Physiology - is the
study of biological function, which is a generic definition. Physiology can be defined more specifically
in several ways:
1. It is the study
of life processes that occur inside the body at all levels of organization: cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and
the interactions among these.
• It is very closely related to chemistry
and physics.
2. It is the study
of “cause and effect” with an emphasis on the mechanisms of “how does this
• A generalized
example would be “what causes the heart to pump and what is its effect on the
circulatory system.”
• Or more specifically we could say “what
causes the pancreas to secrete insulin and what effect does this have on blood
glucose levels.”
3. It is based upon
careful observation and experimentation from which conclusions may be
drawn. The data collected from these
experiments and observations are always open to interpretation and change.
• Everything we
are going to study this semester, from cells to reproduction, is based on
careful scientific investigation, as produced by what is called the scientific method. It is not infallible, but is in fact,
designed to be open to change and modification—self-correcting philosophy.
• Example: Can test whether athletes have lower resting
heart rates than sedentary people.
4. The ultimate
goal of physiological research is to understand the normal functioning of cells, organs, & systems. YOU CANNOT MODIFY (MUCH) WHAT YOU DO NOT
5. There are also
different types of physiology:
Pathophysiology is the study of
physiological process as affected by injury or disease.
Exercise physiology is the study of
physiological processes as affected by exercise.
Comparative physiology is the study of
the physiology of different invertebrate and vertebrates groups.
Much of
the knowledge gained from comparative phys. has benefited mankind, because many
other animals, (particularly our closer relatives among Mammalia) have the same
or similar physiology. The small
differences in physiology between human and other mammals can be of crucial
importance in the development of pharmaceutical drugs, but these differences
are relatively slight in the overall scheme of things.
- Requires an extensive knowledge of anatomy. If you are in this class I'm going to assume you have a working knowledge of anatomy. Review Tissues, Organ Systems, and Cell Organelles.
The study of Physiology generally
revolves around the concept of Homeostasis.
It is a term
coined by the father of modern physiology, French physiologist Claude Bernard
“homeo” = Greek
for like or similar.
“stasis” = Greek for fixed or stationary.
Homeostasis is the
maintenance of the conditions in the cell or within the body that maintain life,
despite changes that may be occurring in or outside the body.
1. Your body is
going to maintain a constant internal temperature of 98.6˚F (37˚C) no matter
what the temperature is on the outside, whether it’s 120◦F or -20◦F.
2. Because the body
is an aggregate of about 75 trillion cells, the whole body’s survival is based
on the survival of its cells. All bodily
processes work together to maintain homeostasis of the internal environment of
the cells which keeps you alive.
3. All of the needs
of the these cells are supplied by the external environment (e.g. food, water,
minerals, oxygen), but because the cells are not in contact with the external
environment there must be a means of exchange to get what they need to survive
needs and to get rid of their wastes.
Diagram: cells make up systems, systems maintain
homeostasis, which is essential for cell survival
Bodily Fluid
Compartments: accomplish this task
1. The body can be
thought of as mostly water.
Approximately 60% of its weight is water. The fluids contain various mineral ions (e.g.
sodium, potassium, chloride) and organic substances (e.g. proteins, glucose)
dissolved in the body water. These
fluids are grouped into 2 major divisions
• Intracellular
fluids (ICF) are the fluids within
the cell part of the cytoplasm (water, proteins, enzymes).
• Extracellular
fluids (ECF) are all the fluids
outside the cell; composed of interstitial or tissue fluid (fluid between
cells), plasma (fluid portion of blood, & lymph (fluid in lymphatic
• Together
these extracellular fluids make up the internal environment of the body, whose
constant regulation is the purpose of homeostasis.
Homeostasis: Control of the Internal Environment
1. To reiterate, most
of the living cells of the body are not directly exposed to the gaseous
external environment (atmosphere), but exist in ECF.
There is a constant flow or exchange of materials
between the ECF & ICF.
2. Because of this
constant exchange, conditions in this ECF must be maintained at a relatively
constant level (volume & compositions) in order to permit our cells to live
& function = homeostasis.
