Violation of the nervous trophism. neurodystrophic process
Trophico cells and dystrophic process. Trophico
cells - a complex process, ensuring its ability to live and maintain a
genetically inherent properties. The disorder is trophicity dystrophy,
dystrophic changes constitute a dystrophic process.
Neurodystrophic process. It is developing a
violation trophism, which is due to loss or change of neural influences. It can
occur in both the peripheral tissues and in the nervous system itself. Loss of
nerve influences is: 1) termination of stimulation innervated structures in
connection with the violation of the neurotransmitter release or action; 2) in
violation of secretion or action komediatorov - substances that are released
along with neurotransmitters and neuromodulators play a role to ensure the
regulation of the receptor, membrane and metabolic processes; 3) in violation
of separation and action trophogenic. Trofogeny (trofiny) - various substances,
mainly protein nature, carrying out proper maintenance of the trophic effects
of life and genetically inherent properties of the cells. Trophogenic source
are: 1) the neurons of which come from the anterograde trofogeny (orthograde)
axoplasmatic current in recipient cells (neurons or other peripheral tissues
innervated); 2) peripheral tissue cells that act on nerves trofogeny with
retrograde axoplasmatic current in neurons; 3) Schwann cells and glial that
communicate with the neurons and their processes trophic substances. Substances
that act as trophogenic, also formed of serum and immune proteins. Trophic
effects can have some hormones. The regulation of trophic processes participate
peptides, gangliosides, some neurotransmitters.
By normothrophogenic include various kinds of
proteins that promote growth, differentiation and survival of neurons and
somatic cells to preserve their structural homeostasis (e.g., nerve growth
In the context of the pathology of the nervous
system produced trophic substances that cause persistent pathological changes
of the recipient cells (pathothrophogen by GN Krizhanovsky). Such materials are
synthesized, eg in the epileptic neurons - axoplasmatic acting with current in
other neurons, they can induce these neurons recipient epileptic properties.
Pathothrophogen can spread through the nervous system, both in the food web,
which is one of the mechanisms for the spread of the pathological process. Pathothrophogen
formed in other tissues.
Degenerative processes in the denervated muscle.
Synthesized in the body of the neuron and transported to the terminal with the
current axoplasmatic substances secreted nerve endings and muscle fibers come
in, performing the function trophogenic. neurothrophogenic effects seen from
experiments with cutting motor nerve: the higher the transection is made, ie,
The more trophogenic preserved in the peripheral nerve segment, the later comes
denervation syndrome. Neuron with them innervated structure (eg, muscle fiber)
forms regional trophic circuit, or a regional trophic system. If you implement
a cross-reinnervation of muscles with different initial structural and
functional characteristics (reinnervation "slow" muscle fibers of
neurons innervate "fast" muscles, and vice versa), reinnervirovannaya
muscle gains largely new dynamic characteristics "slow" becomes
"fast" , "fast" - " slow".
In denervated muscle fiber there are new trofogeny
that activate the proliferation of nerve fibers (sprouting). These effects
disappear after reinnervation.
Neurodystrophic process in other tissues. Mutual
trophic influence exist between each cloth and its nervous apparatus. When
transection of afferent nerves arise degenerative skin changes. Sciatic nerve,
which is a mixed (sensory and motor), causes the formation of dystrophic ulcers
in hock. Over time, the ulcer may increase in size and cover the entire foot.
Classic experience F. Magendie (1824), which
served as the beginning of the development of the whole problem of the nervous
trophism, is transection of the rabbit of the first branch of the trigeminal
nerve. As a result of this operation is developing ulcerative keratitis, an
inflammation around the ulcers, and in the limb with side vessels grow into the
cornea, which it normally absent. vascular ingrowth is an expression of
abnormal release of vascular cells - degenerative changes in the cornea
disappears factor that inhibits the normal growth of blood vessels in it, and
there is a factor that activates the growth.
Additional factors neurodystrophic process. The factors
involved in the development process neurodystrophic include: vascular changes
in the tissues, violations hemo- and lymphomicrocirculation, abnormal vascular
permeability, violation of transport into the cell nutrient and plastic
substances. An important pathogenetic link is the appearance of dystrophic
tissue antigens as a result of the new changes in the genetic apparatus and
protein synthesis, produced antibodies against tissue antigens, there are
autoimmune and inflammatory processes. In pathological processes said complex
also includes secondary infections of ulcer and development of infectious and
inflammatory lesions. Overall neurodystrophic tissue damage are complex
multifactorial pathogenesis (NN Zayko).
Generalized neurodystrophic process. If nervous
system damage can occur generalized forms neurodystrophic process. One of them
is shown in the form of gum lesions (ulcers, aphthous stomatitis), tooth loss,
hemorrhages in lung, mucous erosion and hemorrhage in the stomach (pylorus
frequently in) in the intestine, especially in buagynievoy flap in the rectum.
As these changes occur relatively regularly and can take place at different
chronic nerve damage, they are called the standard form of the nervous
dystrophy (AD Speransky). Often these changes occur in case of damage of higher
vegetative centers, particularly the hypothalamus (in trauma, tumors), in the
experiment with the application of a glass ball on the Turkish saddle.
All the nerves (motor, sensory, autonomic),
whatever function they are performed, are both trophic (AD Speransky).
Disorders of the nervous trophism constitute important pathogenetic link
diseases of the nervous system and the somatic nervous regulation bodies, so
correction trophic changes is a necessary part of the complex pathogenetic
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