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Trace reaction in the pathology of the nervous system

After each of the pathological process in the nervous system are structural and functional changes that can be stored in the form of hidden tracks in normal conditions. These changes are functionally manifested not only by weakening them, but also because of the mechanisms of compensation and tonic inhibitory control on the part of various CNS structures, and, in particular, by the antisystems. The action of the new pathogens, activating the hidden changes (eg, inhibited generators of pathologically enhanced excitation) and breaking the mechanisms of control, these changes may appear functional, which will result in the emergence of certain symptoms. Such reactions are defined as a trace: the pathogenic effects that cause these reactions, A.D.Speransky called "second blow". An example of a trace of reaction, reproducible experiment could be traction bath hind limb of the rat, which was formerly the local tetanus (extensor rigidity) of the limbs. After subcutaneous injection of phenol to the animal on his background in common tremor occurs, said traction bath.
The more significant hidden structural and functional changes and the less effective control mechanisms, the easier it is reproduced trace reaction. Therefore, in the early stages of recovery (the so-called clinical recovery) trace pathological effects may occur under the influence of many pathogenic agents, in the later stages as they played less, only some, more intimate mechanism of action of pathogenic influences. If non-specific secondary pathogenic effects of the disease can not be played, and only a few signs of the former pathological process. Accounting trace reactions is essential for the understanding of this disease process, proper diagnosis and treatment, it emphasizes the importance of history and the need to identify possible hidden abnormalities.

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