Factors to be maintained in the ECF
a) Conditions
such as O2 and CO2 conc.: cells use O2 for
energy & produce CO2 as a waste
b) pH: correct pH is needed for enzymes to work
c) conc. of H2O
& electrolytes, such as Na, K, Cl
temperature: important for enzyme action
e) concentrations
of various nutrients, hormones, & waste products
f) volume &
pressure: important for transfer of
materials between plasma and interstitial fluid
3. All are closely
regulated by the cooperative workings of body’s tissues, organs, & systems.
• Digestive system
transfers nutrients to plasma to cells.
• Respiratory
system transfers O2 from external environment to cells, & carries
CO2 away.
• Circulatory &
lymphatic systems transport nutrients & wastes throughout body.
4. If homeostasis of
the internal environment is disrupted, the result is often disease or sickness,
which sometimes has a snowball effect.
In many diseases, the composition and/or volume of the internal
environment becomes abnormal.
• Consider a person
who has kidney failure and cannot get rid of metabolic waste products that are
toxic to cells at an adequate rate.
• In such a person,
toxic waste materials will accumulate in the ECF and the body will be poisoned
by its own internal environment. The normal functioning of body cells
will be disturbed under such conditions.
• What if someone
has respiratory failure? Heart failure? Iron deficiency? Sterility? Some you can live without
5. So the study of
physiology revolves around the concept of homeostasis and the regulatory
processes by which the body maintains this constancy of the internal
• Some are simple,
some are extremely difficult, but every process in the body has a common goal:
to maintain homeostasis of the internal environment of the body.
Homeostasis has been
achieved when:
1. the
internal environment has the best (optimum) concentrations of gases, nutrients,
ions, & water.
2. the internal
environment has the optimal temperature, it varies a little but normal body T
is 37°C = 98.6°F.
3. The internal
environment has optimal pressure: gas,
water, & osmotic pressure.
4. Goldilocks
analogy: "everything has to be just right."
Requirements for Maintaining Homeostasis
1. Communication
within the body: accomplished by endocrine & nervous systems. How does each communicate? The factor being regulated is the variable (temp, blood sugar levels, etc.). All homeostatic control mechs. have at least 3 interdependent components (receptor,
integrating center, effector).
2. Input from sensory receptors: sensory receptors respond to stimuli (detect
changes) to the body, an awareness of what is happening internally &
3. Control /
Integrating center: brain, spinal
cord, or endocrine glands. They receive sensory information and bring about a
response (efferent signal) via nerve impulses or hormones, intended to change
conditions back to normal. The control center determines a set point (the level or range) at which
a variable is to be maintained; it analyzes afferent signals & responds
with an efferent signal.
4. Effectors bring about the change specified by the
integrating center (e.g., skeletal muscle, glands, & organs). Effectors provide the means for acting on the
control center’s response to a stimulus, either depressing it (negative
feedback) or enhancing it (positive feedback).
*Military Analogy:
field troops detect enemies (sensor) ® send message to HQ (afferent signal to control center) ®HQ
issues a command & sends message to jets (efferent signal) ®jets
(effectors) bomb the enemy (boom boom)
Diagram: Homeostasis Pathway
To maintain homeostasis, we must have communication
networks & mechanisms for regulating this network.
Homeostatic Control Systems: a collection of
interconnected cells that function to maintain a physical or chemical property
of the internal environment relatively constant.
• Each individual
cell exhibits some degree of self-regulation, but the existence of a multitude
of cells organized into tissues, which are further combined to form organs,
imposes the requirement for overall regulatory mechanisms to coordinate the
activities of all cells.
• Example: If you start sprinting, you require more O2,
so to maintain O2 in the ECF, we must have a way of detecting O2
concentration and alter respiratory activity so that O2 levels are
optimum. Vessels dilate/constrict on a
local level before the nervous system is aware.
• As you
keep sprinting, other control mechanisms come into play.
Control Systems of
the Body:
the are 2 general classes of control systems in the body.
1. Local Control: built in or inherent to
the organ or tissue itself.
• When you exercise
skeletal muscle (as in running), you immediately decrease or use up the
available oxygen & nutrients available to those cells. There is also an increase of CO2
& lactic acid (waste products) in the cells.
• This directly
triggers smooth muscle relaxation in arterioles in muscle, which increases
blood flow (vessel dilation) to the area for more nutrients, O2, and
to transport wastes away.
