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Education generator does not always have the effect of occurrence of pathological reactions. When the siege spread generated by the excitation of the brake control mechanisms generator is functionally isolated and does not cause systemic pathological effects. The pathology occurs when giperaktiviruemy influenced generator CNS department actively affect other CNS education, involves them in a pathological reaction and combines them into a new organization - a pathological system (GN Kryzhanovsky). In many cases, particularly in the early stages of the system and formation of pathological acute cases such hyperactive CNS Department defines pathological nature of the system, it becomes important pathological determinant. The role of the pathological determinants can play any formation of the central nervous system (the department, the core nerve center and so on.).
Pathogenetic determinants of pathological significance. Pathological determinant is forming a key link in managing and pathological systems. The emergence of the determinants belongs to the category of typical pathological processes that are realized at the system level.
An example of a pathological determinants in the cerebral cortex is a powerful epileptic focus, which is formed under the influence of a set of disparate, weaker foci of epileptic activity. This generates an epileptic focus center, which is a pathological (epileptic) system. If suppress pharmacologically or surgically remove a determinate center, the complex decomposes and instead re-emerge some epileptic foci.

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