Membrane Potential and Neurophysiology
The Membrane
Potential of a cell describes the separation of opposite charges across the
plasma membrane. The sketch below shows the relative difference chemically and
electrically between the inside and outside of any living cell.
we know from our introduction to physiology, Potential Energy (stored energy)
is the capacity to do work, the capacity for energy exchange. The amazing thing
about living cells is that they have potential energy set up across their
plasma membranes, which, as we shall see, allows cells to do work.
membrane potential of a cell has a slight imbalance in electrical charge across
the plasma membrane, that is, the cell is slightly negative on the
inside and slightly positive on the outside.
'rest' the cell maintains an electrical and chemical disequilibrium. This is
referred to as the Resting Membrane Potential (RMP). For Neurons, the RMP = -70
m V. This is a relative measure of the voltage inside of the cell; the negative
value indicates that the inside is
negative relative to the outside.
ions responsible for the maintenance of the RMP are K+, Na+
and Pro-. Their concentrations from one side of the cell membrane to
the other differ (= chemical gradient or disequilibrium) and the electrical
charge they contribute from one side of the cell membrane to the other differ
also differs (= electrical gradient or disequilibrium)
Table 1. A comparison of
the permeabilities of ions responsible for creating the membrane potential.
ECF Concentration (mM)
ICF Concentration (mM)
As Table
1 above shows, K+ is the most permeable of the ions. In this way, K+
is the most influential ion in establishing the RMP.
Equilibrium Potentials, the Na+/K+ pump and the RMP
we examine the equilibrium potential of the important ions Na+ and K+
it nicely illustrates how the differences in permeabilities of these ions
contribute to the value of the RMP. To understand the equilibrium potentials
for Na+ and K+ ions, we must examine a hypothetical cell
and assume in each case (separately) that the Na+ and K+
ions are freely permeable, thus can cross the cell membrane freely.
The Movement of Na+ ions alone:
it is assumed that Na+ ions are freely permeable, with no
restrictions to its movement, then Na+ ions will move back and forth
across the membrane until the Electrochemical Gradient has Equilibrated.
The value of the voltage across the membrane for the Equilibrium Potential of
Na+ = +60 mV (ENa+ = +60mV)
The movement of K+ ions alone:
it is assumed that K+ ions are freely permeable, with no
restrictions to its movement, then K+ ions will move back and forth
across the membrane until the Electrochemical Gradient has Equilibrated.
value of the voltage across the membrane for the Equilibrium Potential of K+
= -90 mV (EK+ = -90m V)
If these ions were both equally permeable, then the RMP would be somewhere in between these two values (in between -90 and +60 mV). However, K+ ions are 50 to 75 times more permeable than Na+ and therefore the RMP is much closer to the EK+ than the ENa+. The value of -70 mV is much closer to -90mV than to +60 mV.
3) The Na+/ K+
Pump (also called the Na+/K+ ATPase):
transport membrane spanning protein embedded in the plasma membrane that 'pumps'
Na+ and K+ ions across the membrane against their
concentration gradients. To do this, it requires ATP directly, and so it is a
primary active transport mechanism. It pumps out or ejects 3 Na+
ions from the inside of the cell and pumps in or imports 2K+ into
the cell from the outside at the cost of 1 ATP for one cycle of the Na+/K+
pump. The pump is a protein that has catalytic ability (is an enzyme as well)
and hydrolyzes ATP to ADP + Pi and heat.
Both Na+
and K+ ions continuously "leak" across the cell membrane
down their concentration gradients (through open protein channels or ‘pores’ in
the membrane). Because of this, the Na+/ K+ pump must be
active all the time in order to constantly bailout the leaky ship and maintain
the RMP. In summary, it is these three issues that contribute to the
maintenance of the RMP.
There are 4 types of primary tissues in the body:

Nervous* *excitable tissue (responds to
electrical stimulation).
excitable tissues have various RMP's, for example; neurons have a RMP of -70mV
whereas most cardiac muscle cells have a RMP of -90mV. Excitable means that
they are capable of producing electrical signals when excited (stimulated). As
we may already know, the flow of charged particles is an electrical current,
and these currents are used to send signals or do work.
