The following are the links of the pathogenesis of
diabetes with insulin deficiency (resulting in developing IDDM) and with
insufficient effects of insulin (and therefore developing NIDDM).
Insulin deficiency
The main pathogenesis.
Exposure to pathogenic factors causing damage to
the pancreatic β-cells. This action leads to the suppression of the processes:
- Biosynthesis proinsulin
- Splitting of proinsulin to insulin
- Transport of proinsulin to the Golgi apparatus
- Devesiculationi and release insulin into the bloodstream
- Vesiculation insulin
When insulin deficiency occurs:
- Damage and loss of β-cells of the islets of Langerhans,
- Reduction of the total β-cell mass,
- Inhibition of the synthesis and release of insulin into the blood from
damaged β-cells.
In most cases (possibly even all) of the
pathogenesis of insulin deficiency is common link: immunoagressive development
process. This process typically takes several years and is accompanied by the
gradual destruction of β-cells.
Diabetes Symptoms usually appear at break of about
75-80% β-cells (which can be detected earlier on a different background,
"precipitating" states - diseases, intoxications, stress, glucose
metabolism disorders, binge eating and other endocrinopathy). The remaining
20-25% of cells usually destroyed during the subsequent 2-3 years.
In the dead of diabetes patients pancreas weight
is an average of 40 g
(80-85 g
norm). The mass of β-cells (healthy individuals about 850 mg) is negligible or
not is determined.
Key links immunoagressive version of the
pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus.
1. The introduction of the organism is genetically predisposed to diabetes
people of foreign Ar carrier. The most common are viruses, at least - other
2. Absorption of foreign antigen presenting cells Ag, Ag processing and
presentation of it in conjunction with the Ag HLA (presentation) helper T
3. The formation of immune AT and activated lymphocytes against specific
foreign Ag.
4. Action AT and activated lymphocytes:
- Foreign Ag: its destruction and elimination from the body, with the
participation of phagocytes;
- Antigenic structures β-cells having a similar structure to the alien Ag
(assume that such an endogenous Ag, like an alien, may be a protein with Mr 64
- Cells containing such Ar, are attacked by the body's system of
immunobiological surveillance, perceiving their own Az for alien. This
phenomenon is referred to as "cross-immune response." During this
reaction, β-cells are destroyed and the individual proteins are denatured and
5. Absorption, processing and presentation of both the lymphocytes alien Ar
and newly formed β-cell autoantigens monocytes / macrophages.
The process of the immune autoaggression
potentiated the synthesis and transport to the surface of damaged β-cells Ag
HLA class I and II. Said Ar stimulate helper T cells and consequently -
specific Ig production and differentiation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. Immune
autoaggression against their β-cells increases. Increasing scale islet damage
the appliance.
6. Migration in regions of damaged and destroyed by the pancreatic β-cells
7. cytolytic effect on leukocyte β-cells by lysosomal enzymes, generation
of large amounts of reactive oxygen species, free radicals of organic
substances, the activation process lipoperoxide cytokines (γ-IFN, TNF-β, IL-1).
8. The destruction of β-cells is accompanied by the release of these
"foreign" to the immune system proteins (normally they are only
intracellularly and in the blood does not fall): heat shock, cytoplasmic
ganglioside, proinsulin.
9. Absorption macrophages said cytoplasmic
proteins β-cells, its processing and presentation to lymphocytes. This causes
the next episode of the destruction of the immune attack of additional β-cells.
By reducing their weight to 75-80% of normal "suddenly" appear
clinical signs of diabetes.
Signs in relation to the activation of β-cells of
the immune surveillance system may disappear with time. With the death of
β-cells decreases and the stimulus to the immune response autoaggression. So,
AT level in Ag β-cells is significantly reduced by 1-1.5 years after their
first detection.
Pathogenesis of absolute insulin
deficiency caused by the action of chemical pancreatic factors.
Chemical pancreatropic agents
cause direct damage to the β-cells, damage to the membranes and enzymes, and as
a result to the denaturation of proteins and the appearance of autoantibodies.
