The lipid-modulating effects of a CD4-specific recombinant antibody correlate with ZAP-70 segregation outside membrane rafts
Maxime Rigoa,†,
Soufiane Ghannama, Isabelle Navarro-Teulona, Sébastien
Mongrandb, André Pèlegrina and Thierry Chardèsa,*
The classical concept of plasma membrane, proposed by
Singer and Nicolson [1], wherein proteins diffuse freely in two-dimensional
homogeneous bi-layers, has been drastically modified during the last decade.
Indeed, membrane rafts, which are “discrete” domains with a mean diameter of
10–200 nm, can be distinguished from the rest of the membrane due to their protein
and lipid composition [2]. The ability of membrane rafts to segregate proteins
in a defined lipid environment provides a mechanism for signaling
compartmentalization in the plasma membrane by concentrating some components in
membrane rafts and excluding others. Cholesterol/sphingolipids
confer organization of membrane rafts through self-assembly but could also be
incorporated in the quaternary structure of raft-located protein complexes
(“lubrication” concept) [2], thus favoring their inclusion into and the
assembly of functionalized membrane rafts. They play a major role in the modulation
of apoptosis [3] and cell growth [4], and their targeting represents an
attractive strategy of raft-based therapeutics [5, 6]. Indeed, cholesterol
sequesters and inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis as well as
sphingolipid-modulating drugs, which mainly act on enzymes involved in ceramide
metabolism [5], regulate cell growth, differentiation, stress response and
apoptosis [7]. Ceramide accumulation occurs through two main pathways:
hydrolysis from sphingomyelin through sphingomyelinase (SMase) stimulation and de
novo synthesis by ceramide synthase activation. Interestingly, the anti-CD20
antibody rituximab [4] as well as CD40- [8] and CD95-specific [3, 9, 10] antibodies
increase in vitro ceramide release, thus rendering cells sensitive to
apoptosis or inhibition of proliferation. In vivo therapeutic synergy
between rituximab and lipids modulators, such as fenretinide [11, 12] and
aplidine [13], has been demonstrated, thus leading to the idea of combining
lipid modulators and antibodies, as proposed in a combinatorial phase I/II
clinical trial in B cell lymphoma (trial NCT00288067). Altogether, these results
clearly emphasized a dynamic crosstalk between sphingolipids/cholesterol and
proteins (lipid-protein “rheostat”) in membrane rafts that can be modulated by
antibodies [5].
found that, in Jurkat T cells, rIgG1 13B8.2, a baculovirus-expressed
recombinant IgG1 (rIgG1) anti-CD4 antibody [14,
15], induced accumulation/retention of CD4 inside membrane rafts, recruitment
of TCR, CD3z, kinases, adaptor proteins and PKC-q, but excluded ZAP-70 and its downstream
targets SLP-76, PLCg1, and Vav-1 [16]. Analysis of key
upstream events showed that modulation of ZAP-70 Tyr292 and Tyr319
phosphorylation occurred concomitantly with rIgG1 13B8.2-induced
ZAP-70 exclusion from the membrane rafts [16]. Such antibody-induced modulation
of membrane raft signaling, which leads to inhibition both of NF-kB
nuclear translocation [17] and of binding to the IL2 gene promoter [18], partly
explains the anti-proliferative effect of rIgG1 13B8.2 in T cell
lymphomas [19]; however the effects of rIgG1 13B8.2 on lipid dynamics
in membrane rafts remain unknown.
Therefore, we decided to
examine the effects of the anti-CD4 rIgG1 13B8.2
antibody on the lipid composition of membrane rafts in
a T lymphoma cell line. Here we report
that, besides CD4/ZAP-70 protein reorganization, rIgG1 13B8.2 affected
the lipid rheostat by increasing ceramide release through acid SMase activation
and decreasing phosphatidylserine synthesis without modifying the cholesterol
content of GM1-positive membrane rafts. Finally, incubation of
Jurkat T cells with exogenous SMase not only increased ceramide release, but
also segregated ZAP-70 kinase outside GM1+ membrane rafts like
following treatment with rIgG1 13B8.2.