Neurons and the Nervous System (NS)
are the cell of communication in the NS, so we need to know just a little about
its basic anatomy. Label this generalized neuron and indicate briefly what
important functions occur at the various locations.
are two ways that a neuron can undergo rapid changes in RMP and this really
means that there are two ways that neurons can electrically communicate. These
are Graded Potentials and Action
Graded Potential
= a local change in membrane potential with varying degrees of magnitude. For
short distance communication. The stronger the triggering event, the stronger
the graded potential.
What is a
trigger? Here are some examples of what can trigger a graded potential:
1. A
Specific Stimulus - a change in temperature, pH, light intensity, etc.
2. A
Surface Receptor on plasma membrane - binding of the receptor by a ligand.
3. Spontaneous
change in membrane potential - may be caused by 'leaky' channels, etc.
spread of a graded potential is decremental - that is, it diminishes over
Action Potential
= a brief reversal of resting membrane potential by a rapid change in plasma
membrane permeability. 'Reversal' => from -70mV to +30mV back to -90mV. For
long distance signal transmission.
spread of an action potential is non-decremental, that is, the strength of the
signal does not diminish over distance, and it is maintained from the site of
origin to destination. An action potential can be described as an All or None event. During an action
potential, significant changes occur in membrane permeability for Na+
and K+. This causes rapid fluxes of theses ions down their
electrochemical gradients.
are 4 main phases of an action potential:
1. Threshold
2. Depolarization phase
3. Repolarization phase
4. Hyperpolarization phase
an action potential to occur, threshold must be reached. The threshold value in
neurons is -55 mV. When the RMP is altered and it reaches threshold, this
change in the voltage of the membrane causes voltage gated Na+
channels to open, and this triggers the onset of an action potential.
below is the general sequence of an action potential, but before that, it is
helpful to recognize the various types of gated
ions channels in the plasma membrane of neurons.
There are three types of Gated Ion Channels
1. Voltage Gated
- channel opens and closes in response to changes in membrane potential of
2. Ligand (chemically) Gated
- channels open and close in response to binding of a specific chemical
messenger with a membrane receptor in close association with a channel.
Conformational changes occur due to ligand -receptor complex.
3. Mechanically Gated
- activation of channel from mechanical distention of cell membrane, there is a
stretch or deformation of the plasma membrane causing the channel to open.
The Positive Feedback Loop of voltage gated Na+
ion channels.
triggering event at depolarization increases the membrane voltage (it becomes
more positive), which opens voltage gated Na+ channels, causing the
influx of Na+. This influx further increases the membrane voltage,
leading to the opening of more voltage gated Na+ channels, causing
greater influx of Na+ further increasing the voltage . . . and on and on, in other words, this is an
example of a positive feedback loop. The loop is broken at the voltage of
+30mV, at this point the voltage gated Na+ channels close and are
unable to open again (become deactivated). These channels typically cannot open
again until RMP has been restored (-70mV). The nature of this voltage
gated Na+ channel is important in creating the absolute
refractory period. Below are shown the three conformational (shape) states of
the voltage gated Na+ ion channels.
Closed 2. Open 3. Closed (deactivated)
to open) (unable to open)
The General Sequence Events of an Action Potential
result of the opening of voltage gated Na+ channels when threshold
is reached (and the positive feedback loop that ensues) is that Na+
floods into cell and the inside of the cell becomes more positive very quickly,
going from -55 mV (resting) towards a positive value of +30 mV. Recall that the
ENa+ = +60 mV, therefore the membrane is getting closer to this
value. At the 'Peak' of the action potential (+30mV), the Na+
channels close (become deactivated) and remain closed and inactive until RMP is
the while, the slow to open K+
channels continue to open and at the peak of the action potential K+
rush out of the cell, down their concentration gradient. This outward movement
of K+ starts to restore membrane potential back toward RMP (the
membrane voltage is decreasing now but the potential is increasing). This is
the Repolarization phase; the cell is becoming more negative inside as the
positively charged K+ leaves the cell.
K+ channels are also slow to
close and continue to allow the positively charged K+ to leave
the cell. This leads to a more negatively charged cell inside and represents
the Hyperpolarization phase of the action potential. As the slow closing K+
finally close, the resting permeability of the cell is restored, RMP is
restored and the action potential is over.
