Thymus compartment formation and elaboration of the vascular network
A crucial but
understudied component of the thymic architecture is the network of capillaries
and blood vessels sometimes referred to as the thymic blood vessel tree. A
capillary network throughout the cortex provides for oxygen delivery, as in
other tissues. However, blood vessels in the thymus provide an additional
critical function. Although the initial immigration of LPCs into the thymus
occurs by directly traversing the epithelium in response to chemokines (64), in
the postnatal thymus LPCs enter and leave the thymus via blood vessels located
at the cortico-medullary junction, or CMJ (65). In spite of the crucial role
blood vessels play in thymus function, almost nothing is known about the
development of blood vessels in the thymus during ontogeny. CD31+ endothelial
precursors first enter the thymic primordium at E12.5 (66), and the intrathymic
vasculature is functionally connected to the vasculature outside the thymus by
E14.5 (64) (JL Bryson et al, unpublished data). The architecture of the
thymic vasculature relative to thymic compartments was first described by a
study using 3D reconstructions of vessels versus medullary regions (67). This
study concluded that different regions of the thymus were associated with
specific types of vessels: capillaries in the cortex, medium sized vessels
associated with medullary regions, and larger vessels without a consistent
localization. The association of vasculature with medullary condensations in
both wild-type and Rag mutant thymi suggested that interactions between vasculature
and mTECs are responsible for organizing the medullary compartment, although
the directionality of signaling was not determined. A more recent study also
concluded that Fgf7 originating from blood vessels promotes mTEC expansion,
although a direct role in mTEC differentiation is less clear (54).
As in all tissues, the
vasculature is composed of more than one cell type, with endothelial cells
forming vessels that are enclosed by tightly associated mesenchymal cells. In
both fetal and adult thymic vasculature, NCC-derived mesenchyme surrounds the
endothelial cells (68, 69). Thus, NCC-endothelial progenitor interactions are
likely necessary for correct formation of the vasculature. NCC-derived
pericytes also participate directly in vascular function in the postnatal
thymus, as those at the CMJ have been shown to promote thymocyte egress via
expression of S1P (70). TECs are also closely associated with fetal and
postnatal thymic vasculature, and proper TEC differentiation is required for
both initial (66) and later development and maturation of the fetal thymic
vasculature (JL Bryson, et al. unpublished data). However, the signals
mediating this crosstalk have not been definitively identified. One obvious
candidate is vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF. TECs, thymic
mesenchyme, and a subset of immature thymocytes (CD25+ DN cells) have all been
implicated as sources of VEGF in the fetal thymus (66, 69, 71), and may direct
remodeling of the thymic vasculature during perinatal medullary expansion (71).
Current evidence suggests that TEC-derived VEGF may be important for formation
of the capillary bed in the thymic cortex (69, 71), while mesenchyme-derived
VEGF may support the development of larger vessels (69). The functional
significance of apparent VEGF expression on immature thymocytes is less clear.
Furthermore, VEGF is unlikely to be the only signaling pathway involved in the
complex process of thymic vascularization. Thus, multiple crosstalk signals
between TECs, NC mesenchyme, and endothelial cells (and possibly thymocytes)
are likely required for proper patterning and maturation of the thymic
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