Congenital chromosomal aberrations.
There are two basic types of abnormalities that are due to
chromosomes, one hereditary and one non-hereditary that is nevertheless present
from conception to death. The second
type consists of chromosomal aberrations.
Every cell of our body contains 23 chromosome pairs. However, parental
chromosome pairs located in the germ cells (spermatozoa for men, ova for women)
have to break up so that each parent will contribute one half of his or her
genetic code to the offspring. In
men, this break-up, known as meiosis, occurs during the life span of the
sperm, before it is ready to be
ejaculated. In women, meiosis occurs just after the ovum is
released from the ovary at ovulation.
When errors in meiosis occur, the
offspring has a chromosomal aberration.
If a chromosome is lost, the
offspring will have what is called a monosomy, i.e., will be missing a
chromosome (as in Turner's syndrome).
If there is non-disjunction of a chromosome pair (if a pair stays
fused), the offspring will have what is
called a trisomy -three copies of a chromosome instead of the usual two (such
as in trisomy-21 or Down's syndrome).
There are also a huge number of less complete errors that can occur,
involving partial deletions, duplications, disjunctions or conjunctions of pieces
of chromosomes. The types of chromosomal accidents I have just mentioned are
not the only ones which can affect a person.
When the sperm penetrates the ovum,
the genetic code from each must combine before the ovum starts dividing
(mitosis) into cells which will eventually form tissues and organs. This phase can also go wrong, and the error can then also be duplicated
indefinitely, or variably each time a
cell divides. Errors in one or the
other phase of meiosis are not under strong genetic control. In other words, they do not run much in families. It is not because somebody has trisomy-21 for
example, that they are much more likely
to have a chromosomally aberrant baby.
They are more at risk, but by
less than 1%, because there are subtle genetic (metabolic) factors that
contribute to the risk. Rarely, a mutant gene can actually reliably cause
chromosomal errors. It has recently been
found that this is the case for the fragile-X syndrome -a form of autism caused
by breakage of one long arm of the X chromosome. A gene known as fMRI has the effect of splitting the X chromosome
and breaking off one of its long arms.
That explains why the fragile-X syndrome runs in families more than most
other chromosomal aberrations. At any
rate, whether there is a hereditary
component or not, chromosomal
aberrations are congenital disorders because they are present at birth, and they are disorders of development.
A vignette on a case of fragile-X syndrome
In a 1992 book entitled The
fragile-X child Betty Schopmeyer
and Fonda Lowe describe John, a 7
year-old karyotype-confirmed fragile-X child.
John is a very clumsy child with several autistic traits. He performs in the mentally deficient range.
He is neophobic (has an aversion for any unusual stimulus). He is self-stimulatory (smells things, rocks himself), avoids eye contact, and is extremely emotionally labile. His
speech is cluttered, perseverative and impoverished. He is dysprosodic
(expresses inappropriate inflexions). He
adopts strange postures. He is
interpersonally recluse. He is
variably hyperactive and has a very low attention span.
N.B. There exist a number of
physiognomic signs characteristic of fragile-X syndrome, not described in this particular case
report. These include macro-orchidism
(large genitalia), an elongated
face, large ears, hyper-extensible
joints, arched palate, pectus excavatum (a concave chest), flat feet, myopia,
mitral valve prolapse (a cardiac defect), dental malocclusion (improper
alignment of the teeth), and dermal ridge (finger and hand print) anomaly. Most of these markers are due to anomalies
of development of conjunctive tissue.
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