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Pain is a complex psycho-emotional unpleasant sensation, is realized with a special system of pain sensitivity and the higher parts of the brain. It indicates actions that cause tissue damage, or of existing injuries. The system of perception and transmission of the pain signal is also called nociceptive system.
There are physiological and pathological pain. Physiological pain is important adaptive defense mechanism. It indicates the action of damaging agents, on the already incurred damage and the development of pathological processes in tissues. Physiological pain activates protective processes and behavioral responses to address the action of pain (algogenic) factors and the consequences of this action.
People with congenital or acquired (for example, trauma, infectious lesions) pathology of the nociceptive system, devoid of pain sensitivity, do not notice the damage that can lead to serious consequences.
Pathological pain is maladaptive and pathogenic significance. Various types of pathological pain occur as characteristic for it syndromes and symptoms which are absent at physiological pain. These include causalgia, hyperpathia, primary and secondary hyperalgesia, expansion and new algogenic receptive areas, persistent pain, spontaneous episodes of pain, preservation of pain after the termination of the provoking stimulus and other phenomena. Pathological pain is nociceptive done the same system, but the changes in the conditions of disease.
Pathological pain causes the development of structural and functional changes and damage to internal organs, particularly in the cardiovascular system, degeneration of tissues, violation of autonomic reactions, changes in neural activity, endocrine and immune systems, psycho-emotional sphere and behavior. Extreme pain can cause severe shock, uncontrollable chronic pain can be the cause of disability. Pathological pain becomes pathogenic factor in the development of new pathological processes and acquires the value of self-neuropathological syndrome or disease. Pathological pain is poorly corrected and with it the struggle difficult. If abnormal pain occurs a second time (with severe somatic diseases, malignancies, etc.), Then often it becomes the main target of treatment interventions that aim to reduce patient suffering

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