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Denervation syndrome

Denervation syndrome is a set of changes that occur in the postsynaptic neurons, organs and tissues after loss of neural influences on these structures. Denervated structure (muscle, neuron) becomes sensitive to a physiologically active substance (Cannon-law Rosenbluth). The main manifestation of the syndrome in the muscle denervation is the disappearance of endplate - muscle fiber area where concentrated all his cholinergic apparatus. Instead, new acetyl choline receptors throughout the muscle fibers, and therefore is an increase in overall sensitivity to acetylcholine total fiber (AG Ginetsinskii NM Ashmarina). This effect is mainly due to loss of nerve trophic effects. Another characteristic feature - fibrillar twitching denervated muscles. This effect reflects the response of denervated muscle fibers coming to them from various third-party sources of acetylcholine.
With denervation in muscle and other tissues appears inherent properties early in particular stages of embryonic development. This phenomenon occurs as a result of pathological release suppress normal genes.

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