The fourth apocalypse: the human male survivor has lower life expectancy during senescence.
Very old men do not tend to be behaviorally
very aggressive, though they can of
course be quite grouchy. Several factors
may be involved in this behavioral change.
As men get very old, testosterone
rates drop considerably though very slowly.
However, it could be that very
old age, with its sedentary
lifestyle, and also with the lowering of
a person's vitality, just takes away
the cutting edge of violence. One piece of evidence to the effect that
testosterone continues to modulate men’s aggressiveness in old age is the
following: a recent study investigated
testosterone in violent aggressiveness in elderly men with dementia. Dementia, as in Alzheimer’s disease, is a
brain disease causing a person to loose all of his or her mental
abilities. The violent patients had much
higher levels of testosterone than did the non-violent control group. One could easily imagine that cultural
factors could be at play in changes in male violence in old age as well: maybe very old men finally learn that
violence is antisocial and counterproductive... At any rate, the gender gap in suicide rate
wanes in senescence -a phenomenon which as I have tried to explain, is related to violence in general. However, vascular, oncological and infectious
risk factors continue to disfavor males in old age, and these elements of the gender gap in life
expectancy even get worse. This is not
very surprising. We all have to
die, and we are likely to die from
whatever weakness of our body is the more critical for survival.
I personally expect the gender gap in life expectancy
during old age to widen in the next few years for the following reasons: 1)
smoking in women will reach a plateau,
2) estrogen replacement therapy
for post-menopausal women will become more prevalent (it protects against
Alzheimer’s disease and against vascular disease including stroke).
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