Apoptosis, or programmed cell death: this is the orderly destruction of a cell from
within, the systematic execution of a sequence of active measures that result
in the quiet removal of a cell from active service. It is an active process
that requires internal organisation and the activation of enzyme pathways. It
involves a disruption of cytoskeleton by enzymatic disruption of actin, the
dismantling of the nuclear envelope, the splicing a DNA, and the transfer of
the phospholipid phosphatidyl serine to the outer leaflet of the cell membrane,
which targets the cell for removal by
phagocytes. No cell components are released, it is tidy, and no immune response
The major players in the apoptotic
process are a family of enzymes - proteases - called caspases. Most of these
exist in an inactive precursor form and they are activated as a cascade often
catalysing the activation of each other. Of this, more below.
Apoptotic cell death plays a central
role in development in shaping organ systems, and it is an essential mechanism
to get rid of cells which have been damaged and which pose a potential threat
of malignant growth. Disorders of the apoptotic pathway cause disease as
indicated above - in 50% of human cancers, genes involved in the apoptotic
pathway are suppressed, whiel premature or inappropriate activation of cell
death pathways by subacute injury is implicated in the neurodegenerative
Necrosis is
a passive process. It results from energy depletion, the dissipation of ionic
gradients, cell swelling, disruption and permeabilisation of the plasma
membrane and loss of intracellular contents, resulting in an inflammatory

Mitochondria: we
all know of mitochondria as the seat of oxidative phosphorylation.
However, mitochondria may play a central
determining role in pathways to cell death.
To remind you of basic
mechanisms: the delivery of substrates to the citric acid cycle provies NADH
and FADH2 to the mitochondrial respiratory chain. This consists of a
series of 4 enzyme complexes which transfer electrons from one to the next,
eventually reducing molecular oxygen to generate water. In the process, protons
are transferred from the matrix across the inner mitchondrial membrane into
theintermembrane space by each complex. This proton gradient is expressed
largely as a transmembrane poential,
often referred to as Dym ,which
is about -150mV to the cytosol. This
proton gradient provides the force that drives proton influx into the
mitochondria, through the enzyme called the F1F0 ATP synthase. This consists of
a proton channel and an ATPase and proton influx drives the motor that
phosphorlyates ADP to generate ATP (you can see images of the motor working on
a web site at
Collapse of the
mitochondrial membrane potential stops ATP synthesis by oxidatiev phosphorylaton, but also may allow the ATPase
to run 'backwards' driven by the ATP now that the proton gradient has gone, and
so mitochondrial ATP consumption may
serve to hasten ATP depletion.
ALSO: it
turns out that one of the major triggers for apoptosis is mitochondrial cytochrome c. Cyt c is a major component of the final enzyme complex of the
respiratory chain. It sits in the intermembrane space, and shuttles electrons
between complex 2 and 3. Cyt c appears
in the cytosol in response to initiation of apoptosis by a number of pathways,
and release of cyt c into the cytosol may trigger apoptosis through the
activation of a caspase.

Mitochondria and calcium: mitochondria will take up Ca2+ via a 'uniporter' - the uptake is not balanced
by counter movement of any other ion. For years there has been controversy
about whether mitochondria take up calcium under conditions of normal cell
signalling, but it is now clear that they do.
Mitochondrial calcium regulates
mitochondrial metabolism but may also trigger mitochondrial pathology,
especially when combined with an oxidative stress imposed by excess free
radical generation.