Changes in lipid metabolism, which are closely connected to changes in
lipid membrane composition, can dramatically affect the localization and
function of membrane raft resident proteins [34]. For example, modifications of
fatty acids in membrane rafts modulate ZAP-70 phosphorylation and consequently
suppress signal transduction in T cells [35]. In a previous work
we showed that, in Jurkat T cells, the anti-CD4 antibody rIgG1
13B8.2 induces accumulation of CD4 inside membrane rafts and exclusion of the
ZAP-70 kinase and its downstream targets SLP-76, PLCg1
and Vav-1 from the raft machinery [16]. We now report that rIgG1
13B8.2 affects the lipid rheostat in GM1+ membrane
of Jurkat T cells by increasing
ceramide release through acid sphingomyelinase activation and by decreasing the
level of phosphatidylserine without modifying the cholesterol content. These
effects are correlated with ZAP-70 exclusion from membrane rafts.
undergo physiological turnover through induction of apoptosis and phagocytic
removal, partly through externalization of phosphatidylserines from the
cytosolic leaflet to the outer leaflet of the membrane. Phosphatidylserine
externalization in cells undergoing death receptor-mediated apoptosis seems to
be Ca++-dependent [36]. Our finding that rIgG1 13B8.2
lowers phosphatidylserine level in Jurkat T cells explains why treatment with rIgG1
13B8.2 did not induce
phosphatidylserine-dependent apoptosis in T cell lymphomas [19] and blocked
CD3-induced Ca++ increase and the subsequent signaling pathways [33].
Similarly, other CD4-specific antibodies have been shown to modulate
phosphatidylserine level in vitro [37].
We also report that rIgG1 13B8.2 treatment induces a time-dependent
increase in ceramide production through acid SMase activation. Activation of
the sphingomyelin/SMase/ceramide axis can be induced by radiations,
chemotherapeutic agents or receptor ligands [3, 4, 38] and, in some cases, a biphasic
ceramide release was observed with a first short-term (1-10 minutes) phase [3,
4, 39, 40] followed by a later one [39]. Such biphasic cycle was also reported following
neutral SMase activation [41]. We thus hypothesize that rIgG1
13B8.2, which triggers CD4/ZAP-70 raft reorganization mainly during the first
30-60 seconds post-treatment [16], induces ceramide release first from the membrane
sphingomyelin pool through direct acid SMase activation in the outer leaflet of
the membrane, and then stimulates a second ceramide burst either through de
novo ceramide synthesis [42], or through PKC-mediated phosphorylation of
lysosomal acid SMase leading to ceramide release [43]. The inhibition observed with
the SMase inhibitor imipramine argues in
favor of the implication of the sphingomyelin/SMase/ceramide axis, but
additional experiments are needed to assess whether the imipramine-induced
inhibition affects cell signaling. The inability of the myriocin and fumonisin
B1 inhibitors to block ceramide release suggests that de novo ceramide
synthesis is probably not activated by rIgG1
13B8.2 treatment, as previously reported for other antibodies [4, 38].
The role of antibody-mediated activation of intracellular lysosomal acid SMase
remains to be clarified. Interestingly, antibody-triggered CD40 raft clustering
[8] and ultra-violet radiations [40] also induce translocation of acid SMase
from the intracellular pool leading to ceramide release in membrane rafts [8].
Ultra-violet radiations as well as chemotherapeutic agents [44] stimulate PKC-d-mediated phosphorylation of intracellular acid SMase
leading to remodeling of the cellular cytoskeleton and further acid SMase
translocation to the membrane. Since rIgG1 13B8.2 modulates PKC-q distribution together with CD4 [16], PKC-q
could participate in the activation/phosphorylation of lysosomal acid SMase in Jurkat
T cells following treatment with rIgG1 13B8.2.
was reported to induce ceramide release in CD3-stimulated T cells concomitantly
with inhibition of Ca++ flux [32] and inhibition of IL2 production
through inhibition of NF-kB activity [45]. Ceramide also blocked IL2
production in T lymphoma cells through PKC-q-mediated,
but not TNF-a-induced, NF-kB activation [45].
