Get to know the characteristics of clean water according to WHO that is safe to use
We all know that water is one of the essential needs in human life worldwide. Not only humans, but water also dramatically determines the life of various creatures on earth, such as animals, plants, etc.
As humans, of course, you need water to overcome various
existing needs. As time goes by, the water demand increases. One category of
water that is very important for humans is clean water.
However, a lot of waste generated from various human activities in modern times like this decreases water quality, so not all water can be included in the clean water category. Well, this article will explain the characteristics of clean water that is safe for consumption by humans.
A. Definition of Clean Water
In general, clean water can be understood as one type of
natural resource in the form of water that has good quality and can be used by
humans in daily life, such as drinking, eating, and sanitation.
Meanwhile, the World Health Organization WHO, an
international health organization, states that clean water is water humans can
use to meet domestic needs, from consumption, drinking water, and food
Based on these two opinions, clean water can be defined as
water that can and is suitable for use by humans to support various daily
activities, such as drinking water, consumption, to sanitation. This ultimately
results in an opinion that not all types can be used in everyday life.
Water that has been contaminated by pollution or a hazardous
substance should not be consumed or used by humans. The reason is that water
that contains harmful substances can provide harm and will be very dangerous to
the human body. Moreover, research says that humans who do not consume water
for more than three days can result in death threats.
In addition to consumption, humans also need clean water for
cooking, washing clothes, bathing, and so on. Therefore, as creatures that need
water, humans should maintain water quality so that it remains clean and
suitable for use. One of the efforts you can make to participate in preserving
water quality is to conserve nature and maintain a healthy environment.
B. Characteristics of Clean Water
As explained in the definition of clean water, clean water
is water that meets health requirements. In this section, we will learn about
the characteristics of clean water that is fit for human consumption and use.
Well, here are seven characteristics of clean water that you
need to pay attention to when identifying water, including:
1. Colorless
The first characteristic of water that can be considered
clean is that it has no color. One of the signs of decent and safe water for
consumption and daily needs is that it looks clear. Suppose water has a cloudy
color such as yellow, orange, or brown. In that case, it can be ascertained
that the water contains harmful substances, so it does not deserve to be
included in the clean water category.
One characteristic that needs to be known about clean water,
of course, is its stable level of clarity. You can try pouring some water into
a container. Furthermore, to see the clarity of the water, you can wait for the
changes in the water. If the water still has a transparent color, then the
water can be said to be clean water. However, if you see sediment or there is
color attached to the bottom of the container, then the water can be said to be
2. Has no taste
The second characteristic of clean water is that it has no
taste. Suppose the water in your home has a salty or metallic taste when you
drink it. So it can be ascertained that the water is not worthy of being said
as clean water. The flavor in the water could be due to the impact of rust on
the pipes or the iron in the drains. These drains can release metals such as
iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and lead.
However, in some types of water that have been studied,
water that has a solid metallic taste can also be caused by low pH or acidity levels.
Therefore, before consuming or using clean water, you can identify the water
first so that it does not interfere with the health of the body.
3. Has no smell
The third characteristic of water that can be considered
clean is when the water has no odor. Almost the same as the taste, smell, or
aroma that emerges from the water is a sign of bacteria or decay of organic
matter. In the end, this makes the indicator of water to meet sanitation needs
relatively low.
If you find water that has an abnormal smell, it's a good
idea to give special treatment to the water first when you want to use it. One
example of water that has a scent is water in a swimming pool. Swimming pools
usually have a high chlorine content in their water, which can cause kidney
problems or even increase cancer risk.
In addition to the water in the swimming pool, some water
that smells like rotten eggs or sewage is also not allowed to meet daily needs.
The reason is that water with an odor like this indicates excessive hydrogen
sulfide gas content. If this hydrogen sulfide gas has turned into sulfate, then
if it is exposed to a bacterium, it can cause potential dehydration to
Meanwhile, water that has a fishy smell could be due to the
high barium content. Barium itself is a chemical substance that naturally
appears in water due to the drilling process or manufacturing waste.
For consumption needs, clean water that is fit for drinking
is water that has a typical aroma and does not have an unpleasant odor. Water
that already has an unusual and unpleasant smell can be due to having been
mixed with bacteria or also Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S). Hydrogen sulfide is a
colorless gas, but it contains poison and is very risky to burn.
4. Doesn't Feel Sticky After Use
The fourth characteristic of water that can meet the
indicators of clean water is that it does not feel sticky after use. In
addition to knowing the hands of clean water based on color, taste, and smell, you
can identify water based on its texture in this section.
The texture of water unsuitable for use is usually different
from the texture of clean water. The surface can be caused by the influence of
the content of certain substances, such as aluminum, magnesium, manganese, to tin.
These dirty water marks will leave marks that can be seen directly on the
faucet, sink, or glass.
When using water that contains some of these substances,
your hands can feel sticky after using it to wash your hands with soap. You can
also feel the difference when using this type of water to wash clothes using
detergent. Hands will feel sticky and uncomfortable.
