The neurochemical mechanisms of pain
The functional activity of the neurophysiological
mechanisms of pain sensitivity system implemented neurochemical processes at
various levels of nociceptive and antinociceptive systems.
Peripheral nociceptors are activated under the
influence of many of the endogenous biologically active substances -.
Histamine, substance P, kinins, prostaglandins, etc. An important role in the
field in primary nociceptive neurons plays substance P. It is considered as a
mediator of pain. Capsaicin (a substance found in red pepper) is a violation of
substance P synthesis; intrathecal administration of capsaicin in the region of
the spinal cord is a long analgesia; with the effect of capsaicin could be
linked to the analgesic effect of pepper patch. At the higher levels of the
nociceptive system also has a substance P, but holding them in excitation is
carried out mainly by the neurotransmitters, which are inherent in the neurons
of these levels. In the processes of excitation in different parts of the
nociceptive system involving various neuropeptides, which, as in other parts of
the central nervous system, act as neuromodulators.
The neurochemical mechanisms of activity of
endogenous antinociceptive system implemented neuropeptides and
neurotransmitters classic. Analgesia is caused, as a rule, the combined or
sequential action of several transmitters.
Effective endogenous opioid analgesics are
neuropeptides (the enkephalins, endorphins). They depressing effect on
transmission neurons and activating it - on neurons antinociceptive system,
stimulate the system of diffuse nociceptive inhibitory control (DNIC), change
the activity of neurons in the higher parts of the brain that perceive
nociceptive stimulation and involved in the formation of painful sensations.
Their effects are also realized through the action of serotonin,
norepinephrine, and other neurotransmitters. Also induce analgesia and other
neuropeptides (neurotensin, cholecystokinin, bombesin, angiotensin, vasopressin
and others.). Substance P may also cause analgesia and inhibition of
pathological pain, even when it is in the antinociceptive action of the
structure, such as the dorsal nucleus of the seam.
From classical neurotransmitters important role in
the analgesic effects play serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, GABA. Serotonin
is a neurotransmitter antinociceptive systems at the spinal level. However, one
of the parts of the serotoninergic system activity participates in nociceptive
system, it enhances the sensitivity of nociceptive field.
Norepinephrine is also the mediator of the
descending antinociceptive system, it inhibits the activity of nociceptive
neurons in the posterior horns of the spinal cord and the nuclei of the
trigeminal nerve. Furthermore, norepinephrine suppresses pain mechanisms and at
the supraspinal level. Its analgesic effect is associated with the activation
of α-adrenergic receptors, as well as involving the serotoninergic system.
Therefore, an activator of the central α-adrenergic clonidine causes a
pronounced analgesic effect.
GABA is involved in the suppression of activity of
nociceptive neurons and pain at the spinal level. Violation of GABAergic
inhibitory processes (for example, by exposing the posterior horns of tetanus
toxin, penicillin, and others.) Causes the formation therein generator and
heavy pain of spinal origin. In the middle and medulla can inhibit GABA neurons
antinociceptive structures and weaken the mechanisms of pain relief at this
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