An Action
Potentials has 2 Refractory Periods
1. Absolute Refractory Period:
During this period, the cell is unresponsive to any further stimuli. No other
action potential can be fired at this point, regardless of the strength of the
role of the Absolute refractory period is to ensure one-way propagation of
action potentials.
2. Relative Refractory Period:
During this period, another action potential can be produced but the strength
of the stimuli must be greater than normal to trigger an action potential.
role of the Relative refractory period: helps to limit the frequency of action
Summation is when the magnitude of graded potentials can
be added together, to have a combined effect on the postsynaptic membrane. Summation
of graded potentials can occur in two ways: Temporal Summation and Spatial
Temporal Summation occurs
from the summation of graded potentials overlapping in time. In other words
(using the example in class), as the frequency of signals (action potentials)
from neuron A to another neuron, (neuron X) increases, the graded potentials
(from A) can summate.
Spatial Summation
occurs from the summation of several graded potentials from several converging
neurons simultaneously. In other words (again using the example in class), when
several different neurons in space (e.g., A and B) send a signal simultaneously
to neuron X, these graded potentials that are sent at the same time are
summated by neuron X.
Comparison of
Graded and Action Potentials
Below is
a side-by-side comparison of graded and action potentials.
Graded Potentials Action Potentials
Magnitude varies 1) No variation - All or None
(passive spread) 2) Non-decremental (self-regenerating)
No Refractory
Periods 3) Two Refractory Periods (absolute and
Summation is
possible 4) No Summation possible
Trigger: NT's,
hormones, etc. 5) Trigger: Threshold reached
Occurs at cell
body (direction can vary) 6) Occurs at axon hillock (one way
Speed of the Conduction of the Signal
the magnitude of an action potential is always the same, the speed of the
propagation of an action potential down an axon can vary.
1. Diameter of Axon
the cross sectional diameter of axons A and B.
Which of
these axons will conduct a signal faster and why?
larger axon will conduct a signal faster than a smaller axon. This is because
there is less friction between the moving charged particles (Na+ and
K+) and the sides of the axon in the larger axon. Axons in the human
body do vary in their diameter, but there is a limit to how large the diameter
of an axon can be within the confines of the entire human body.
2. Temperature
the surrounding temperature increases, chemical reactions speed up. Thus, if
axon temperatures increase, the rate of conduction of the impulse down the axon
will increase. Conversely, if temperatures decrease, the rate of conduction of
the impulse down the axon will also decrease. Normally, body temperature
remains very constant but can change dramatically in some situations. Typically
a dramatic drop in Tb will significantly slow down neuronal
transmission. For example, if a person falls into the very cold water of a
frozen over lake, all of their nervous responses will be significantly slowed.
3. Myelination of Axon
The myelin sheath that covers some axon is made from the
cytoplasm of glial cells (Schwann cells in the PNS and oligodendrocytes in the
CNS). The myelin sheath is mostly composed of lipids and therefore is a good
insulator, which is the same as saying it is a poor conductor of electrical
charge. In this way, it reduces the electrical 'leakiness' along the axon and
helps to conduct the signal more quickly.
gaps in the myelin sheath, called 'Nodes of Ranvier', allow the action
potential to move faster along the axon. The electrical signal is said to jump
from node to node, thus it is called Saltatory
Conduction. This is not what actually happens at the Nodes of Ranvier, but
at this stage it is convenient to think of the signal 'jumping' down the myelinated
axon significantly faster than a non-myelinated axon.
these three factors that can effect the speed of an action potential traveling down
an axon, (diameter, temperature and myelination), it is axon myelination that
is the most significant. This is mainly because axon diameter and body
temperature are kept fairly constant.
degenerative disease multiple sclerosis
is due to the destruction of the myelin sheath on somatic motor neurons that
control skeletal muscle movement. Initially it causes a slowing of the signal
and eventually it can stop motor signals to skeletal muscle all together. The
sensory neurons that are bringing in sensory information are not affected by multiple
sclerosis. So, you could feel your legs normally but would have problems
sending signals out for muscle control.
Synaptic Transmission - The Sequence of Events
A synapse is the site of communication between two
neurons. Draw and label the pre- and post-synaptic neurons of a synapse.
Include ion channels, vesicles, receptors and enzymes.
Events in the Pre-Synaptic Neuron
1. A
nerve impulse or action potential (AP) moves down an axon and arrives at the
synaptic terminal.
