A “class action” against the microenvironment: do cancer cells cooperate in metastasis ?
mechanisms of cancer cell cooperation
The main mechanisms used by cancer
cells to cooperate have been largely described, although their cooperative
potential has not been elucidated. Direct signaling via adhesion molecules
between cancer cells and surrounding non-neoplastic cells have been described
[8-9], but most of their interactions are mediated by secreted chemokines,
together with other secreted proteins (e.g. proteases) [10]. The action of
secreted factors on the microenvironment may also facilitate the survival and
progression of other tumor subclones. It has been postulated that two adjacent
tumor cells may overcome certain host defences and protect each other by means
of diffusible products [11]. Another mechanism is the formation of cancer cell
clusters: “autologous” intercellular junctions may cluster heterogeneous
subclones in tumor emboli or in invasion through a basement membrane or
endothelium [12-13]. The time dimension must also be taken into account: due to
the genetic instability of the primary tumor, the tumor microenvironment is
exposed to successive tumor subclones that may exhibit different phenotypes
[14]. Once a potential metastatic subclone has undergone a metastatic switch,
it may take advantage of the prior conditioning of the microenvironment induced
by other cancer cells.
This review details the three main
steps of the hematogenous metastatic process at which a community effect, or
“class action”, can occur: invasion and migration through the extracellular
matrix, pre-metastatic niche conditioning, final growth of macrometastasis and
the late colonization process of metastases.
and migration through the extracellular matrix
During the metastatic process,
invasion of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and migration of cancer cells occur
during primary tumor growth and after arrest of cancer cells in the endothelium
of the host organ [15]. Invasion and migration properties are closely
coordinated, and both require morphologic changes of the cancer cell: formation
of pseudopodia at the leading edge, release and activation of extracellular
matrix proteases at the invasive front, cell adhesion to proteolysed ECM and
cellular movement by detachment at the cell rear [16]. The loss of epithelioid
polarization and acquisition of an invasive phenotype are mostly acquired via
epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) [17]. However, focused analyses on the
invasive front of primary tumors revealed two phenomena which allow cooperation
between heterogeneous cancer cells: the ability of cancer cells to migrate
depends on ECM stiffness and their ability to degrade ECM components by
proteolysis [18-19].
Experimental and theoretical models
have shown that the primary invading cancer cells are highly selected in terms
of their phenotype and correspond to a few tumor clones exhibiting aggressive
traits [20]. Their migration through the ECM is accompanied by the formation of
migration tracks signaled by cell membrane material, such as integrins, released
by migrating cancer cells during their rear detachment [21-22]. The signaling
role of this cellular debris and their ability to slow matrix remodeling have
not been clearly evaluated. However, by creating a tunnel of least resistance
within the ECM and reshaping the collagen fibers at the border of the tunnel,
primary migrating cancer cells may create migrating pathways for other cancer
cells [23]. It has also been reported that collective cell movement represents
an efficient dissemination strategy. This collective migration of cancer cells
exhibits an invasive front composed of clustered promigratory, beta-1
integrin-expressing cancer cells (described as “guiding” cells) and different
cellular phenotypes at the rear end of the cell cluster [24-25]. Together with
other hypotheses, the collective migration of cancer cells may explain why
metastases of epithelial cancers still display epithelial markers and do not
exhibit a mesenchymal phenotype [26]: EMT may concern only the first guiding
cancer cells.
The late step of the migratory
pathway within the microenvironment of the primary tumor is intravasation, i.e
release of cancer cells into blood or lymph [27]. Some studies have
demonstrated the active involvement of specific molecular determinants, such as
adhesion molecules or chemokines [28-30]n, while others have reported the
importance of passive, unregulated mechanisms of cancer cell release into lymph
or blood vessels [1]. In clinical studies reporting the existence of
circulating cancer cells in disseminated breast cancers, the number of
circulating cancer cells appeared to be at least partially linked to disease
progression [31] after an initial biological regulation [32]. These clinical
observations are not in favor of a tight regulation of the intravasation
process throughout tumor growth. To explain how circulating cancer cells may be
a ”biological staging beyond tumor burden“, we propose that early intravasating
cancer cells require specific molecular determinants, and that subsequent
cancer cells may take advantage of an altered endothelium to passively
Premetastatic niche conditioning
Circulating cancer cells are
released into the blood by nonmetastatic primary tumors, as documented by many
clinical studies [33]. Many biological studies, including those using in vivo videomicroscopy, have shown that
the vast majority of these circulating cells cannot form metastases or
micrometastases [34-36]. This has been described by the well known term
“metastatic inefficiency” [37]. As these cells do not directly form
macrometastases, no study has specifically reported the microenvironmental
changes induced by these “inefficient” cancer cells. Concerning modification of
the extracellular matrix by early migrating cancer cells, we can postulate that
the host-organ microenvironment may be conditioned by certain circulating cells
to promote the establishment of metastasis by other cancer cells (Figure 1).