• So, we
have specific control of a local area (tissue, organ, etc.) w/o the nervous
system being "aware."
2. Reflex Controls: regulatory mechanism
outside the organ system that involves the nervous & endocrine systems.
• most widely used
means of control.
• initiated by an
internal change that is detected by an "external control system"
(nervous/endocrine systems). Detect
intrinsic response.
• Motor nerve
impulses or hormones are released from outside of the tissue/organ to produce a
more widespread effect in the body
• Example: So if we keep running for a long period of
time, the extrinsic controls will kick in to also help regulate the changes
going inside the body: Temp, glucose
levels, etc.
3. So if the internal
environment is disrupted like in running, the external & internal processes
mediate reactions that try to return the body to a desired level = set point. Body wants to keep itself at
this relatively constant level = homeostasis.
• A set point is
really an average of values within the normal range. The values are constantly changing between
the high & low points.
• blood pH varies
between 7.35-7.45.
• body T can range
from 96.0◦F in the morning to 99.0◦F
at night. Organs even have different
temperatures. No "normal"
T—what we call normal is an average of many people. Remember that 98.6◦F is an oral temperature reading—your normal core T is
• Analogy of T set
on a house thermostat compared to body T maintenance
There are 2 Types of Extrinsic Control Mechanisms: Negative
& Positive Feedback.
Feedback: regulatory mechanism in which a change in a controlled
variable triggers a response that opposes the change, thus maintaining a steady
set point for the regulated factor. This
is the most common extrinsic control system to maintain homeostasis (i.e. it is homeostatic).
Negative Feedback
Involves: Remember our requirements!
1. In order for the
internal constancy to be maintained, the body must have sensors that are able to detect deviations from a set point.
• The set point is
analogous to the temperature set of a house thermostat.
• In a similar
manner, there is a set point for body temp, blood glucose conc., tension on the
tendon, etc.
2. Integrator receives info. from the
sensors and increases or decreases the activity of the effectors.
3. Effectors carry out the instructions
from the Integrating
Center to maintain
internal constancy.
Because the activity of the effectors is influenced by the effects they produce, and because this regulation is in a "negative" or "reverse/opposite" direction, this type of control system is known as a negative feedback loop.
Most factors (O2, glucose, ions, etc.) in the ECF/Internal
environment are controlled by several effectors, that often have opposite
effects. These are called antagonistic effectors and they have "push-pull" effects. Tonic
control refers to ongoing control that’s adjusted up & down.
• tonic
control: increasing the activity of one effector in turn decreases the activity
of an antagonistic effector.
• Example:
Blood glucose levels are regulated by negative feedback loops
involving hormones that have opposite effects.
While insulin lowers blood glucose levels, glucagon raises blood glucose
Positive Feedback: is the opposite of
negative feedback!! The action of the
effector amplifies the changes that first stimulated the effectors. There are no antagonistic factors.
• If the change in
the homeostatic condition were to increase, positive feedback increases it even
• Back to the thermostat example, usu. it
maintains a constant T by increasing heat production when it is cold and
decreasing heat production when it is warm = negative feedback. A thermostat that works by positive feedback, would increase heat production in response to a rise in
A reflex action is not
homeostatic—the response amplifies/reinforces the stimulus, rather than
having an opposite effect. It can only
be stopped by removing the stimulus.
Shine light in someone’s eyes, pupil contracts & stays contracted
until the stimulus is removed. Hit
someone on the patellar ligament & keeping hitting them, body will keep
jerking knee.
• Blood clot: initial damage caused by a
cut, sets off a series of reactions to form a clot. The activation of one clotting factor results
in the activation of other clotting factors in a positive feedback
avalanche-like manner.
• Giving Birth. Birth initiation starts with uterine
contraction, which causes oxytocin release.
This stimulates contraction of more uterine smooth muscle which
stimulates more oxytocin release.
Contractions keep getting stronger and stronger. Production stops only after baby and placenta
have been completely delivered.
• A single change
is amplified to produce a blood clot or to give birth. Aid in the completion of negative feedback
• Essentially
uncommon, because it tends to move the conditions further away from homeostatic
levels. Prolonged positive feedback is
generally detrimental and usually pathogenic.
