GENERATORS pathologically enhanced excitation
Disorders of the central nervous system occurs when the impact of a powerful stream of pulses that can overcome the mechanisms of regulation and control of other brake parts of the central nervous system and cause a pathological activity. Such a powerful stream of pulses produced by a group of hyperactive neurons, forming a generator of pathologically enhanced excitation (GN Kryzhanovsky).
GPEE - a unit of interacting neurons hyperactive, producing an uncontrolled stream of pulses. The intensity and nature of the flow does not match the incoming signal and is only determined by the peculiarities of structural and functional organization of the generator. Because the generator is activated neurons to each other, the generator is capable of self-sustaining its activity, without the need for constant further stimulation from the outside.
Appearing with nervous system damage, the generator becomes pathogenic factor in the development process. His education has the character of a universal mechanism and is a typical pathological process is carried out at the level of interneuronal relations. Electrophysiologic generator expression activity are total potentials of its constituent neurons. As such potentials example, electrical activity, to be registered in the generator giant cell nucleus of the medulla oblongata and in epileptic foci in the cerebral cortex, which is one of the generator types.
Pathogenetic value GPEE. Main pathogenetic significance of the generator is that it giperaktiviruet the CNS department in which it arose or to which it is directly connected, so that this department becomes important determinants of pathological forming pathological system. Since the pathological system lie in the basis of the relevant nerve disorders (neuropathological syndromes), the formation of the generator is the initial link these disorders.
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