What is a Conspiracy Theory?
Understanding Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracy or conspiracy theory can be interpreted as a
theory that seeks to explain that the ultimate cause of one or a series of
events is a secret thing and often deceives someone, planned secretly by
certain parties such as a group of people or organizations that have powerful
and very influential. Generally, the events associated with the conspiracy are
political, historical, and social events.
The word conspiracy itself is taken from English which means
conspiracy, which means that it is a secret plan carried out by a group of
people to be able to do something that violates or harms the law.
According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or the KBBI, the
word conspiracy means a conspiracy or conspiracy. According to the KBBI, the
word conspiracy implies a wrong and illegal act carried out by the conspirators
because several parties do not need to carry out the conspiracy to be involved
in activities whose values are illegal or unethical.
Based on this explanation, it can be concluded that a conspiracy is an act that seeks to explain the cause of one or a series of secret events. A conspiracy theory is a theory that aims to explain the leading cause of an event or series of events.
Some experts also provide opinions regarding the meaning
of conspiracy. Here's the explanation.
Robert O Zeleny
Robert O Zelency expressed an opinion in 1987 regarding
conspiracy; according to Zeleny, the meaning of conspiracy is a secret action
with a very planned to be able to carry out an illegal or wrong activity.
Yenni Salim
Yenni said that conspiracy is a plan or action carried out
by a group of people in a secret way by conspiring to be able to carry out an
act that violates the law and is included in bad faith.
Oxford Dictionary
According to the Oxford dictionary, conspiracy is a plan
that has a secret nature and can be carried out by a certain group of people
with illegal purposes and can harm certain parties.
Types of Conspiracies
In practice, conspiracies can be divided into several
different types, and the following explains the kinds of conspiracies.
Political conspiracy is a conspiracy that occurs between
certain people who have the aim of being able to gain political power or
fulfill political goals. Political conspiracy can also be interpreted as a
conspiracy that believes there is an agreement between several groups of people
to gain political power.
Criminal conspiracy is a conspiracy that believes that there
is an agreement that is in progress or occurs between several people or groups
to be able to violate existing laws in the future.
Civil conspiracy is a conspiracy that occurs between several
people to be able to carry out a fraudulent act that is misleading or deceiving
another person from the legal rights obtained by that person, aiming to gain a unilateral
Hub and spoke conspiracy is a conspiracy in which one or
more main conspirators carry out some of the same conspiracies with other
people, and the success of the conspiracy depends on several parties
The Purpose of Conspiracy
When viewed from the various types of conspiracies that
exist, conspiracies have multiple purposes, which in general are to achieve
benefits that certain people or groups only obtain. From the purpose of these
types of conspiracies, it can be seen that conspiracies are detrimental.
In general, the people themselves do not know what the
purpose of certain groups is to conspire because the events carried out are
secret. According to the type of conspiracy, each conspiracy has a different
However, in general, the purpose of a conspiracy is to blame
one party or to lead public opinion on an event or series of events and issues
that at that time received public attention and were considered necessary by
the public.
Conspiracies can occur anywhere, from the business
environment, work, regional areas, countries and even events and a series of
events that occur worldwide. However, even if the action of the conspiracy
takes place, a party can rarely prove the conspiracy to the public because it
does not have solid evidence. This is due to the confidential nature of the
conspiracy and is only known to the parties involved.
Examples of Conspiracy Theories
Conspiracies and conspiracy theories that try to uncover an
event or issue are not new. Even these conspiracies and conspiracy theories
have been around for years. There are even some conspiracy theories that
finally affect people's minds. Here are some conspiracy theories that have
happened before.
1. There is Weather Manipulation
The first conspiracy came in 1993 when a US research and
defense project agency partnered with the US military and the University of
Alaska. The research project then started a program called the High-Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP for short.
HAARP is a project that is not publicly disclosed and raises
a lot of suspicions. The public gave many assumptions about the HAARP project,
which was kept secret by the US government.
Some conspiracy theories reveal that the HAARP project is a
satellite project with a relatively significant impact, namely an earthquake.
Then the HAARP project is a project of a large transmitter capable of creating
tornadoes and even tsunamis. However, it turns out that the HAARP project in
collaboration with the US military is a continuation of an old project from the
US government where a cloud seeding technique was carried out to increase
Although it didn't cause a tornado, the HAARP project proved
to have some results in impacting weather manipulation, especially in bringing
about heavy rainfall. Thus, the conspiracy theory from the HAARP project is
considered quite correct about manipulating the weather.
2. The Moon's Existence Is Not Real
This conspiracy theory, first put forward by a former
football player, book author, and public speaker named David Icke stated that
the moon is inaccurate.
