Both in
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, there are repair enzyme systems to deal with
DNA damage, which is caused rather frequently. The changes in DNA leading to
damage are broadly divided into two general classes: (i) Single base changes
may be caused by conversion of one base to another. These are corrected
throught DNA replication leading to changes in DNA sequence. (ii) Structural
distortions may results from a single strand nick, removal of a base or
introduction of a covalent link between bases of same or different strands eg.
formation of thymine dimer.
A cell may have several systems
to deal with DNA damage. These systems include the following: (i) Direct repair involves reversal of the
damage; for instance, photo reactivation of pyrimidine dimer involves reversal
of covalent bonds giving the original structure. (ii) Excision repair involves recognition of damaged or altered base
followed by excision of a sequence including damaged or altered base(s)
followed by excision of a sequence including damaged bases. This is achieved by
an endonuclease, or an exonuclease. A new stretch of DNA is then synthesized to
replace the excised material. (iii) Mismatch Repair involves correction of
mismatches or pairing between bases which are not compulsory. Mismatches may
arise either (a) during replication or (b) due to base conversion and are
corrected by a process described as error correction during DNA replication.
Direct Repair
As mentioned
above, direct repair involves reversal of DNA damage. Abnormal chemical bonds
between bases or between a nucleotide and an abnormal substituent are broken
down, thus restoring the original DNA structure. The enzymes currently known to
catalyze this DNA repair include the following: (i) DNA photolyase repairs cyclobutane
dimers, induced by Ultra-violet The enzyme splits the cyclobutane ring, only on
activation by light. (ii) 6-4
photoproduct photolyase deals with the DNA damage involving the formation
of ‘6-4 photoproduct’ due to UV. (iii) Spores
photoproduct lyase repairs the lesion caused by UV in B. subtilis spores, where a spore photoproduct is produced instead
of cyclobutane dimers on UV irradiation. (iv) O6- methyl guanine DNA methyl transferase (MGMT) is a
common enzyme found in all species tested. The enzyme transfers the methyl
group of O6- methylguanine to a cystine residue on the enzyme.
Excision Repair system in E.coli
repair has been classified into the two types on the basis of the nature of
excised products. Which can either be free bases as in base excision repair, or
one or more nucleotides, as in nucleotide excision repair?
Base excision repair. BER is always
initiated by a DNA glycosylase. A number of these glycosylases are known,
depending upon the substrate used by each of them. These glycosylases hydrolyse
N-glycosyl bonds linking bases to the sugar-phosphate backbone of the DNA,
leaving sites that are abasic.Sites are then acted upon by an
apurinic/aprrimidinic endonuclease and an AP lyase, so that sugar-phosphate
group is removed by hydrolysis of 5’phosphodiester bond.
Nucleotide excision repair. NER is
initiated by endonucleolytic excisions, either only on one side of the lesion
or on each of the two sides of the lesion. In the endonuclease-exonuclease
repair, an endonuclease first makes an incision at either the 5’ or the 3’ end
of the lesion. The exonuclease then digests segment of the strand involving the
lesion. The gap is later filled by DNA synthesis and ligation.
Relationship between NER and transcription
In prokaryotes,
as well as in eukaryotes, it has been shown that the nucleotide excision repair
of template strand of the transcriptionally active DNA is faster than that of
its complementary strand.
Recombination repair (dimmer tolerance) involves DNA replication in E. Coli
whenever formed in DNA, are reversed either by photo reactivation, due to
Photolyase or removed by UvrABC catalyzed excision repair. However, some of the
dimmers still remain and are tolerated by the replication machinery.
An SOS repair system in E.coli.
In E. coli, many treatments causing DNA
damage or inhibition of DNA replication induce a complex series of phenotypic
changes described as SOS response. The SOS response is initiated by interaction
of RecA protein with LexA repressor.
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