based on the
findings of the DCCT should be provided about the advantages of taking multiple
injections of insulin in conjunction with self-blood glucose monitoring. If
near-normalization of blood glucose is attempted, at least three or four
measurements of capillary blood glucose and three or four insulin injections
are necessary.
A combination of rapid-acting
insulin analogs and long-acting insulins (ultralente or insulin glargine)
allows for more physiologic insulin replacement. The rapid-acting insulin
analogs have been advocated as a safer and much more convenient alternative to
regular human insulin for preprandial use. In a study comparing regular insulin
with insulin lispro, daily insulin doses and hemoglobin A1c levels
were similar, but insulin lispro improved postprandial control, reduced
hypoglycemic episodes, and improved patient convenience compared with regular
insulin. However, because of their relatively short duration (no more than 3-4
hours), the rapid-acting insulin analogs need to be combined with longer-acting
insulins to provide basal coverage and avoid hyperglycemia prior to the next
meal. In addition to carbohydrate content of the meal, the effect of simultaneous
fat ingestion must also be considered a factor in determining the
ultra-fast-acting insulin dosage required to control the glycemic increment
during and just after the meal. With low-carbohydrate content and high-fat
intake, there is an increased risk of hypoglycemia from insulin lispro within 2
hours after the meal. Table 27-11 illustrates some regimens that might be
appropriate for a 70-kg person with type 1 diabetes eating meals providing
standard carbohydrate intake and moderate to low fat content.
Table 27-12. Prebreakfast hyperglycemia: Classification by blood glucose
and insulin levels.
Blood Glucose (mg/dL)
Free Immunoreactive Insulin (microunit/mL)
10:00 PM
3:00 AM
7:00 AM
10:00 PM
3:00 AM
7:00 AM
Somogyi effect
Slightly high
Dawn phenomenon
Waning of insulin dose plus dawn phenomenon
Waning of insulin dose plus dawn phenomenon plus Somogyi
Multiple injections of NPH insulin
(or twice-daily ultralente insulin) can be mixed in the same syringe as the
insulin lispro, insulin aspart, and insulin glulisine. Insulin glargine is
usually given once in the evening to provide 24-hour coverage. This insulin cannot
be mixed with any of the other insulins and must be given as a separate
injection. There are occasional patients in whom insulin glargine does not seem
to last for 24 hours, and in such cases it needs to be given twice a day.
Continuous subcutaneous insulin
infusion (CSII) by portable battery-operated "open loop" devices
currently provides the most flexible approach, allowing the setting of
different basal rates throughout the 24 hours and permitting patients to delay
or skip meals and vary meal size and composition. The dosage is usually based
on providing 50% of the estimated insulin dose as basal and the remainder as
intermittent boluses prior to meals. For example, a 70-kg man requiring 35
units of insulin per day may require a basal rate of 0.7 units per hour
throughout the 24 hours with the exception of 3 am to 8 am, when 0.8 units per
hour might be appropriate (for the dawn phenomenon). The meal bolus would
depend on the carbohydrate content of the meal and the premeal blood glucose
value. One unit per 15 g of carbohydrate plus 1 unit for 50 mg/dL of blood
glucose above a target value (eg, 120 mg/dL) is a common starting point.
Further adjustments to basal and bolus dosages would depend on the results of
blood glucose monitoring. The majority of patients use the rapid-acting insulin
analogs in the pumps. One of the more difficult therapeutic problems in
managing patients with type 1 diabetes is determining the proper adjustment of
insulin dose when the prebreakfast blood glucose level is high. Occasionally,
the prebreakfast hyperglycemia is due to the Somogyi effect, in which nocturnal
hypoglycemia leads to a surge of counterregulatory hormones to produce high
blood glucose levels by 7 am.
However, a more common cause for prebreakfast hyperglycemia is the waning of
circulating insulin levels by the morning. Also, the "dawn
phenomenon"-reduced tissue sensitivity to insulin between 5 am and 8 am-is present in as many as 75% of type 1 patients and
can aggravate the hyperglycemia.
Table 27-12 shows that diagnosis of
the cause of prebreakfast hyperglycemia can be facilitated by self-monitoring
of blood glucose at 3 am in
addition to the usual bedtime and 7 am
measurements. This is required for only a few nights, and when a particular
pattern emerges from monitoring blood glucose levels overnight, appropriate
therapeutic measures can be taken. The Somogyi effect can be treated by
eliminating the dose of intermediate insulin at dinnertime and giving it at a
lower dosage at bedtime or by supplying more food at bedtime. When a waning
insulin level is the cause, then either increasing the evening dose or shifting
it from dinnertime to bedtime (or both) can be effective. A bedtime dose either
of insulin glargine or of NPH insulin made from pork insulin provides more sustained
overnight insulin levels than human NPH or human ultralente insulin and may be
effective in managing refractory prebreakfast hyperglycemia. If this fails,
insulin pump therapy may be required. When the dawn phenomenon alone is
present, the dosage of intermediate insulin can be divided between dinnertime
and bedtime; when insulin pumps are used, the basal infusion rate can be
increased (e.g., from 0.8 unit/h to 0.9 unit/h from 6 am until breakfast).
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