2. Voltage
gated Ca2+ ion channels open in response to the change in membrane
potential from the AP.
3. The
concentration gradient favors an influx of Ca2+ ions from the
extracellular fluid into the cell.
4. This
increase in intracellular Ca2+ ions ([Ca2+]i)
triggers exocytosis of the synaptic vesicles that are 'docked' on the membrane.
5. The
vesicles release their neurotransmitter (e.g., ACh, NE, Dopamine, Serotonin,
etc.). After neurotransmitter (NT) is released, the empty vesicles drop back
into synaptic knob and may reload with more NT. The increase in [Ca2+]i
also causes more vesicles to detach from cytoskeleton and dock with membrane in
preparation for the next release of NT.
6. The
NT is released by exocytosis and crosses the synaptic cleft by simple diffusion
to reach the receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.
Events in the Post-Synaptic Neuron
7. The
NT released from pre-synaptic neurons binds to receptors on the postsynaptic
8. Some
post-synaptic membrane receptors can act as ligand
(chemically) gated ion channels, that is, they open in response to being
bound by signal molecules. For example, many ligand gated channels allow both
Na+ and K+ to diffuse down their concentration gradients.
Others allow CI- ions to travel down its concentration gradient.
9. If
we use a ligand gated Na+ ion channels as an example, when the
ligand gated Na+ ion channels open, Na+ diffuses along
the inner surface of the post-synaptic neuron, this influx of Na+
partially depolarizes the membrane, creating a local PostSynaptic Potential
10. Response of the postsynaptic neuron?
If the membrane potential is depolarized and brought closer or to
threshold, then it is called an Excitatory PostSynaptic Potential (EPSP). For
example, if Na+ ions enter the cell - the inside of the cell becomes
more positive, and the RMP of -70 mV gets moved closer to threshold (-55 mV).
If the membrane potential is
hyperpolarized and moved further away from threshold, then it is called an
Inhibitory PostSynaptic Potential (IPSP). For example, if K+ ions
leave or CI- ions enter the cell, the inside becomes more negative,
and the RMP of -70 mV gets moved further away from threshold, making the cell
less likely to reach threshold.
lonotropic and
Metabotropic Effects
Effects - The mechanisms described above are
termed ionotropic effects, whereby a neurotransmitter (NT) binds to a membrane
receptor and directly opens an ion channel. This then leads to a rapid change
in membrane potential of postsynaptic cell, whether Excitatory or Inhibitory.
This type of effect is very common for Nervous system transmissions, which are
rapid and brief.
Metabotropic Effects - The mechanisms of metabotropic effects are mediated by a second messenger system, like cAMP.
1. Presynaptic
neuron releases NT (first messenger) via exocytosis into synaptic cleft.
2. The
NT diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds receptors on postsynaptic membrane
of neuron.
3. The
receptor is linked to and activates a G
protein which hydrolyses GTP to GDP. This allows a subunit to migrate along
plasma membrane to the inactive enzyme adenylyl
4. The
G protein subunit activates adenylyl
cyclase (an enzyme which uses ATP as its substrate).
5. Adenylyl
cyclase removes 2 phosphate groups from ATP to make cyclic AMP (cAMP) - this is the cell’s second messenger
(this form of cell communication is called “the second messenger system”).
6. The
increase in cAMP inside the cell activates a Protein kinase (e.g., PKA).
7. A
protein kinase phosphorylates (adds phosphates to) other enzymes or other
protein structures in the cytosol and can alter activity of that structure
(that is, can increase or decrease its activity).
The sequence
of events above can have several effects
1. Activated
enzymes trigger genetic transcriptions and synthesis of new proteins.
2. Activated
enzymes activate other metabolic pathways.
3. Activated
enzymes open ligand gated channels in plasma membrane.
Stopping Signal Transmission
A number
of things must occur to stop the postsynaptic cell from responding and begin to
restore cell to resting state so that it can receive and possibly transmit a
signal again.
things must happen
1. Stop Impulse: The
impulses from presynaptic nerve fiber stops. The action potential ends, and no
further release of NT into synaptic cleft occurs.
2. Clear Synaptic Cleft:
The synaptic cleft must be cleared of residual neurotransmitter (NT), in
preparation of another signal arriving. This can be achieved in 3 ways:
Diffusion of NT away from receptors in the synaptic cleft.