Negative feedback loops can stabilize a
function and maintain it within a normal range, but are unable to prevent the
change that triggered the reflex in the first place. A few reflexes have evolved that allow the
body to predict that a change is about to occur and start the response loop in
anticipation of the change. These
responses are called feedforward
controls (example = salivation reflex: sight, smell, or thought of food is
enough to start the response loop, which also trigger the release of HCl in the
Others examples:
erection in human males (visual or
tactile stimuli)
response to exercise (visualization of
an event in your mind)
relaxation techniques.
Unlike some reflex loops which require
a stimulus, some occur spontaneously, e.g., hormones are secreted at different
levels at different times of the day.
Most occur in a predictable manner and are often timed to coincide with
a predictable environmental change such as light-dark cycles or the seasons. Circadian
rhythms are regular rhythms of
growth or activity that occur on a 24 hour cycle.
controlled by the hypothalamus, which
receives information from an ascending pathway from the retina via the
suprachiasmatic nucleus.
studying at night ® get cold not because of drop in environmental temp, but
because your thermoregulatory reflex has turned down your internal thermostat
others that vary are cortisol (steroid
hormone that regulates metabolism; secreted from the adrenal gland); levels are at their lowest at 4 AM and peak around 9 AM in the morning.
growth hormone
sex hormones (testosterone levels peak
at midnight and in the
morning hours)
morning people (temps rise before they
wake up and drop off early in the evening) vs. night owls (tough time waking up
but maintain body temps longer)
Effects vary with age and state of
People who work night shifts never
really quite adjust, because even though their body wants to rest, the control
centers of the brain tell them it’s time to get up.
Biological reflexes are
mediated by the nervous system, the endocrine system, or both. Reflexes can be quite complex, passing
through many integrating centers before reaching the effector. There is so much overlap between reflexes
controlled by the nervous & endocrine systems that they should be
considered as a continuum rather than two discrete systems.
CONTROL SYSTEMS vary in speed, specificity, duration, signal type, and
intensity because tissues require different means of responses for different
nerves are specific, can trace a
pathway from origin to its target cells
endocrine control is more general:
hormone is released into the blood; however, receptors on the cell membrane
ensure the response is cell/tissue specific.
Nature of the Signal
Nervous system uses both a electrical
(depolarization travel long distances) and chemical signals (NT’s travel short
Endocrine system uses chemical signals
nerves are much faster than endocrine
reflexes because hormones must be distributed through the circulatory system
Duration of Action
Nerve control has a much shorter
duration than endocrine
short-term functions mostly performed
by the nervous system
long-term by the endocrine system
frequency of
nervous impulses relays stimulus intensity
(i.e. how fast)
hormone concentration relays stimulus intensity (i.e. how much)
Dynamic Constancy
and the Steady State
• Because negative
feedback loops respond after deviations from the set point have stimulated
sensors, the internal environment is never absolutely constant.
• Homeostasis is
best described as a state of dynamic
constancy, in which conditions hover above and below the set point.
• In other words, feedback systems do not maintain a
complete constancy. The internal
environment varies around the set point. (i.e. it oscillates around set point)
• Feedback
systems just try to minimize the changes taking place.
• Example:
If you are exposed to extremely cold temperatures, as long as the
exposure to cold continues, some decrease in body temperature must persist to
serve as a signal to maintain the responses of the effectors & antagonists.
Homeostatic imbalance
1. Homeostasis is so important that most disease is regarded
as a result of its disturbance, a condition called homeostatic imbalance.
2. As we age, our organs & control systems become less
efficient, placing us a greater risk for illness.
3. Another source of homeostatic imbalance occurs in certain
pathological situations when the usual negative feedback mechanisms are
overwhelmed and destructive positive feedback mechanisms take over, such as in
heart failure.
Important Generalizations about Feedback Mechanisms:
1. Stability of an
internal environmental variable is achieved by balancing inputs and
outputs. The balance between variables -
inputs & outputs is the concern.
2. In negative
feedback systems, a change in the variable being regulated brings about responses
that tend to push the variable in the direction opposite to the original change back toward the original value.
3. Homeostatic
control systems cannot maintain complete constancy of any given feature of the
internal environment - regulated values will have a narrow range of normal
4. It is not possible
for everything to be maintained constant by homeostatic control mechanisms—some
controls are more important than others, and therefore, are regulated more.
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