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Liquidation and restoration of pathological system

In contrast to the physiological system, which after reaching the programmed biologically useful (adaptive), the result is eliminated, abnormal system can operate indefinitely. This is due to the persistence of pathological determinants and fixing the positive relations between the parts of the pathological system. The elimination of the system due to the weakening of pathological effects of pathological determinants and activation antisystems. It can occur naturally in mobilizing sanogenetic mechanisms and the action of therapeutic agents.
The elimination of the pathological system is carried out by a single pattern - there is a consistent normalization of those parts of the system, who experience the least impact from the pathological determinants. Therefore, reduction of pathological system at the expense of an exit from it less dependent on the determinants of pathological parts of the system. Longer other saved pathological determinant. When her disappearance may remain local, attenuated generator that does not cause significant pathological effects. Then disappears and the generator. When you activate traces of the former system of pathological latter can recover. Since relapse occurs nerve disorders which are based on pathological system.
Removal pathological system through efferent central portions at respective therapeutic effects leads to the disappearance of clinical symptoms or syndromes, as in these circumstances it may not be manifested as impaired function of the target organ. However, there are other parts of the pathological system and the threat of its recovery. Treatment aimed at normalizing the only efferent links and target organ pathologic system is not pathogenic and symptomatic.
However, this reduction of pathological system may be clinically effective. Removal of pathological system leads to a reduction in the remaining part of the resistance due to the decrease in the number of positive relationships that strengthen the system. Reducing the number of parts of the system contribute to its destabilization and elimination. It is important that decreases disruptive effect on the system other pathological CNS system.
In the early stages of the elimination of pathological determinants leads to the elimination of a pathological system. In the later stages due to the formation of secondary determinants of pathological system can either recover or continue to exist even after the elimination of the primary determinants of pathological. Securing the pathological system leads to a chronic disease process and related nervous disorders.
Fighting pathological systems, especially with complex and age-old forms, is very difficult and is not always effective. It requires complex pathogenetic therapy aimed at eliminating pathological determinants and normalization of other parts of the pathological system activation antisystems, strengthening overall control and other sanogenetic mechanisms, and should be combined with etiologic therapy to prevent action of pathogenic factors supporting pathological system.

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