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Red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are potential for the development of various food products in  food  industry. The advantages of beans as raw material of food are due to their high nutrition (protein, vitamins etc), therefore they can be consumed directly as  food and as raw material in food industry. The high protein content of the red bean is one reason to produce diversified fermented products from this red bean. (example miso).
            The aim of experiment is to know the effect of various of inoculum and salt concentration on the quality of  fermented red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) product  nutritionally and organoleptically. Microbiological (Total Plate Count of Rhizopus sp spores) analysis, α-amilase and protease activity on the koji, while chemical (soluble protein, reduction sugar and lipid) analysis on the product (fermented red beans) were carried out.

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