NT reuptake by presynaptic neuron. Recycling can be of the entire NT or in
Degradation of NT enzymatically. This hastens the return of the membrane pot to
e.g. ACh
+ Acetalcholinesterase produces Acetate + Choline (both are non-stimulating
e.g., NE,
E, Serotonin + MonoAmine Oxidase produces non-stimulating fragments of these
are signal molecules that are released from neurons. There are believed to be
about 60 known neurotransmitters. They can function as excitatory (EPSP) or
inhibitory (IPSP) substances, but this can change depending on the location of
neuron and type of effector (target) cell it acts on. For example,
Acetylcholine (ACh) contracts skeletal muscle and ACh relaxes smooth muscle!
How can the same NT have contrasting effects on various tissues? The answers
lies in the type of receptor on the
target tissue. The specific type of receptor on the tissue will determine how
the tissue responds to various signal molecules.
Neurotransmitters can be divided into four categories:
Acetylcholine (ACh), Amino Acids,
Biogenic Amines and Neuropeptides
- This is a single molecule that is in a class all by itself. Neurons that
release ACh are termed "Cholinergic Neurons". It is best known in neuromuscular junctions
(NMJ) effecting skeletal muscle. It is
released by many neurons in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and some
neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). ACh binds to two types of
receptors, 1) nicotinic and 2) muscarinic.
In the PNS, ACh is the sole NT used by the Somatic nervous
system (SNS): Here at the NMJ ACh binds to nicotinic receptors on skeletal
muscle and causes excitation (contraction) of skeletal muscle. In the Autonomic
nervous system (ANS), it is release by all neurons at the ganglia and binds to
nicotinic receptors on postgalionic neurons. It is also released by
parasympathetic postgalionic neurons and binds with muscarinic receptors on
effector tissue (cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands). In general terms,
nicotinic receptors are always excitatory (in that when stimulated they cause
an EPSP) and muscarinic receptors are generally inhibitory (in that when
stimulated they usually cause an IPSP).
‚ Amino Acids
- These NT's can be excitatory or inhibitory.
A) Excitatory
Glutamate - accounts for
approximately 75% of all excitatory transmission in the brain, so it is the
most common excitatory NT in the brain. It is released in cerebral cortex,
brain stem. Involved in learning and memory. Also called glutamic acid.
Aspartate - similar to glutamate but
found mostly in the spinal cord for excitation. (aspartic acid)
B) Inhibitory
GABA - Gamma AminoButyric Acid
(GABA) is the most common inhibitory NT in the brain. Released in thalamus,
hypothalamus, cerebellum, occipital lobe and retina.
Glycine - is the simplest amino acid
and is the most common inhibitory NT in the spinal cord. It is also
in the brain and retina.
ƒ Biogenic
Amines - These NT's are all derived from either
the amino acid tyrosine or tryptophan. The COOH groups in the amino acid are
replaced by NH2 groups. There are two main categories of Biogenic
Amines, they are A) Catecholamines
(derived from tyrosine) and B)
Indolamines (derived from tryptophan). All of these can also be referred to as monoamines, which are degraded by the
enzyme MonoAmine Oxidase (MAO).
Norepinephrine (NE) - released by
most sympathetic postganglionic nerve fibers. Also released in the cerebral
cortex, hypothalamus, brain stem, cerebellum and spinal cord. Has a role in
mood, dreaming, wake and alertness levels. Neurons that release NE or E are
termed "Adrenergic Neurons". For the most part, NE is an excitatory
or stimulatory NT, typically elevating mood and alertness.
The highly addictive drug cocaine interferes
with NE transmission in the brain. Cocaine acts to block the reuptake of NE
back into adrenergic neurons that released it. This has an effect of increasing
the amount of NE that lingers in the synaptic cleft, thus increasing the
stimulatory effects on the target cell.
