The energy deficit
Need neurons in the energy supply - the highest of
all body cells, and disruption of energy supply is one of the common causes of
neuron pathology. Energy deficiency can be primary - under the influence of
metabolic poisons (such as dinitrophenol, cyanide), or secondary -. Under
various injuries, circulatory disorders, shock, edema, general convulsions,
enhanced functional load and other energy deficiency refers to the category of
typical intracellular pathological processes.
The main conditions of energy deficit is the lack
of oxygen and the significant damage to the mitochondria, which is synthesized
by the main carrier of energy - ATP. The reason for the energy deficit may also
be lack of oxidation of the substrate, in particular glucose which is a
substrate for oxidation of primary brain. The neurons of the cortex do not have
reserves of glucose and consume it directly from the blood (glucose passes
freely BBB), so they are particularly sensitive to hypoglycemia. Brain consumes
20% of the glucose being in the blood. Insulin shocks, used to treat some
psychoses associated with profound hypoglycemia and proceed with loss of consciousness
and sometimes with convulsions. In a number of pathological conditions
(traumatic shock, hemorrhage) brain can longer be provided with oxygen and
glucose due to redistribution of the blood and reduce their consumption of
other tissues. For the speedy recovery of brain activity after total seizures
requires a fairly high level of glucose in the blood. Energy shortage is
aggravated breach of the Krebs cycle.
With deep violation of oxidative phosphorylation
and synthesis macroergs energy source becomes anaerobic glycolysis. He has the
character of a compensatory mechanism, but its effect can not make up for the
energy deficit, and the growing increase of lactic acid in the brain has a
negative effect on the activity of neurons and aggravate cerebral edema.
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