Icke argued that the moon was not accurate at first because
it was inspired by an American writer who said that the size of the moon was
considered quite strange. David Icke later believed the American writer's
conspiracy theory, then theorized that the moon wasn't real.
David Icke has a conspiracy theory in the form of a control
system that can manipulate people's feelings towards reality. Icke reveals that
using these feelings causes humans to become a slave race. Icke said that
everything in this world is a lie that is constructed in such a way that people
can believe it.
3. The Earth Is Not Spherical, But Flat
The third conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory that is
quite popular and even has quite a large following. It is a flat earth
conspiracy theory that allegedly unofficially existed in the 19th century and
gave rise to a flat earth society.
After being unofficially present and standing for the flat
earth community, in 2004, the president of the flat earth community, Daniel
Shenton, revived the flat earth conspiracy theory.
Flat earth community groups argue that the human landing on
the moon is a fraud. Furthermore, the flat earth society group explained the
flat earth conspiracy theory that if the earth was spherical, then humans
should be able to see the earth's curvature from an airplane.
Not only that, but the data earth community also said that
the light on the satellite in orbit was a false light deliberately installed to
deceive humans. The flat earth community also believes that the force of
gravity is another false phenomenon.
4. The Tragedy of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack
The conspiracy theory of the 9/11 terrorist attacks is also
one of the most well-known conspiracy theories. When the tragedy of the 9/11
terrorist attacks in an end, several conspiracy theories began to emerge which
were entirely trusted by the public.
According to the conspiracy theory of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, many people believe there is a conspiracy behind the collapse of the
building that ultimately killed many victims. Many believe that the United
States government carried out the attacks on 9/11 and that the attacks were not
terrorist attacks.
Some conspiracy theories suggest that the United States
government knew that terrorists would come and attack on 9/11. But the United
States government refused to act and convinced the public to declare war on the
Middle East.
5. Princess Diana's death wasn't an accident
Princess Diana is the daughter of the British occupation
that has attracted a lot of attention because the origin of Princess Diana's
family is not from the royal family or royalty but the ordinary people.
When she married Prince Charles, their love affair
immediately got the spotlight because it was considered romantic. However,
after being married for some time, Prince Charles was caught having an experience
with Princess Diana.
Princess Diana eventually died in an accident, but the
accident was considered intentional by the royals.
The Princess Diana accident conspiracy theory says that the
Paris car crash that ultimately killed Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed in 1997
had become a part of the palace to save Prince Charles' image.
Not just one or five, but about 175 conspiracy theories
about the accident that happened to Princess Diana. Muhamad Fayed, the father
of Dodi Fayed, denied that the car accident that killed his son occurred
because the driver was drunk and drove at high speed to avoid being chased by
reporters at the time.
Muhammad Fayed admitted that when the accident occurred,
Princess Diana was pregnant with Dodi Fayed's child, and the couple was happy
and would soon announce their engagement. Muhamad Fayed explained that it was
the British court that deliberately and had the heart to kill Princess Diana
and Dodi Fayed. The goal is that Dodi and his family are not included in the
British working family.
However, the conspiracy theory conveyed by Muhammad Fayed
was refuted. Because a doctor and close friend of Princess Diana denied that
Princess Diana was pregnant at the time. Meanwhile, Princess Diana's eldest
sister named Lady Sarah McCorquodale, even questioned Princess Diana's
relationship with Dodi Fayed because Princess Diana admitted to her friend Lady
Annabel Goldsmith that marriage to Princess Diana was like an itchy face.
6. The Assassination of the President of the United
States, John F. Kennedy
Another well-known conspiracy theory is the assassination of
the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, in November 1963 in
Dallas, Texas. When the assassination occurred, John F. Kennedy's wife, Jackie,
Texas Governor John Connelly, and Nelli's wife were also in the same car.
The first conspiracy theory is a theory that is widely
believed by the public. Soviet supporter Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots
from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository moments after President
John F Kennedy's motorcade crossed his position.
The first bullet that was fired missed, but the second
bullet is thought to have penetrated John F Kennedy's body and then passed
through the throat and hit Governor Connelly in the ribs, sitting in the front
seat of the President. Then, a third bullet shot into the side of John F
Kennedy's head.
Meanwhile, according to witnesses and secret agent Clint
Hill, they had different views when the murder took place. This raises a lot of
suspicion from the public.
According to Hill, four shots hit the back of John F Kennedy,
and all four photos were from behind. Meanwhile, according to the witnesses,
some claimed that they heard gunshots coming from the bushes, and several other
witnesses said that they saw smoke from John F Kennedy's shot, but some said there
were only three shots and not four. About John F. Kennedy.
Until now, the conspiracy theory of the assassination of
John F Kennedy is still widely circulated and believed because it is considered
that the murder case is still unsolved and unsolved.
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