Sphingomyelin appears to be a critical raft constituent that enables
translocation of signaling molecules, such as ZAP-70 and PKC-q, as demonstrated in sphingomyelin
synthase 1 knockdown cells [46].
Here we demonstrate that ZAP-70 is excluded from membrane rafts of
Jurkat T cells following treatment with bacterial SMase, probably through
sphingomyelin consumption. The use of sphingomyelin-deficient cells could
probably clarify this point. Similarly, treatment with rIgG1 13B8.2 induces ceramide release (this
work) and inhibits CD3-induced T cell activation and proliferation through
blockade of intracellular Ca++ flux, NF-kB activation and IL2 secretion [15, 33]. These events
have been associated with CD4/PKC-q
translocation inside rafts and ZAP-70 exclusion from membrane rafts [16]. All
these findings indicate that the lipid-protein rheostat in membrane rafts can
be modulated by therapeutic antibodies in order to physically structure
signaling platforms through sphingomyelin consumption/ceramide-induced
aggregation and to maximize and synergize their anti-tumoral effects through
dynamic lipid/protein partitioning inside/outside rafts.
The signaling pathways, through
which CD4/ZAP-70/PKC-q modulation and SMase-induced ceramide release could
synergize, remain to be elucidated in rIgG1 13B8.2-treated cells. Two
upstream PKC-q effectors (PDK1 [47] and ADAP [48]) and one downstream
effector (the adapter protein Carma1 [49]) could play a role because they are
involved in the PKC-q-mediated NF-kB pathway [47―49] and ceramide inhibits PKC-q-mediated NF-kB activity [45]. PDK1 recruits both PKC-q
and Carma1 to membrane rafts, phosphorylates PKC-q,
thereby regulating NF-kB activation [47]. PDK1 also phosphorylates PKC-d [50], which in turn activates lysosomal acid SMase
through phosphorylation [43], leading to ceramide release. Moreover,
sphingosine, a hydrolysis product of ceramide, can activate PDK1 by
autophosphorylation [51]. ADAP binds to Carma1 and regulates NF-kB activation [48] but also binds to PI3K-generated
phosphoinositides [52] which activate PDK1 activity [50]. Finally Carma1, upon
phosphorylation mediated by PKC-q,
bridges membrane-proximal events and nuclear signaling leading to NF-kB activation, and also organizes protein translocation
in membrane rafts [53]. We can thus hypothesize that, upon CD4 targeting by
rIgG1 13B8.2, ZAP-70 is physically excluded from membrane rafts,
this exclusion being correlated with acid SMase-mediated sphingomyelin
consumption for ceramide synthesis, thus inhibiting NF-kB activity. ADAP/PDK1 proteins are concomitantly
recruited to membrane rafts together with CD4 and PKC-q [16], enabling PI3K activation, thereby producing phosphoinositides and
further activating PDK1 and PKC-q.
PKC-q-mediated phosphorylation of acid SMase increases
ceramide release which acts as a negative feedback to control PKC activation,
thus strengthening the inhibition of NF-kB activity. These antibody-induced events lead to
inhibition of cell proliferation [19]. In conclusion, in this
work we show that besides modulating CD4/ZAP-70 in membrane rafts, rIgG1 13B8.2 activates the acid
sphingomyelinase/ceramide pathway, an important event for structuring raft
platforms and transducing CD4-related intracellular signals, which can
fine-tune the rIgG1 13B8.2-triggered
tumoral effects. These findings indicate that the assessment of the
lipid-protein rheostat in membrane rafts following treatment with
biotechnological drugs could open new avenues for raft-based therapeutics
based on the combination of lipid modulators, such as fenretinide [11, 12] and aplidine [13] or the
fatty acid synthase inhibitor C75 [54], and therapeutic antibodies.
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