The same process can cause a chain and other mechanisms - the action of the primary
chemical pancreatropic agent stimulates the formation of
an excess of reactive oxygen species and activation of lipid peroxidation. The
result is a destruction of β-cells and insulin deficiency.
The mechanism of absolute insulin
deficiency caused by the influence of physical pathogenic factors.
Pathogenic agents physical nature
Damage and destruction of β-cells
The emergence of autoantigens
Education and cytotoxic effect on β-cells and
lymphocytes AT autoaggressive
The destruction of β-cells
insulin deficiency
Lack of insulin effects
The implementation of various embodiments of the
pathogenesis of diabetes with insulin deficiency effects occur with normal or
even elevated its synthesis and incretion in the blood (the developing NIDDM).
Contrinsular factors
1. insulinase.
Mechanisms of activation insulinase:
- An increase in the blood of glucocorticoids and / or growth hormone
(which is often observed in patients with diabetes);
- Deficiency of zinc and copper ions, reducing the normal activity
Since insulinase begins to rapidly synthesized by
hepatocytes in puberty, this mechanism is an important pathogenesis of juvenile
2. The proteolytic enzymes. They can come from extensive foci of
inflammation and destroy the insulin (for example, cellulitis, peritonitis,
infection of burn surface).
3. AT to blood insulin.
4. Substances insulin molecule binding and thereby block the interaction
with the insulin receptor. These include:
- Plasma insulin inhibitors of protein nature (eg, the individual fractions
α- and β-globulin).
Insulin bound to plasma proteins does not show
activity in all tissues except the fat. The final conditions for the cleavage
of the protein molecule, and contact with specific insulin receptors.
- Β-lipoproteins. The synthesis of β-LP in increased amounts indicated in
patients with overproduction of growth hormone. β-form LP large - molecular
complex with insulin, insulin in the composition is not able to interact with
its receptor.
The elimination or reduction
of the effects of insulin on target tissues
The elimination or reduction of the effects of
insulin on target tissues is achieved owing to the effect of excess hormones hyperglycemic
insulin metabolic antagonists. These include catecholamines, glucagon, glucocorticoids,
growth hormone, and iodine-containing thyroid hormones.
Long-term and significant hyperglycemia stimulates
increased production of β-cell insulin. However, this may not be sufficient to
normalize HPA, as long hyperactivation pancreatic islets leading to damage of
Insulin resistance
Violation implement the effects of insulin at
target cells known as insulin resistance. Known receptor and postreceptor
mechanisms of this phenomenon.
The receptor mechanisms
1. "Screening" (closing) insulin receptor Ig. Recent specifically
react with the receptor proteins themselves and / or perireceptors zone. Ig
molecule thus make it impossible interaction of insulin and its receptor. Under
these conditions, the receptor itself and the cell membranes are not damaged.
2. Hypoconcaveation target cells to insulin. It is caused by prolonged
increase in insulin concentration in blood and the interstitium.
- Hypoconcaveation cells is the result of increasing the number of
low-affinity on the surface of cells to insulin receptor and / or decrease the
total number of insulin receptors.
- Hypoconcaveation observed in individuals suffering from overeating, which
causes overproduction of insulin.
3. The destruction and / or modification of the conformation of the insulin
receptor are determined by:
- Antireceptors the AT, is synthesized by changing the structure of the
receptor (eg, as a result of acceding to it in the form of the hapten drug or
- An excess of free radicals and products at process lipoperoxide hypoxia
deficiency antioxidants - tocopherol, ascorbic acid, etc;
- Defects in genes encoding the synthesis of the insulin receptor
postreceptor mechanisms
- Violations of protein phosphorylation of target cells, which disrupts
intracellular processes "recycling" of glucose.
- Defects in the target cells transmembrane glucose transporters. They are
mobilized in time insulin interaction with its receptor on the cell membrane.
Transmembrane glucose transporters failure is detected in patients with
diabetes in conjunction with obesity.
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