During a stroke or period of anoxia/ischaemia in the CNS, cells may die
because they are starved of substrates for oxidative phosphorylation - glucose
and oxygen, ATP is depleted and the cells die by necrosis. However, it is a
common clinical observation that clinical state may deteriorate rather slowly
after an initial event. This is often seen in a stroke - described as the
'evolution' of a stroke - or after perinatal asphyxia, during which a baby may
seem OK for a day or so after delivery but then slowly deteriorates. Much of
this delayed cell death is attributed to activation of death pathways by the
accumulation of glutamate in the extracellular space during the period of
anoxia, the excessive activation of NMDA receptors and cellular calcium
overload. Glutamate may accumulate to concentrations >100mM largely because the glutamate
transporter in glial cells reverses during ischaemia and pumps glutamate out of
the cell into the narrow extracellular spaces. (Normally, the pump allows glial
cells to remove glutamate from the synaptic cleft, but the pump is driven by
ionic gradients for Na+, K+, H+, and the
reversal of gradients especially for K+ and H+ during
ischaemia can drive the pump 'backwards' ).
Application of glutamate to neurons in culture
may cause a delayed cell death 24 hours later. In many instances in animal
models and to some extent in patients, cell injury may be limited by the
delivery of NMDA receptor antagonists. It is also clear that the cell death
induced by NMDA receptor activation is dependent on Ca2+ influx. But
why should Ca2+ cause the death of the cell? After all, [Ca2+]i is
changing all the time in relation to cell signalling, so what changes here?
It turns out that glutamate induced cell death,
while dependent on changes in [Ca2+]i , does not show a
simple direct relationship to changes in [Ca2+]i . We can
measure [Ca2+]i in cells using intracellular fluorescent
indicators. We can also follow changes in mitochondrial membrane potential.
Depolarisation of the plasmamembrane with high K+
concentrations (depolarises, activates voltage-gated Ca2+ influx)
raises [Ca2+]i , as does application of glutamate. If we
measure [Ca2+]i and Dym systematically, we find that mitochondria
depolarise in response to glutamate in cells in which glutamate is toxic, but
not in response to a similar [Ca2+]i change induced by K+.
On a cell to cell basis, there is no correlation between the [Ca2+]i
signal and the loss of mitochondrial potential, even though the loss of
potential is Ca2+ dependent and will lead to cell death. How can
this be?
Perhaps some other variable is involved in
addition to Ca2+?
It turns out that inhibition of NO production
(L-NAME) will protect cells from glutamate toxicity and suppresses the
mitochondrial response. Further, addition of exogenous NO under conditions in
which Ca2+ is not toxic (i.e. to high K+) will cause
mitochondrial depolarisation.
The interesting problem here, is that neuronal
nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is a Ca2+ dependent enzyme. So, if the
K+ and glutamate both cause a similar rise in [Ca2+]i
why do they both not cause a similar
production of NO???.
The answer was apparently provided very
recently in a paper in Science (Sattler et al, below) which showed that nNOS is
held in place closely localised with the NMDA receptor by a protein (called psd
- post-synaptic density-) 95, a so-called scaffolding protein. This means that
the nNOS will be exposed to microdomains of very high calcium concentration as
it comes into the cell through the NMDA gated channel, while the enzyme nNOS
will only experience the rather more diluted Ca2+ signal when the [Ca2+]i is
raised by depolarisation with K+, even though the average [Ca2+]i
through the cell is the same in the two cases.
It is also clear that preventing mitochondrial
calcium uptake in response to glutamate is protective, and so mitochondrial Ca2+
uptake seems to trigger the downstream processes that lead to cell death.
One possibility is that Ca2+ uptake triggers a mitochondrial
patjology called the permeability transition
pore (PTP). There is great interest in this now, as the PTP has been
implicated in apoptosis, will cause collapse of Dym and so failure of oxidative phosphorylation,
and also has pharmacological modulators, so that it becomes accessible as a
therapeutic target.
There is still much that we don't fully
understand. What is the basis for the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential?
What determines whether the cells will go on to die by apoptosis or by
necrosis? Are there other participants in this cell death cascade - free
radicals, for example?
It seems likely in some of the
neurodegenerative disorders, this kind of process is going on in the brain to
cause the gradual attrition of neurons which are for some reason sensitised to
glutamate. Cells die like this in response to beta-amyloid (found in
Alzheimer's) in response to the AIDS virus coat protein gp120 (implicated in
AIDS dementia). Similar mechanisms underlie cell death in the CNS following
perinatal asphyxia or the brain damage that follows a cardiac arrest. Almost
certainly similar processes take place in the heart or kidney following
infarction or ischaemic injury. So, being able to understand the fundamental
events that lead to cell death raises the possibility that we may be able to
manipulate these processes systematically one day in people to help avoid
disease and considerable human suffering.
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