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Clinical manifestations HYPERGLYCEMIA

Possible consequences of hyperglycemia: hyperglycemic syndrome and hyperglycemic coma.
1. hyperglycemic syndrome. Persistent increase of glucose concentration to 190-210 mg% (10.5-11.5 mg / dL)
2. hyperglycemic coma. Increased glucose concentration to 400-600 mg% (22,0-28,0 mmol / l) or more, the loss of consciousness.

Hyperglycemic syndrome
Hyperglycemic syndrome - a condition characterized by a significant and sustained increase in the Code of Civil Procedure regarding the above rules (up to 190-210 mg%, ie 10.5-11.5 mmol / l or more), in keeping with the life of the organism disorder.
1 is the result of hyperglycemia, glycosuria.
2. polyuria - increased urination and urine formation as a result of:
- Increase urine osmolality,
- Increase concerning glomerular filtration
- Reduce tubular reabsorption of water.
3. Polydipsia - increased fluid intake, caused by increased thirst, - is due to a significant loss of body fluids.
4. hydropenias the body - reduction of fluid in the body due to polyuria.
5. Hypotension due to:
- Hypovolemia - a decrease in circulating blood volume (CBV) due hydropenia organism;
- A decrease in cardiac ejection of blood due to hypovolemia.

Hyperglycemic coma
Hyperglycemic (hyperosmolar) coma discussed the topic of diabetes complications.

Principles control of hyperglycemia
The basic principle of the effective control of hyperglycemia is etiotropic. It is aimed at eliminating the causes of hyperglycemia. Achieving this and as a consequence - the normalization of HPA usually lead to the elimination of other manifestations of hyperglycemia.

Diabetes mellitus (DM) - one of the most serious diseases, fraught with severe complications, disability and death cases, characterized by disorders of all types of metabolism and life of the organism as a whole. The reported incidence varies in different countries from 1 to 3% (in Russian about 2%), and individuals with varying degrees of obesity reaches 15-25%.
Obesity and diabetes, on the one hand, and hypertension and coronary heart disease, on the other, constitute the so-called metabolic syndrome, "deadly quartet". According to WHO experts, diabetes increases the overall mortality of patients 2-3 times. At about 3 times more likely to have identified cardiovascular disease and stroke cases, 10 times - blindness, 20 times - gangrene of the extremities. DM - one of the causes of renal lesions leading to death of patients. Diabetes decreases the average life expectancy in 7% of its overall average.
Diabetes - a disease that is characterized by impaired metabolism, and all kinds of vital activity disorder; hypoinsulinism develops as a result (i.e., absolute or relative insulin deficiency).

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