Pathology of the structural elements of the neuronal
A significant role in the pathology of a neuron
playing a violation of intracellular structural homeostasis. The normal process
of wear and decay of intracellular structures and neuronal membranes balanced
process of renewal and regeneration. The combination of these processes is the
dynamic structural homeostasis.
Damage as a cell (cytoplasmic) and intracellular
membranes arise in various pathogenic effects and are themselves a cause of
further pathology neuron.
Increased lipid peroxidation (LPO) neuronal
membranes affects not only the membrane but also to other intracellular
There is little of the pathological process in the
nervous system, in which there would be no enhanced lipid peroxidation. It occurs
in epilepsy, endogenous psychoses (eg, schizophrenia, manic-depressive
syndrome), with nervousness, stress and injury, ischemia, chronic hypoxia,
functional neurons overload and so on. It involves further hyperactivation of
Due to the increase in membrane permeability is
exited neuron various substances including antigens, which cause the formation
of antibodies antineuronal that leads to the development of the autoimmune
process. Violation of the barrier properties of the membrane causes an increase
in current of Ca2 + ions and Na + into the neuron and K + - of the neuron;
these processes in combination with the lack of energy-dependent Na + -, K + -
and Ca2 + pump (their activity also varies under the influence of intensive
POL) lead to partial depolarization of the membrane. The increased Ca2 + entry
not only causes hyperactivation neuron, but the excessive content of it in the
cell leads to pathological changes of intracellular metabolism and damage.
Normalization of lipids and stabilizing neuronal
membranes peroxidation should be part of the complex pathogenetic treatment of
various pathologies of the nervous system.
For the life of the neuron, which is a highly
differentiated cell is not able to divide mitotically, intracellular
regeneration is the only way the structural renovation of neurons and maintain
their integrity. It includes protein synthesis, formation of intracellular
organelles, mitochondria, membrane structures, receptors, nerve growth
processes (axons, dendrites, dendritic spines), and others.
Intracellular regeneration processes require high
energy and trophic provision and proper cell metabolism. In damaged neurons,
occurrence of energy and trophic deficiency disorders genome activity suffers
intracellular regeneration falls plastic potential of the cell, the
disintegration of intracellular structures is not counterbalanced by them.
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