There are also drugs that inhibit the effects of the degradative enzyme
Monoamine Oxidase (MAO), they are called Monoamine
Oxidase Inhibitors (MAO Inhibitors). They have their effect by increasing
the amount of NE that remains in the synaptic cleft, as well as increasing the
amount of NE that is packaged into the vesicle before being released into the
synaptic cleft. Some medications act to reduce the amount biogenic amine action
in the body and are used for high blood pressure (e.g., reserpine) but can have
the side effect of causing depression. This is because decreased (or depressed)
levels of biogenic amines in neural transmission is linked to clinical
Epinephrine (E) - released in
thalamus, hypothalamus, spinal cord and adrenal medulla. Chemically and
functionally similar to the effects of NE. When released from the adrenal
gland, it acts as a hormone.
Dopamine - released by the cerebral
cortex, hypothalamus, limbic system and retina. Highly concentrated in the
substancia nigra of the midbrain where it is involved with voluntary motor
control. Also involved in elevation of mood and emotional responses. Neurons
that release dopamine are termed "Dopaminergic Neurons".
Dopaminergic neurons in the subsancia nigra normally inhibit primary motor
neurons (which then control skeletal muscle fibers). Degeneration of
dopaminergic neurons in the subsancia nigra can lead to Parkinson's disease.
L-Dopa is a precursor to dopamine and used as a medication for Parkinson's
disease, as it can pass through the blood brain barrier, whereas dopamine
It has also been postulated that the consumption of chocolate increases
dopamine transmission, thus may lead to feeling good. Dopamine transmission has
also been linked to reward centers in the brain (like the ‘pleasure’ center)
and has been associated with addictive behavior.
B) lndolamines
- two main indolamines: Serotonin (5-HT) and Histamine.
Serotonin (5-HT) - released in the
hypothalamus, limbic system, cerebellum, retina and spinal cord. Also secreted
by platelet cells and intestinal cells. Believed to playa role in sleepiness,
alertness, mood and thermoregulation.
to Melatonin, the hormone released by
the pineal gland for inducing sleep (regulating circadian rhythm).
is also affected by MAO Inhibitors. For example, the drugs phenelzine (Nardil)
and isocarboxazide (Marplan) are also used to treat clinical depression. These
also have an effect of increasing the amount of NE in the synaptic cleft, as
well as increasing the amount of NE that is packages into the vesicle before
being released into the synaptic cleft. This elevated NE response tends to be
seen in the sympathetic division of the ANS, so “dry mouth”, elevated heart
rate and blood pressure are significant side effects experienced by people on
this type of medication.
Often MonoAmine Oxidase is located inside the presynaptic neuron where it
degrades NT that has been actively transported back into the cell that released
them. In these cells, inhibition of MAO is believed to increase the amount of
serotonin packaged into the vesicle before being released into the synaptic cleft.
Again, this would increase the amount of serotonin released and increase
serotonergic effects.
Some medications prescribed for depression, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine (Paxil), interfere with serotonin
transmission in the brain. They both prevent reuptake of serotonin by
presynaptic neurons. This represents a relatively new class of antidepressants
called selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs). This results in an increased amount of serotonin
remaining in the synaptic cleft, thus serotonin-dependent activity in the CNS
increases. These effects are analogous with the effects of cocaine for NE
neurons. The SSRIs are more specific than MAO inhibitors because they only
target serotonergic synapses.
Histamine - released by the hypothalamus
but little is known about its specific actions as a NT. Also released by mast
cells and basophils. Acts as a paracrine and vasodilates blood vessels.
„ Neuropeptides -
These NT's can be from 2 to 40 amino acids in length. There are many neuropeptide
but we will limit our discussion to three: Substance P, Enkephalins and b-Endorphins.
Substance P - released by neurons of
the basal nuclei, midbrain, cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. This is a very
important NT for mediation of pain transmission. The P is for Pain!
Enkephalins - released in
hypothalamus, limbic system, pituitary gland and pain pathways of the spinal
cord. Also found in nerve endings of the G.I. tract. Enkephalins act as
analgesics ('pain killers') by inhibiting substance P transmission. Levels of
enkephalins increase significantly during child birth.
- found in many parts of the brain and the G.I. tract, also a hormone in the
pituitary gland. b-Endorphins
are opioid peptides (similar in chemical nature to opium) and are part of the
body's natural pain relief molecules. This NT also suppresses pain by blocking
substance P transmission and reduces the perception of fatigue.
Endorphins are released after prolonged physical exertion or during 'stressed'
states. It is linked to 'runner's high', the often euphoric feeling experienced
by individuals after an endurance run.
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