A simple experiment in a human
colorectal model of metastasis reported that E Selectin expression by
endothelial cells mediated the arrest of cancer cells in the liver [38]. After
injection of cancer cells into the portal vasculature, E Selectin was strongly
upregulated in the liver, thereby facilitating the arrest of further incoming
cancer cells [39]. More recently, E Selectin expression by sinusoidal
endothelial cells was shown to be only part of the proinflammatory response of
the host-organ microenvironment to arrested cancer cells: release of TNF-alpha
by Kupffer cells, and P-Selectin, VCAM-1, and ICAM-1 expression by sinusoidal
endothelial cells [40-41]. This process is one of the first steps leading to
the creation of a favorable metastatic niche. Other alterations of the
endothelial microenvironment can also upregulate the metastatic process:
expression of integrin adhesion molecules in cancer cells and the endothelium,
matrix metalloproteinases, and chemotactic factors that promote the attachment
of tumor cells to the vessel wall and/or transvascular penetration [42-43]. Not
surprisingly, together with intravascular tumor emboli of the primary tumor
[44], prometastatic intravascular “homotypic” adhesive interactions
between circulating cancer cells have also been reported at the site of primary
attachment to the endothelium [12,45]. These two kinds of cellular cluster may
also promote cooperation against the host-organ microenvironment.
In addition to activation of the
endothelium and clustering of cancer cells, a primary tumor may also trigger
the recruitment of bone-marrow derived cells at future metastatic sites. It has
been reported that the secretion of inflammatory chemokines, induced by the
primary tumor, attracts both cancer cells and MAC1+ myeloid cells in the
premetastatic lung [46]. Moreover, VEGFR1+ / VLA-4+ bone marrow-derived
hematopoietic progenitor cells may form a premetastatic niche in future host
organs, and their recruitment is mediated by signaling factors secreted by
cancer cells [47-48]. However, it has not been reported whether or not
proliferation at the metastatic site is restricted to the cancer cells which
were initially responsible for the recruitment of metastasis-facilitating bone
marrow cells. Importantly, in the reported experiments, the metastatic pattern
(i.e. preferential homing of metastasizing cells) of injected tumor cells
depended on the conditioned microenvironment, but not on their own intrinsic
metastatic pattern. In the absence of supplementary experiments, it can be
hypothesized that chemokine-secreting subclones of the primary tumor are
responsible for initiation of the premetastatic niche, but that the resulting
conditioned microenvironment may also be a niche for other tumor subclones.
V. Final growth
and colonization of macrometastases
The early growth and regulation of
micrometastatic cancer cells within a host organ remain unclear. Many studies
have reported that bone marrow micrometastases (BM MM) are a strong prognostic
factor for metastatic relapse of early breast cancers [49-50], in accordance
with our results [51]. After successful dissemination, isolated cancer cells
appear to undergo a dormancy phase which could last several years, before some
of them grow into macrometastases [52]. Strikingly, BM MM have almost completed
the metastatic process but still remain genetically and phenotypically
heterogeneous [53-55]. In the breast cancer adjuvant setting, 40 months after
completion of treatment, the detection of BM MM and circulating cancer cells
were not correlated in patients, and only BM MM had a significant impact on
survival. Although circulating cancer cells had no prognostic significance in
the overall population, their detection resulted in an especially poor
prognosis for the few patients who also exhibited BM MM [56]. It can be
hypothesized that circulating cancer cells might form macrometastases when the
local microenvironment has been favorably conditioned by other cancer cells
(namely BM MM), but this hypothesis needs to be further investigated.
The late growth of metastases, after the start
of secondary proliferation by metastasizing cancer cells, has been studied in
our laboratory. Although the underlying molecular determinants have not been
determined, we demonstrated colonization of metastases by nonmetastatic
circulating cancer cells [57]. These types of tumor subpopulation interactions
in metastasis were also indirectly reported in a murine model [58]. We
concluded that the late part of the metastatic process creates a favorable
microenvironment for the arrest and growth of other tumor subclones. This
cooperative process could also explain why primary tumors and macrometastases
may exhibit a similar molecular profile after clonal initiation of metastases
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