5. Has a Neutral pH
The fifth characteristic of clean water is that it has a
water pH not far from the neutral limit. This characteristic is one of the
chemical requirements commonly used to measure water. In mineral water, the
level or content of pH in water can be used as a benchmark for water
properties, ranging from alkaline, acidic, or standard.
Chemically, the acid and base scale ranges from 1 to 14. Water
can be said to be clean and suitable for use when the water has a neutral pH of
up to 7. Meanwhile, some parties also argue that water with a pH level of
around 6.5 to 8.5 is still safe to use.
One tool that you can use to determine the pH of water is a
pH meter. You can provide this tool because it can be beneficial when it is
found that there are abnormalities in the water at home.
6. Does not contain bacteria
The sixth characteristic of clean water is the absence of
bacteria or microorganisms that can harm human health. One of the bacteria that
needs to be avoided is Escherichia Coli bacteria, or it can be abbreviated as
E. Coli. E. Coli itself can live in the intestines of living things, including
If you drink water that still contains E. Coli bacteria, it
may cause mild diarrhea. This is due to disturbances in the human digestive
system, especially the intestines. In addition to E. Coli bacteria, many bacteria
can enter the body unconsciously.
Therefore, to avoid entering bacteria that harm the body,
you can treat water for consumption by cooking it first. This method is
believed to be one of the best ways to get rid of bacteria in water.
If cooking is not enough, you can manually check the water
in your house. You can bring a sample of the water you have at home to check
the content.
7. Contains No Dust, Sand, Soil, or Other Sediments
The seventh characteristic of water that can be considered
clean is when the water does not contain dust, sand, soil, or other sediment
types. As stated above, one of the physical requirements for clean water is
that it is not cloudy and not dirty. The discovery of dust, sand, or soil may
result in a blockage in the channel or water source.
Water blocked in the channel or water source can be said to
be water unsuitable for consumption or use in daily life. To overcome this, you
can do a drain cleaning at home. In addition, you can also install a particular
filter device or commonly called a filter, to separate water from dust, sand,
soil, and various other types of sediment.
C. Benefits of Clean Water
After knowing the various characteristics of clean water, in
this section, we will learn about its benefits of clean water. Some of the
benefits of clean water that need to be considered are as follows:
1. Can Meet the Fluids in the Body
The human body has a water content of about 50% to 80%. This
makes humans need water. When the water content in the human body becomes low
or more negligible, it can have several impacts on human organ activity, such
as decreased concentrations which make it susceptible to disease. Therefore,
when you are sick, the most effective medicine is to meet the body's water
content needs.
2. Helping Daily Activities
Furthermore, clean water's benefits for humans are assisting
daily activities, such as washing, cooking, and sanitation. The need for clean
water is critical considering that if the water used for daily activities is
not clean, it will be hazardous to get a disease. In addition, unclean water
does not provide maximum clean.
3. Agricultural Irrigation
The next benefit of clean water for humans is for
agricultural irrigation needs. Pure water can be said as water that has good
quality and quality. Without metals or other sediments, water will greatly
support success in agriculture. Dirty water and full of harmful substances, of
course, will significantly interfere with soil fertility. Like humans, plants
also cannot thrive in infertile soil.
4. Protecting the Environmental Ecosystem
The last benefit of clean water is to protect the
environmental ecosystem. As stated above, water is a life source for all
creatures on earth. By continuously supporting nature conservation efforts and
maintaining ecological health, inevitably, clean water will still meet the
needs of humans, animals, and plants.
D. Clean Water Source
After discussing various things about clean water, starting
from the meaning, characteristics, and benefits, we will learn about clean
water sources in this section. Sources of clean water are available in various
places on earth. The following are some sources of clean water that you need to
know, including:
1. Space Water
Space water is water that comes from the sublimation of
clouds or water vapor. One example of space water is snow. Snow is water, so
when the snow melts, it can be a water source. However, of course, it needs to
be processed first so that the water from the snow can become clean water.
2. Rainwater
Like space water, rainwater is also formed from natural
processes. Rainwater can be used as drinking water. However, rainwater does not
contain sufficient calcium as drinking water, so it is necessary to add calcium
to it first.
3. Surface Water
Surface water can be understood as any water on the earth's
surface. Some examples of surface water, namely river water, lake water, and
seawater. You need to choose a clean water source for those who want to use
this water. This is because there are several places that naturally or result
from humans becoming contaminated and have a cloudy color.
4. Groundwater
Groundwater is water that comes from the ground. Groundwater
is located in two soil layers: deep and shallow. Deep groundwater is usually an
impermeable layer of soil. Meanwhile, shallow groundwater is groundwater around
the ground surface, which is pretty influenced by the rain cycle.
5. Springs
Meanwhile, groundwater that occurs naturally is known as springs. This water comes from water sources such as in the mountains. This water can be drunk directly, but to be safer, identification must still be carried out to ensure its safety.
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